Dr. Okine 4
Summer Session I 2006
Instructor: Dr. Okine Email: Office Phone: 910.790.9500
Office Hours: after class & by appointment
Office Location: Chrysalis Center for Counseling and Eating Disorder Treatment, 3806 Park Ave, Wilmington, N.C. 28403 (in Cedar Park Office Plaza between Floral Parkway & 39th Ave)
Class Time: Mondays-Thursdays, 8-10:05am Class Location: S & B, Room 216
Required Text: Barlow, D.H., & Durand, V.M. (2005). Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach (4th Ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.
Recommended Text: American Psychiatric Association (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR). DC: Author.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course will teach you to:
§ Identify the symptoms, diagnostic criteria, prognosis, and associated features for each psychiatric disorder.
§ Become familiar with relevant research regarding the etiology and treatments for each psychiatric disorder.
§ Gain a deeper understanding of the experience of people with psychiatric disorders and the impact of the disorder on people’s lives.
§ Lectures will be used to clarify, emphasize, and go beyond text material.
§ Discussion will be used to help you understand and apply relevant principles, theories, and research.
§ Student Presentations will expand your knowledge about various psychiatric disorders.
§ Case studies & guest speakers will provide information about the experience and treatment of various psychiatric disorders.
§ Attendance and Active Participation: Attendance and active participation are extremely important. If you do not attend class regularly, you will not get much out of it and will not do as well on the quizzes and exams. You are still responsible for all information covered in class, whether you were there or not. Please note that I will not re-teach course material for classes you have missed.
§ Late Assignments and Exams: Late assignments and exams will receive lower scores. If you have a legitimate reason for needing to turn in an exam or assignment late, such as sickness, death in the family, etc., it is your responsibility to provide a timely explanation and appropriate documentation, such as a written medical excuse. Please be advised that penalties for late assignments or exams will be at my discretion and will be determined on an individual basis.
§ Students with Disabilities: In accordance with Section 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the University of North Carolina at Wilmington attempts to accommodate all students with a documented disability. Various aids, such as sign language interpreters, readers, testing accommodations, etc., are available to students through Disability Services. If you require such services, please let me know and contact Disability Services as soon as possible.
§ Upsetting Material: Certain topics in the syllabus may cause discomfort or other strong emotional reactions from some students. If you believe that in-class discussion of such material may be more than you can handle, please see me so that we can make appropriate arrangements.
§ Academic Honesty: In this class, it is assumed that each student and myself will act in a professional and honest manner. Therefore, any student who engages in an act of academic dishonesty, such as plagiarizing (copying from any source without using quotations and referencing) or cheating on an exam, will receive a failing grade for that assignment or exam and possibly a failing grade for the course. Please review the sections on Academic Standards, Cheating, and Plagiarism in the Code of Student Conduct in the University Undergraduate Catalog. If you have questions about academic honesty or the expectations of this course for a particular assignment, please let me know.
§ Exams: There will be 3 in-class exams, each worth 50 points. Exams will test your ability to diagnose psychiatric disorders from numerous vignettes. Exams will be noncumulative, i.e., they will test only the material covered in a specific segment of the course. The format will be primarily multiple-choice.
§ Quizzes: There will be 10 in-class quizzes, each worth 15 points. Quizzes will be given at the end of each unit and will be based primarily on the text. Please note that dates for quizzes are approximate and may be adjusted based on our progress through course material.
§ Character Diagnosis: You are required to complete a paper and presentation based on a character in TV, the movies, or a book. This assignment is worth 50 points. Your paper will be due during the class corresponding to the disorder you selected. See below for a more thorough description.
GRADING: Grades will be assigned as followed:
A: 93-100% (325.5-350) C-: 70-72% (245-255)
A-: 90-92% (315-325) D+: 67-69% (234.5-244)
B+: 87-89% (304.5-314) D: 63-66% (220.5-234)
B: 83-86% (290.5-304) D-: 60-62% (210-220)
B-: 80-82% (280-290) F: under 60% (under 210)
C+: 77-79% (269.5-279)
C: 73-76% (255.5-269)
Date / Class / Assignments5.18.06 / #1 - Introduction to Psychopathology & Clinical Diagnosis / Read chapter 3
5.22.06 / #2 - Clinical Assessment & Theories
Quiz 1 / Read chapters 2 & 3
5.23.06 / #3 – Anxiety Disorders / Read chapter 5
5.24.06 / #4 – Anxiety Disorders
Quiz 2
5.25.06 / #5 – Somatoform Disorders / Read chapter 6
5.29.06 / No Class – Memorial Day Observed
5.30.06 / #6 – Dissociative Disorders
Quiz 3 / Read chapter 6
5.31.06 / #7 – Mood Disorders / Read chapter 7
6.1.06 / #8 – Mood Disorders & Suicide
Quiz 4
Exam 1 (chapters 5, 6, 7) distributed
6.5.06 / #9 – Eating Disorders / Read chapter 8
Exam 1 due at start of class
6.6.06 / #10 – Sleeping Disorders
Quiz 5 / Read chapter 8
6.7.06 / #11 – Sexual Dysfunctions, Paraphilias, & Gender Identity Disorders
Quiz 6 / Read chapter 10
6.8.06 / #12 – Substance-Related Disorders
Exam 2 (chapters 8, 10, 11) distributed / Read chapter 11
6.12.06 / #13 – Impulse Control Disorders
Quiz 7 / Read chapter 11
Exam 2 due at end of class
6.13.06 / #14 – Personality Disorders / Read chapter 12
6.14.06 / #15 – Personality Disorders
Quiz 8
6.15.06 / #16 – Schizophrenia & Other Psychotic Disorders
Quiz 9 / Read chapter 13
6.19.06 / #17 –Developmental Disorders
Quiz 10 / Read chapter 14
6.20.06 / Exam 3 (chapters 12, 13, 14):
8:00-11:00am (S&B 216)
*Please note that quiz dates are approximate and may be adjusted based on our progress through the course material.
Character Diagnosis: Paper & Presentation
Follow the rubric below:
1) Indicate the celebrity and/or role he/she plays.
2) Identify the film, television show, or venue your character is from (provide a copy or excerpt of the source, if possible).
3) Using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV-TR):
a) Give an Axis I diagnosis, if applicable. Indicate the DSM-IV-TR numerical code. Demonstrate that your character/celebrity meets the DSM-IV-TR criteria for the disorder.
b) Give an Axis II Diagnosis, if applicable. Indicate the DSM-IV-TR numerical code. Demonstrate that your character/celebrity meets the DSM-IV-TR criteria for the disorder.
c) Give an Axis III Diagnosis, if applicable, if known, and if relevant to their Axis I and/or Axis II diagnosis(es).
d) Give Axis IV information. Provide any psychosocial information that might support your character’s diagnosis. For instance, a mention of a rigid family environment might accentuate a diagnosis on Axis II of Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder. Be specific as to the environmental circumstances and influences that are operating on this character.
e) Give an Axis V score. Scores range from 1—100. See the scale from lecture notes or in the DSM-IV-TR for guidance. Provide a rationale as to why or how you arrived at the GAF score. The score should reflect the disorder(s) you have diagnosed, the signs and symptoms you observed and reported, and how the person is functioning in their life.
4) Provide some general information about the disorder(s) you have diagnosed. Things such as average age of onset, prevalence, incidence, relevant gender information, course, prognosis for recovery, treatment options, etc. Basically, you should provide updated facts about the disorder(s) you have diagnosed from the text, DSM-IV-TR, articles, books, and book chapters (no websites!).
5) Discuss your character’s prognosis for recovery. Include a qualitative indication such as Poor, Average, Above Average, Excellent, etc., regarding the likelihood of recovery. Then, outline a treatment program that you would recommend. Provide an explanation for why you have chosen the particular form of treatment(s) you have.
* Share an actual copy of the media (CD, DVD, VHS, etc.) with the class.
Character Diagnosis: Guidelines for Written Papers and Presentations
Indicate who the character is; indicate the film, show or venue your character is from; and provide an excerpt of the source / 2
Give an Axis I diagnosis, if applicable, including the numerical code and any appropriate specifiers / 5
Give an Axis II diagnosis, if applicable, including the numerical code / 5
Give an Axis III diagnosis, if applicable; provide any medical information that might support or relate to your character’s diagnosis / 2
Give an Axis IV description; provide any psychosocial information that might support or relate to your character’s diagnosis. / 2
Give an Axis V score (from 1—100), with a description of that GAF category from the DSM. Give specific description of what you have observed or discovered or surmised about this person’s current level of functioning that would fit with this number. / 2
Epidemiology and Etiology: Discuss age of onset, prevalence, causes, course, prognosis, etc. for this disorder. / 5
Prognosis for your character / 2
Recommended course of treatment, i.e., would you recommend outpatient, inpatient, medications (which kind), individual, family, group therapy, etc. Try to be as specific as you can, based on research as to the most effective treatments for this disorder, situation, and individual. / 5
Format: All papers for this class must:
· Be typed with legible font (such as size 12 Times New Roman)
· Be three to five pages minimum
· Be double spaced, with 1” margins on the top, sides and bottom
· Be stapled or bound
· Include your name and the title of paper
· Be free of spelling and grammatical errors*
· Use APA style for references
· Use only the text, DSM, articles, book chapters, or books as references (no websites) / 10
Quality of Presentation: presentation style, clarity of information, originality, use of excerpts from media / 10
Total: / 50