August 17, 2015

Also present: Board Chair Clark


Jim Miles and Deb Taylor discussed the 2015 County Tourism Update to include but not limited to the following:

o Redesign of

o Website User Review: survey completed in early 2015

o Website changes to include: overhaul of content architecture, complete redesign of Outdoor section, improved listing search functionality, improved mapping and directions on individual listing pages, creation of event categories and outputs

o Re-branding Study currently being completed

o Conducted a Request for Proposal process for the DMCOC Agency- AdWorkShop was chosen

o Individual hired for the new sales and marketing position

o Collaboration with I Love NY

o Collaboration with Central NY Region on programs such as: Brew Central, CNY Fresh, Path through History,

o Attended several trade shows

o Hosted Familiarization Tours and Travel Writers

o Website traffic up by 6%

o Clicks to online bookings up by 18%

o Outbound clicks increased by 55%

o Significant rise in PDF downloads-up by 62%

o Facebook fans at 87% goal

o Twitter followers up by 30%

o 182 followers on Instagram

o Email database grew by 7%-46,881 contacts

o Oneonta stats: lodging up 38%, attractions up 19%, dining up 6%

o Discussions on travelers spending trends

o 2014 Revenue Summary

o Smith Travel Research Report

The committee discussed the importance of collaboration with other Counties for the MV 500. Deb Taylor noted that she has been working with Oneida and Schoharie Counties closely.


Lori Lehenbauer requested approval to fill a vacant funded Machine Custodian position. Representative Rowinski moved for approval. Seconded, Gelbsman. Total: 5; Ayes: 5. Motion carried.

Sheila Ross and Representative Clark proposed abolishing 2 PT Election Commissioners and creating 2 FT Election Commissioners and making the 2 current Deputy Commissioners the Commissioners, noting no changes to the budget if salaries were combined.

Sheila Ross stated that this is something that needs to be done as it is hard to not be in the office full time and be up to date on what is happening.

Representative Rowinski moved for approval to create 2 FT Election Commissioner Positions and abolish 2 PT Election Commissioners and to combine such salaries. Seconded, Rosenthal. Total: 5; Ayes: 5. Motion carried.


Erik Scrivener requested approval to submit an application for mobile home replacement and rehabilitation funding with NYS CDBG due in September 2016 and for the County to enter into a contract agreement with the State upon award, noting that up to $850,000 could be awarded.

Representative Gelbsman discussed the concern of affordable housing in Oneonta and Cooperstown and if there are any funding opportunities available. Erik Scrivener and Karen Sullivan noted that they can look into funding opportunities for affordable housing but at this time they are not aware of any. Representative Hulse asked that the Planning Department look at other programs that could help address the concern and reach out to see what other Counties are doing as affordable housing is a priority.

Representative Gelbsman exited the meeting.

Representative Rosenthal moved for approval for the Planning Department to submit an application for mobile home replacement and rehabilitation funding with NYS CDBG due in September 2016 and for the County to enter into a contract agreement with the State upon award. Seconded, Rowinski. Total: 5; Ayes: 4; Absent: 1- Gelbsman. Motion carried.

Representative Hulse discussed forming a Housing Committee to address affordable housing concerns. Representative Rosenthal moved for approval to form an Ad Hoc Housing Committee and appoint individuals from the following agencies to include but not limited to: Department of Social Services, Planning, City of Oneonta, Village of Cooperstown, ORHA, Board of Representatives, Opportunities for Otsego and Thoma Development Consultants. Seconded, Quackenbush. Total: 5; Ayes: 3; Absent: 2-Gelbsman and Rowinski. Motion carried.

The committee discussed having the Housing Committee meet next week to establish a Mission Statement and goals for affordable housing to discuss at the next MV 500 meeting.


Kelly Byrnes discussed entering into a spare bus lease and service agreement with ARC, noting that the County was leasing a Birnie Bus vehicle to operate Route 5, which was costing $4980 per month but ARC bought a new bus to operate the route. Kelly Byrnes stated that they requested that ARC look around for used buses to purchase so that there would be no extra to pay for the leased vehicle. Mr. Byrnes stated that the ARC bought 3 old buses from Tioga County for $2,568 to be used as spares, which significantly lowers the County’s monthly bill for this route. Mr. Byrnes stated that per NYSDOT requirements, the two buses with useful life left have to belong to the County for the remainder of their useful life and once that expires, they will go directly to ARC, but until then, the County has to lease the buses to ARC at the cost of $1.

Kelly Byrnes requested approval to enter into a contract agreement with ARC Otsego for Route 5 Oneonta to East Worcester. Representative Quackenbush moved for approval. Seconded, Rowinski. Total: 5; Ayes: 4; Absent: 1-Gelbsman. Motion carried.

Kelly Byrnes requested approval to enter into a service and lease agreement for Route 5 with the ARC Otsego for the lease of the buses at the cost of $1. Representative Rowinski moved for approval. Seconded, Quackenbush. Total: 5; Ayes: 4; Absent: 1-Gelbsman. Motion carried.


Karen Sullivan stated that 1 response was received for the RFP for the grant administration of the Cooperstown Distillery and Springbrook projects noting that it was from Thoma Development Consultants. Representative Hulse moved for approval to accept the RFP from Thoma Development Consultants for the grant administration of the Cooperstown Distillery and Springbrook projects. Seconded, Rowinski. Total: 5; Ayes: 4; Absent: 1-Gelbsman. Motion carried.


Representative Hulse requested approval to pay an invoice that was received from Harry Sicherman for services rendered to the Brook’s Subsurface Disposal Treatment Plant in the amount of $3,327.54 and that was approved by Thoma Development Consultants. Representative Rosenthal moved for approval. Seconded, Quackenbush. Total: 5; Ayes: 4; Absent: 1-Gelbsman. Motion carried.


Ellen Coccoma requested an executive session to discuss the financial history of particular persons. Representative Quackenbuh moved for approval. Seconded, Rosenthal. Total: 5; Ayes: 4; Absent: 1-Gelbsman. Motion carried.

There being no further business to discuss, the committee adjourned until Thursday, September 17th, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at the County Office Building.