Project Title: Enter text

Project Focus Area: Choose an item.

Host Site: Enter text

Host Site Tax ID/EIN Number: Enter text

Description of host site: Choose an item.

Partner Organization: Enter text

Host Site Supervisor Name: Enter text

Title: Enter text Department: Enter text

Address: Enter text

City: Enter text State: Enter text 9-Digit Zip: Enter text

County: Enter text Other County(ies) where VISTA will serve (if applicable): Enter text

Email: Enter text Phone: Enter text Fax: Enter text

Partner Representative Name: Enter text

Title: Enter text Organization: Enter text

Address: Enter text

City: Enter text State: Enter text Zip: Enter text

Description of partner site: Choose an item.

Email: Enter text Phone: Enter text Fax: Enter text

Has your site hosted an NC Campus Compact VISTA in the past? Choose an item.

Explain: Enter text


Proposal Narrative Sections:

1.  Summary Statement

2.  Community Need

3.  Project Goals & Evaluation

4.  Campus-Community Partnership

5.  Sustainability Plan

Please refer to the Proposal Narrative Instructions in the HOST SITE PROPOSAL GUIDE as necessary.

COMMUNITY-BASED HOST SITES! In Section 3, “Partnerships,” please describe how the VISTA will develop your organization’s relationship with a NC Campus Compact member campus.

1. Summary Statement (please limit summary to 2000 characters & spaces max.)

Briefly describe:

A.  mission and structure of host site organization

B.  poverty-related community need and low-income population project address

C.  overall capacity-building and community impact goals

D.  host site relationship with partner organization

Click here to enter text.

2. Community Need

·  Describe the poverty-related need and low-income population to be addressed, using data that are current, objective and specific to your community, and citing sources.

·  Explain how and why need is or is not currently being met in your community.

·  Explain how the project VISTA will support will address this need, including any evidence that suggests your approach will be successful.

Click here to enter text.

3. Project Goals & Evaluation

·  What is the goal of the VISTA project, in terms of impact on:

A.  Host/partner organization’s capacity?

B.  Community issues identified above?

·  What objectives, activities, and performance milestones will VISTA accomplish this year?

·  How will you assess progress toward project goals?

Click here to enter text.

4. Campus-Community Partnership

·  What is host site’s prior/current relationship with the partner organization?

·  How will the VISTA effort benefit both organizations?

·  How will VISTA time and effort be allocated? (Campus-based host sites should have VISTA serve at partner site regularly.)

Click here to enter text.

5. Sustainability Plan

·  How will the project and the VISTA objectives change in years 2 and 3 of the project?

·  What strategies will host site and partner use to sustain project without VISTA resource after year 3?

Click here to enter text.


Support Questionnaire Sections:

1.  Supervision

2.  Office, Technology, Travel

3.  Work with Partner Organization

4.  Housing & Meal Support

5.  Accommodating VISTAs with Disabilities

6.  Preferred VISTA Skills & Experience

7.  Professional Development & Training

8.  On-site Orientation and Training Plan (OSOT)

1.  Supervision

Who will serve as the host site supervisor for the project and the VISTA? Why is this person appropriate to serve as VISTA supervisor? Describe how the VISTA will be supervised, including how many hours per week will this person will spend overseeing the VISTA. (Please note that supervisor must schedule weekly check-in meetings with VISTAs.)

Click here to enter text.

2.  Office, Technology, Travel

Describe the office support your site will provide to the VISTA. Host site should provide office space and location, computer and phone access. We recommend the VISTA have access to a webcam and microphone.

Click here to enter text.

Will the VISTA drive a host or partner site vehicle? If so, will she be covered by the site vehicle insurance policy?

Click here to enter text.

If the VISTA will drive her own vehicle for work-related travel (not commuting), the host site must reimburse her at the standard employee reimbursement rate. Please describe anticipated VISTA travel, your reimbursement rate, and the amount of travel funds set aside to cover these expenses.

Click here to enter text.

3.  Work with Partner Organization

How will the VISTA work with partner organization(s) be structured? How much time will the VISTA spend off site? Who will oversee the VISTA there? What kind of office space and support is available?

Click here to enter text.

4.  Housing & Meal Support

Housing and meal support are optional but encouraged. Describe any such benefits the host site will offer. Any such support cannot be in the form of direct cash payments to VISTA.

Click here to enter text.

5.  Accommodating VISTAs with Disabilities

Discuss any factors relevant to the success of disabled VISTAs at your project site, including availability of transportation and housing and accessibility of facilities. Please indicate the name, title, and department of the person at your organization who can answer questions about ADA compliance.

Click here to enter text.

6.  Preferred VISTA Skills & Experience

The following required skills and experience will be listed in NC Campus Compact AmeriCorps VISTA job posting. Please review these and add other skills and experience you seek in your VISTA.

-  Passion for AmeriCorps*VISTA mission of fighting poverty and strengthening communities

-  Bachelor’s degree from four-year institution

-  U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident

-  Strong interest & experience in community service

-  Strong interest & experience in college campus service programs and working with students

-  Proven leadership and project management skills

-  Proven networking, communication, public speaking and organizational skills

Additional skills and experience (if none, please enter, “none”):

Click here to enter text.

7.  Professional Development & Training

Will your host site or partner offer site-specific or skill-specific training to the VISTA? Do you have funds set aside for VISTA professional development expenses? (For example, VISTA may attend the partner’s regular volunteer training or an issue-specific conference later in the term.)

Click here to enter text.

8.  On-site Orientation and Training Plan (OSOT)

You are required to submit an On-site Orientation and Training Plan (OSOT), but you do not need to use the table below. You may submit an alternative OSOT document along with your proposal. Regardless of what format you use, your OSOT must include:

·  2 weeks of activities with takeaways each day

·  1 meeting/tour with partner representative

·  Tour of host site and introduction to key staff

·  Review of host site application and VAD

·  Participation in required NC Campus Compact VISTA trainings (below)

A takeaway is a resource or specific piece of information. Examples include a strategic plan, staff meeting calendar, or email address. For ideas on what to include in your OSOT, visit the VISTA Campus:

The Required VISTA Orientation Activities for 2015-16 VISTA members

Aug. 3-6 New VISTA members attend required CNCS Pre-Service Orientation (PSO) in Atlanta, GA

Aug. 7 (Friday) New VISTAs arrive at host site, first day of service

Aug. 11 1 PM Webinar/Call: Elevator Speech, Time Management, Theory of Change

Aug. 18 1 PM Webinar/Call: Asset Inventory, Partnership Development

Aug. 27-28 VISTA Member Orientation, Elon, NC

DATE / Daily Activities / Takeaways
Aug. 3- 6 / VISTA Pre-Service Orientation, Atlanta, GA / VISTA Member Handbook, other CNCS materials
Aug. 7 / (VISTA First Day of Service at host site)
Enter text. / Enter text.
Aug. 10 / Enter text. / Enter text.
Aug. 11 / 1 PM, NC Campus Compact VISTA Webinar
Enter text. / ·  Elevator Speech
·  Online Time Log
·  Theory of Change
Enter text.
Aug. 12 / Enter text. / Enter text.
Aug. 13 / Enter text. / Enter text.
Aug. 14 / Enter text. / Enter text.
Aug. 17 / Enter text. / Enter text.
Aug. 18 / 1 PM, NC Campus Compact VISTA Webinar
Enter text. / ·  Community Entry
·  Asset inventory
Enter text.
Aug. 19 / Enter text. / Enter text.
Aug. 20 / Enter text. / Enter text.
Aug. 21 / Enter text. / Enter text.
Aug. 27-28 / NC Campus Compact VISTA member orientation at Elon


Please review the VAD Instructions in the HOST SITE PROPOSAL GUIDE to complete the VAD.

Host Site: Enter text

Partner Organization: Enter text

Focus Area: Choose an item.

Have this VAD been reviewed by both host site and partner? Enter text

The GOAL statement should describe the 3-year overall goal, in terms of organizational capacity AND community impact.

PROJECT GOAL (750 characters max): Enter text

The OBJECTIVES should describe the result of a set of related activities to be accomplished THIS YEAR that will lead toward the overall project GOAL. The VAD should include at least ONE capacity-building objective and one community-impact objective. You can also define additional objectives.

OBJECTIVE of the Assignment: Enter text

TIME FRAME (Month/Year - Month/Year): Enter text

The ACTIVITIES (and optional action steps) describe the step-by-step process to achieving the OBJECTIVE.


Enter text

OBJECTIVE of the Assignment: Enter text

TIME FRAME (Month/Year - Month/Year): Enter text


Enter text

OBJECTIVE of the Assignment: Enter text

TIME FRAME (Month/Year - Month/Year): Enter text


OBJECTIVE of the Assignment: Enter text

TIME FRAME (Month/Year - Month/Year): Enter text


Enter text


Your VAD must include capacity-building and community impact output and outcome measures based on Performance Measure guidelines in Host Site Proposal Guide, pp. 9-10. You must also estimate a project year (August - August) target for each measure.

Enter text

2015-16 NC Campus Compact VISTA Host Site Application 9