Proposal for Management Project Report

Candidate Name / Jill Bloggs
Programme / Certificate in Personnel Practice
Cohort Number / CTPL123
Tutor Name / Jan Grant
Is this your first assignment for this programme? / NO
Due date for submission / 22nd August 2007
Daytime Tel Contact No: / Work: / 0208 123456
Mobile: / 07326 123456
Home: / 01233 38438
Continuing Professional
Development / Knowledge statement / NA
If no, date for submission / NA
For skill assignment, please list the documents submitted for assessment
Not applicable as submission is a Management Report Proposal
This is my original work and it was produced to meet the needs of the CIPD Certificate Programme at BPP HR Training. The word count, excluding Contents Page, Referencing and Appendices, is;
Signed: Jill Bloggs Dated: 22nd August 2007
Name: / Jill Bloggs
Date: / 22nd August 2007 / Cohort No: / CTPL123
Tutor: / Jan Grant
Title of proposed project:
Feasibility of introducing e-learning as a method of learning & development to supplement existing interventions.
1. What are your reasons for considering this topic / area?
The reason for choosing to write a report on the feasibility of introducing e-learning as a method of learning, is that XYZ company currently offer more traditional, structured learning & development interventions but these are limited in their scope of operation and don’t always allow people to learn at their own pace.
If the final recommendations of the report are adopted this will offer them more flexibility in how and when people learn.
It may be that e-learning would not be successful as a stand alone method of learning & development and so I would like to research whether e-learning could be most effectively used as part of a blended learning package on offer to suit different learning styles.
2.  What are the aims and objectives of the proposed project?
The Aim
To examine the concept of e-learning and establish if it can be introduced into our company to compliment existing learning & development.
·  To research e-learning identifying the key issues & benefits of its introduction.
·  To identify how e-learning works in other organisations through benchmarking and compare this with the current arrangements within XYZ Company.
·  To make recommendations to senior management based on the findings of the research and review undertaken.
·  The company will be able to consider if e-learning is a viable option for our needs.
·  Identify how e-learning has been implemented within other organisations and what lessons have been learnt from such experiences.
·  The report will demonstrate how e-learning may support existing arrangements.
3. What are the benefits to the organisation? How will it add value?
It is important that different learning styles and the pace at which individuals learn is taken into account to ensure buy-in from all concerned and help in the development of a skilled workforce.
·  It can help the company assess other companies experience when introducing an e-learning programme. In learning from these experiences it will help management make informed decisions in relation to e-learning. This will save valuable time and resources that may otherwise have been used repeating the mistakes others have made.
·  E-learning has the potential to help reduce the burden on existing resources. E-learning could potentially reduce the need for trainers to spend time on site delivering training, or for staff to attend off site training. Instead support for individuals using on-line tutoring methods could be provided. This means that staff would not be as tired from the travelling involved and so be more productive when in the office. It may also assist with the most effective use of training resources.
·  Ultimately this could lead to a more skilled workforce through more cost effective methods of learning & development.
4. What information will you require and how will you obtain this? E.g. interviews, questionnaires, visits, benchmarking, literature searches, desk research. Why have you chosen these methods?
What Information is required? / How will it be obtained? / Why was it chosen? / Primary or Secondary?
Views on current Learning & Development activity. / Interviews with staff and managers
Questionnaire to a sample of staff & managers. / This will provide useful information in relation to the current method of training and its impact. / Primary
Levels of potential interest in using the e-learning method / Interviews with staff and managers. / To gain an understanding of the potential viability of e-learning. / Primary
Information on the level of demand for training in general and e-learning in particular / Interviews with staff and managers.
Discussions with training colleagues. / To establish the overall picture in relation to training and to better understand whether e-learning would be of benefit. / Primary
Information on how other companies use e-learning and how successful it was. / Through the use of books, magazines and e-learning websites to find case studies of particular companies / To establish what if any lessons can be learnt from such experiences / Secondary
Information on theories relating to the concept of e-learning. / Internet searches
Literature searches using text books
CIPD & other relevant websites / This will provide information that will help to develop my knowledge and understanding of the topic. This can then be applied to the current situation. / Secondary
5. What resources will you require? E.g. financial, time, equipment, data access.
There are various different resources required.
The main resource that will be required is time. Designing a questionnaire and the interviews will take time and then further time will be necessary to analyse the information gathered.
I anticipate that I will spend approx 20 hours carrying out research using the internet and text books. I will then spend approx 3 hours devising the questionnaire and the interview questions. Typing these up will take approx 1 hr. The interviews will take approx 15 minutes. Looking at the information acquired from the primary sources and collating it into a useable format will take approx 2 hours. Comparison between this data and the information previously researched should take approx 3-4 hours. Writing the first report draft will take approx 6-8 hrs. The second draft will take approx 4-6 hours. The total time required will be approx 45 hours.
I will require access to company information from HR/Training. I will require access to the company intranet and the internet to undertake much of the research, which will of course require a computer. However, this is at no additional cost as I have a computer at work and home.
Financial costs are likely to be minimal and indirect. Much of what I need can be obtained with little or no direct expense.
6. What problems / issues can you anticipate arising? How will you overcome these problems?
Problem/Issue / How will they be overcome?
I anticipate a lack of interest in completing the questionnaires. / I will attempt to overcome this by sending the questionnaire by internal mail with an incentive that all staff that completes the questionnaire by a given date will be entered into a prize draw for a bottle of champagne.
Resistance by the managers to being interviewed (due to time restraints) / I aim to overcome this by making sure meeting dates are arranged around managers’ diaries over a period of 4 weeks.
Time management – ensuring I remain on track regarding date for submission of management report. / I will ensure that I monitor what I am doing and aim to stay focused with regard to the proposed dates for the various activities required.
Put aside specific time to ensure I am able to undertake necessary tasks in relation to the management report.
By ensuring I plan my time well for example undertaking some of this work after my working hours during the week.
7.  Include a timescale plan for the project.
Task / Date
Date / Milestone
24th September 2007 – 1st February 2008 / Complete secondary research & gathering information via the internet websites, recommended reading books and the CTP work books, People Management and on-line journals.
8th October 2007 – 23rd November 2007 / Commence primary research by conducting interviews and discussions.
26th November, 2007 / Create E-learning questionnaire and send to staff with specified return date.
17th December, 2007 – 21st December 2007 / Analyse& interpret data from questionnaires and interviews.
21st January, 2008- 1st February 2008 / Review case studies and collate information on lessons learnt from experience.
3rd February 2008 – 14th February 2008 / Commence writing of management report. Complete a first draft.
18th February 2008 – 20th February 2008 / Review the draft report.
20th February 2008 – 12th March 2008 / Complete final draft of report.
14th March 2008 / Submit Management Report to BPP.
Date / Milestone
“I declare that this proposal is my own work.”
Signed: Jill Bloggs / Date: 22nd October 2007