Custom Picture Frame

You will use filters and the smudge tool to make a unique image of a picture frame. This is an introduction to Lighting Effects and Alpha Channels.

STEP 1: Create the file and fill with gray

-1. Create a new file:

-1. File > New

-1. Name: yourname-customframe.psd

-1. Width: 300 pixels

-1. Height: 400 pixels

-1. Resolution: 72 pixels/inch

-1. Background white

-1. RGB Color Mode

-1. Click OK.

-1. Create a new layer.

-1. Edit > Fill.

-1. Use: 50% Gray.

-1. Click OK.

-1. Save the file in your folder


· Select the rectangular marquis tool.

· Draw a rectangle in the center of your image as shown.










· Press the big Delete key to cut out the center of the frame.

· Press Command (apple key) -D to deselect.

· Rename Layer 1 as frame shape.

· Save the file.


· Open the rulers if they are not visible (View>Rulers if not checked please select).

· Use the transform tool to find the center of the image (Edit>Free Transform.)

· Drag a guide from the horizontal ruler down to the center of the document, and drag a guide from the vertical ruler to the center as well. The guides should snap into place when you are near the center.

· Press Esc or Enter to exit Transform mode.

· Create a new layer above the frame shape layer. We'll rename it later.

· Select the Rectangular Marquee tool.

· Draw a rectangular selection in the top-left quadrant. The selection start in the very top-left corner and snap to the guides you placed.


· Press the D key to set the Foreground and Background colors to black and white (the default).

· Press and hold the Alt/Option key as you select Filter > Render > Clouds (holding down the Alt/Option key renders clouds with more contrast.)

· Save the file.


· Command (apple key) - click on the layer thumbnail for the frame shape layer while top layer is still selected. This loads the frame shape as a selection.

· Select > Inverse.

· Make sure that top layer is still selected, and press the big Delete key. The result should be the clouds contained within the frame shape.

· Command (apple key) -D to deselect.

· Save the file.


· Take a snapshot before continuing so you can go back to this step if you need to.

· Make sure that top layer is still selected, and that the foreground color is still black.

· Select the Smudge tool (nested under the Blur tool in the toolbox.)

· Choose a round, soft-edged brush at around 20px.

· In the Options Bar, set the Strength to 75%.

· Randomly smudge the clouds on the layer. Throw in some swirls.

· Don't worry if it runs off as you see here. Just smear in an artistic way, not a chaotic way.

· Save the file.


· Now we'll make a symmetrical frame from this one corner piece. Press Command (apple key) - J to create a duplicate of this layer.

· Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal.

· Select the Move tool and move the new layer over until it snaps into the top-right corner.

· Change the blend mode for this layer (Layer 1 copy) to Hard Light.

· Command (apple key) - E to merge the new layer with the Layer 1.

· Press Command (apple key) - J to create duplicate of this layer again.

· Edit > Transform > Flip Vertical.

· Use the Move tool to move the new layer down until it snaps into the bottom edge.

· Change the blend mode for this layer (Layer 1 copy) to Hard Light.

· Command (apple key) – E to merge the new layer with Layer 1. Rename Layer 1 as embossed metal.

· Command (apple key) – H to hide the guides.

· Save the file.

STEP 8: Create an alpha channel

· Make sure the embossed metal layer is still selected.

· Command (apple key) - A to select the entire image.

· Command (apple key) - C to copy the image to the clipboard.

· Click on the panel tab for Channels next to the Layers tab (if it is not visible, go to Windows > Channels.)

· Click on the Create new channel button at the bottom of the Channels panel. This creates an alpha channel.

· Command (apple key) - V to paste the embossed metal image onto this alpha channel.

· Rename the channel embossed metal.

· Click on the RGB channel.

· Save your file.


STEP 9: Lighting effects

· Return to the Layers panel and hide the embossed metal layer by clicking its Eye icon.

· Command (apple key) - D to deselect.

· Click on the frame shape layer to select it.

· Filter > Render > Lighting Effects.

· Make sure the Light Type is Spotlight.

· At the bottom of the dialog you'll see the Texture Channel area. From the drop-down menu, select the embossed metal channel you created in step 8.

· Drag the slider all the way over toward Mountainous to get maximize depth.

· The position and direction of light determines how the image is embossed. You can modify the light properties by moving the sliders or by dragging right in the preview window. Grab the center point to move the light's overall position. Move the control handles on the oval to change the focus and intensity of the light.

· Click OK when you get an effect you like.

· Save your file.

STEP 10: Choose a metal color

· Command (apple key) - Click on the Create a New Layer icon to place a new layer beneath the frame shape layer.

· Rename this new layer as metal color.

· With this layer still active, Command (apple key) - Click on the layer thumbnail for the frame shape layer to load it as a selection.




· Open the Color Picker, the Color Panel or the Swatches panel to select a color. I chose a gold color (R: 240, G: 198, B: 0).

· Press Alt/Option-Backspace to fill the selection on the metal color layer with the color you chose (Note: Look at the metal color layer thumbnail to see the fill).

· Command (apple key) – D to deselect.

· Save your file.

STEP 11: Complete the effect

· Select the frame shape layer and change its blend mode to Overlay. This will blend the texture with the color.

· Select the metal color layer and add a Bevel & Emboss layer effect with the following settings:

-1. Depth: 100%

-1. Size: 18px

-1. Soften: 3px

-1. Shadow mode color swatch: R: 131, G: 93, B: 5

· Save your file.

STEP 12: Add artwork

· Select the Background layer.

· Open up your self-portrait (yourname_portrait.psd).

· File > Save As...

· File name: yourname_portrait -flat.psd and click Save.

· Layer > Flatten Image.

· Use the move tool to move this image into your custom frame file.

· Place your collage image within the frame opening.

· Save your yourname-customframe.psd file and turn it in.