Publications/Outputs Guidelines

All publications and outputs produced by University of Otago staff (including clinical, honorary, visiting, and emeritus staff) and students are recorded for various uses by the University and departments including:

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·  University of Otago outputs listings

·  University of Otago annual reports

·  External accreditation processes

·  Department prospectuses

·  Departmental reviews

·  Department reports

·  Department web pages

·  Funding applications

·  Institutional reviews

·  External reviews

·  PBRF rounds

·  CVs

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·  Citation lists and statistics can be provided in various styles for use in any of the above. Please contact the Publications/Outputs Office at 479-8340, 479-3783 or

·  All publications/outputs are available for viewing at

·  Outputs that occur on a regular basis will, where possible, be automatically sourced and entered each year, (eg major annual conferences, Departmental Working Paper Series). For a list of automatically sourced publications/outputs please contact the Publications/Outputs Office.

·  RSS feeds automatically source many outputs with University of Otago attributed authors. As not all outputs will be located this way, please check the Searchable Database and submit only those not automatically sourced or any additional outputs to the Publications/Outputs Office for manual data entry as noted below.

·  All publications/outputs produced by an individual staff member in a given year will be entered if that individual was an employee of the University of Otago at any time during that year. Eg if employment started in July 2009 any publications/outputs from January 2009 will be recorded and attributed to their University of Otago department.

·  Publications/outputs for the years before the staff member was employed by the University of Otago can also be submitted and entered. These will be recorded as ‘External Institution’ records and will be available for the staff member’s personal use in PBRF rounds, CVs etc. These records will not be attributed to departmental citation lists or statistics.

·  Departmental Research/Study Days are eligible for entry into the database (select from E1, E2, E3, E4 or E5 categories as appropriate depending on publishing status or availability on the internet).

·  Department Seminars are eligible for entry into the database (these will be entered in the Q category with the subtitle of Department Seminar)

·  Newspaper and magazine articles are now eligible for entry into the database (these will generally not be PBRF eligible so D3 would be an appropriate category)

·  For publications/outputs not automatically recorded, please complete and attach one coversheet per submission (see page 2). Coversheets can be downloaded from the Research web page at:

·  Verifying evidence must be supplied for auditing requirements. See the Publications/Outputs Category Descriptions table (pages 5-12) for specific evidence requirements.

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Publications/Outputs Coversheet 20__

Staff Member(s): / ______

Attach the required evidence and submit to the Publications/Outputs Office, Centre for Innovation, University of Otago, Dunedin.

Originals used as verification evidence will be copied and returned.

If not stated on the evidence please also indicate:

Student Author(s) Name(s) / Student(s) Department / External Author(s) name(s)
Yes / No
Is the Output Quality Assured?
(as per the PBRF definition - see weblink below) / Tick if the Output is Confidential

Please select ONE category per output:

ü / Category / ü / Category
A1 / Authored Book - Research / F / Intellectual Property
A2* / Authored Book – Other / G / Software
B1 / Edited Book - Research / H / Commissioned Report for External Body
B2* / Edited Book - Other / I / Performance
C1 / Chapter in Book - Research / J / Composition/Musical Score
C2* / Chapter in Book – Other / K / Design
D1 / Journal – Research Article / L / Exhibition
D2 / Journal – Research Other / M / Artefact/Object/Craftwork
D3* / Journal – Professional & Other Non-Research Articles / N / Film/Video/CD ROM
E1 / Conference Contribution – Published proceedings: Full paper / O / Creative Work
E2 / Conference Contribution – Published proceedings: Abstract / P / Working Paper/Discussion Paper/Technical Report
E3 / Conference Contribution – Editor of conference proceedings / Q / Other – Please Specify
E4 / Conference Contribution – Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings) / Q2 / Journal Editor, Journal Section Editor
E5 / Conference Contribution – Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs (not in published proceedings) / R1 / Awarded Doctoral Degree
(Staff member’s own)
R2 / Awarded Masters Degree
(Staff member’s own)

* Not PBRF eligible (as per the PBRF definition - see weblink below)

Verifying evidence is required for auditing and PBRF purposes and can include (as appropriate for category):

Authors, Title (conference, presentation, exhibition, report, book, chapter, journal, article), Publication Year, Publisher and Place Published, Page Numbers, Volume and Issue number, ISBN/ISSN Number, Editors, Web address, CD-ROM, Exhibition/Performance dates, Exhibition/Performance venue (see weblink below)

For further information go to:

Or contact the Publications/Outputs Office: 479 8340, 479 3783 or

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Evidence required for verification/audit:

Publications/outputs recorded in the database must have supporting verification evidence, preferably from a primary source (eg presenter and presentation title listed on the conference programme or website that also shows the conference date and location)

Acceptable forms of verifying evidence could include:

·  Photocopies of the relevant pages from a journal, book or conference proceedings

·  DOI

·  Printout of the relevant details of a publication from a journal database, publisher’s website or conference website

·  Copy of a certificate of presentation/attendance if provided by the conference organisers

NB: handwritten information (such as an ISSN or page number, or publication date) is unable to be used, please supply a copy of the information it is being handwritten from.

The evidence must include all of the details required for the category and be in a verifiable form but does not need to be an original copy. Originals supplied for evidence will be copied and returned.

The details required on verifying evidence vary for different output categories and are shown in the Publications/Outputs Category Descriptions Table – see pages 5-12.

Contact the Publications/Outputs Office if there are questions about the suitability of evidence or difficulties with the availability of evidence.

In extreme cases only, a signed letter from your HOD or other senior academic verifying the output may be accepted as evidence. Decisions regarding this will be made on a case-by-case basis, please contact the Publications/Outputs Office at 479 8340, 479 3783 or

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Publications/Outputs Category Descriptions Table

Cat Code


PBRF eligible


Category Name


Inclusions and Description


Evidence required for verification/audit

A1 / Yes / Authored Book - Research / An Authored Book must be written entirely by a single author or by joint authors who share responsibility for the whole book.
Outputs in this category must meet the PBRF definition of research and may include
·  Research Monographs
·  Textbooks based on significant research by the author(s)
·  Scholarly Editions
·  Revisions/New Editions of the above providing this includes substantial new research material
·  Novels/Poetry / ·  Authors
·  Publication Year
·  Book Title
·  Editors (if applicable)
·  Publisher
·  Place Published
·  Page Numbers (first and last)
·  ISBN Number
A2 / No / Authored Book - Other / Outputs in this category are not PBRF eligible and may include
·  Textbooks with no significant research input by the author(s)
·  Books published by private individuals and privately funded companies, eg. “vanity presses”
·  Non-refereed Government Department publications
·  Programme reports
·  Revisions/New Editions/Translations of all category A2 books and any category A1 books which do not include new material / ·  As Above
B1 / Yes / Edited Book - Research / The Edited Book category refers to the editing of a book in which individual chapters have been written by different authors.
Outputs in this category must meet the PBRF definition of research and may include
·  Research Monographs
·  Textbooks where significant background research is required
·  Scholarly Editions
·  Translations of published books where the translation requires significant background research
·  Annotated Anthologies where research informs the annotations
·  Revisions/New Editions of the above providing this includes substantial new research material / ·  Editors
·  Publication Year
·  Book Title
·  Publisher
·  Place Published
·  Page Numbers (first and last)
·  ISBN Number
B2 / No / Edited Book – Other / Outputs in this category are not PBRF eligible and may include
·  Textbooks with no significant research content
·  Books published by private individuals and privately funded companies, eg. “vanity presses”
·  Non-refereed Government department publications
·  Programme reports
·  Translations of published books with no significant background research
·  Revisions/New Editions of all category B2 books and any category B1 books which do not include new material / ·  As Above
C1 / Yes / Chapter in Book – Research / The Book Chapter category refers to a contribution to an Edited Book.
Outputs in this category must meet the PBRF definition of research and may include entries in
·  Encyclopaedias and Reference Works
·  Research Monographs
·  Textbooks incorporating research content
·  Scholarly Editions
·  Translations of chapters where the translation requires significant background research
·  Revisions/New Editions providing this includes substantial new research material / ·  Authors
·  Publication Year
·  Book Title
·  Chapter Title
·  Editors
·  Publisher
·  Place Published
·  Page Numbers (first and last)
·  ISBN Number
C2 / No / Chapter in Book – Other / Outputs in this category are not PBRF eligible and may include entries in
·  Textbooks with no significant research content
·  Books published by private individuals and privately funded companies
·  Non-refereed Government department publications
·  Translations of chapters with no significant background research
·  Revisions/New Editions of all category C2 chapters and any category C1 chapters which do not include new material / ·  As Above
D1 / Yes / Journal - Research Article / Outputs in all Journal categories can include those in on-line journals as well as in print.
Publications in this category must meet the PBRF definition of research and may include
·  Full Research Articles – (which may include research-based articles in professional journals)
·  Major Reviews
·  Letters to Nature
·  Critical scholarly texts which appear in article form / ·  Authors
·  Publication Year
·  Title of Article
·  Journal Name
·  Volume/Issue Number
·  Page Numbers (first and last)
·  DOI
·  ISSN Number
·  Web Address (if on-line journal)
D2 / Yes / Journal – Research Other / Outputs in this category must meet the PBRF definition of research and may include
·  Commentaries and brief communications of original research
·  Editorials
·  Book Reviews
·  Letters to the Editor
·  Case Studies / ·  As Above
D3 / No / Journal – Professional and Other Non-Research Articles / Outputs in this category are non-research based and are not PBRF eligible and may include
·  Non-quality assured articles designed to inform a professional field
·  Reviews of art exhibitions, concerts or theatre productions
·  Case Studies
·  Editorials
·  Letters to the Editor
·  Book Reviews
·  Other non-research articles
·  Newspaper and Magazine articles / ·  As Above
E1 / Yes / Conference Contribution – Published proceedings: Full paper / Outputs in this category must meet the PBRF definition of research and refers to
·  Full written papers that appear in published conference proceedings.
·  Includes Extended abstracts. The qualifier [Extended abstract] will be added at the end of the title.
The conference proceedings may be published in a number of formats such as
- Volume of proceedings
- Special or normal edition of a journal
- Book or a monograph
- Web site / ·  Authors
·  Publication Year
·  Title of Conference Paper
·  Title of Conference Proceedings or Journal or Monograph
If Applicable:
·  Volume/Issue Number
·  Page Numbers (first and last)
·  DOI
·  ISSN/ISBN Number
·  Publisher/ Place Published
·  Web Address if on-line Proceedings
E2 / Yes / Conference Contribution – Published proceedings: Abstract / Outputs in this category must meet the PBRF definition of research and refers to
·  Abstracts of papers that appear in published conference proceedings, including Posters.
The conference proceedings may be published in a number of formats as in E1 above / ·  As Above
E3 / Yes / Conference Contribution – Editor of conference proceedings / Outputs in this category must meet the PBRF definition of research and refers to
·  Having editorial responsibility of a written conference proceedings for full papers or abstracts/posters
The conference proceedings may be published in a number of formats as in E1 above / ·  Editors
·  Publication Year
·  Conference Proceedings Title
·  Publisher/Place Published
·  Page Numbers (first and last)
·  ISSN/ISBN Number
·  Web Address if on-line Proceedings
E4 / Yes / Conference Contribution – Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings) / Outputs in this category must meet the PBRF definition of research and refers to
·  Poster presentations at a conference
·  Includes Departmental Research/Study Days and PhD colloquiums etc / ·  Authors
·  Title of Poster
·  Name of Conference
·  Date/Year of Conference
·  Location of Conference
E5 / Yes / Conference Contribution – Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs (not in published proceedings) / Outputs in this category must meet the PBRF definition of research and may include
·  Verbal presentations made at a conference including Keynote/Invited addresses
·  Other conference outputs not included in above conference categories eg Panel Members, Debate Participant