Sarah Kate Michel
20 Brunswick Park Road, N11 1JJ, London, UK
Tel: +442035811812; Mobile: +447411982461
Personal statement
After 8 years working in schools as an English teacher while working freelance as an interpreter and translator (Indonesian and German to English), I now live in London, where I have dedicated myself fully to working as an interpreter and translator.
Key skills and Achievements
I am fluent in Indonesian and German to near native level. I grew up and attended school in Munich, Germany, and spent 7 years in Medan, Indonesia. I did German as well as Economics, Geography and History in German as part of the European Baccalaureate, and studied Indonesian and translation at universities in Indonesia and England.
Translating Experience
I have worked as a freelance translator and proof-reader for various companies such as American Express, Lovely Holidays, SOS Orang-utan, Expedition Jungle and Samsung. I have been translating for nearly 10 years now. My current clients include Tolingo, Isaan Translations, Top Translations and an end client, Inside Sumatera travel magazine.
Interpreting Experience
I work as a freelance German to English/ Indonesian to English telephone interpreter for Language Line in for the areas of Medicine, Finance and Insurance.
Proofreading and Editing
Checking pupil’s work and frequent proofreading for the school periodical, as well as proofreading for clients has trained me to quickly find errors.
Word processing/ Layout
Microsoft Office to produce reports and letters and to prepare presentations with Microsoft Word, Power Point and Excel. Editor and contributor of the periodical/ newsletter team. Typing 30 to 40 wpm, I can translate general texts at about 15 – 20 wpm. I produce professional documents with layouts true to the original PDFs.
Customer Service
As a teacher, customer service advisor, German telephone researcher and telephone interpreter, I have been able to demonstrate my excellent customer service skills, even in situations where the client has been annoyed.
Organised two successful drama productions with more than 100 pupils and teachers involved. The productions were part of the annual Open House event which aims to attract new pupils. Supervised, mentored and supported up to 14 teachers at any given time as head of the English Department.
Career summary
*Full time
Translator/ Interpreter July 2011 to present Self-employed, London
*German Telephone April 2011 to 30th of June, 2011 Wilmington/ AP Publishing, London
Researcher on
Pension Funds
*Volunteer Teacher May 2011/ June 2011 Risley Avenue Primary School
*Kindergarten Teacher Nov 2010 to April 2011 Smiley Kidz Kindergarten, Phuket
*Coordinator and April 2006 to Oct 2010 PrimeOne School, Medan
Teacher of English
and Drama
*Private Tutor March 2005 to March 2006 Self- employed, Medan
*Kindergarten and EFL Sept 2004 to Feb 2005 Twinkleland School, Medan
*German/ English June 2003 to June 2004 Maxim Semiconductors, Munich
Customer Service
*Research Assistant Aug 2002 to May 2003 German Youth Institute, Munich
Training and qualification
B.A. Hons in Southeast Sept 1998 to June 2002 University of Hull
Asian Studies and
Indonesian Language
Indonesian Language Sept 2000 to June 2001 Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta
and Culture (Year abroad)
Guitar, Singing, Reading, Travel, Martial Arts, Translation, Interpreting
Translation Referees
Sander Wiener
Isaan Translations
Isaan Translations Co., Ltd.
Phone +66 44 92 8806 Fax +66 44 92 8805 Mobile +66 83 1261 884
Skype isaantrans
Marc Ghannoum
Researcher for
“Workgroup evaluating the use of dialysis and blood purification in poisoning”
MARULI DAMANIK (Indonesian to English)
Tel: +628126021970 , +6281370701997
Jl. Ir Juanda Baru No. 55A-B , Medan - Indonesia , Post Code : 20159
Phone : +6261-4528853
Email :
Website :
Tikwan Raya Siregar, (Indonesian to English)
Chief Editor, Inside Sumatera Magazine
Jalan Sisingamangaraja 18
20213 Medan
Phone: +62617364213
Reference Letter from Inside Sumatera (Regular Translator since 1st of August, 2009)
General Employment Referees
Mr. Marek Handzel, Managing Director
Wilmington Business Intelligence
6-14 Underwood Street
London, N1 7JQ
Tel: 020 7566 8252 Mobile: 07966 566 278
Ms. Fauziah Lubis, Academic Director of PrimeOne School
PrimeOne School, Jl. AH.Nasution/ Tritura No. 88A, 20217 Medan
Telephone: +6281397417957
Email: ,
Mrs. Peng Peng Hendrickson (Christine), Principal of Smiley Kidz
Smiley Kidz International Kindergarten, 10/28 Moo3 Jonthong Thani Village, Chaofa Road,
Vichit muang, Phuket 83000 Thailand
Telephone: 076-521550