Social-Organizational Psychology
Ph.D. Handbook for the Program in Social-Organizational Psychology
Program in Social-Organizational Psychology
Department of Organization & Leadership
Teachers College, Columbia University
Please note that this Handbook contains information relevant to all PhD students. For the entering class of students, the curriculum as stated in this Handbook represents a contract between the program and the students.
Topic Page
Quick Reference: Departments and Faculty Contact information ………………. 3
Faculty Profiles
Principal Faculty ……………………………………………………………... 7
Adjunct and Special Appointment Faculty ………………………………… 21
Curriculum and Requirements
Coursework …………………………………………………………………… 28
Research & Statistics ………………………………………………. 30
Theory and Practice ……………………………………………..…. 30
Breadth ………………………………………………………………. 31
Integrative Experiences (Workgroup, Colloquium, TA) …………. 32
Dissertation-Related ………………………………………………... 33
College Policy on Incompletes . . …………………………………………… 34
Typical Course Schedule …………………………………………………... 35
Research Methods Exam …………………………………………………... 36
Qualifying Papers ……………………………………………………………. 38
Dissertation …………………………………………………………………… 43
Expected Timetable …………………………………………………………. 46
Expectations ………………………………………………………………………….. 47
General………………………………………………………………………... 47
Research ………………………………………………………………….…. 48
Service ………………………………………………………………………… 52
Coursework ………………………………………………………………….. 52
Practice ………………………………………………………………………. 53
TA ……………………………………………………………………………... 54
Teaching ………………………………………………………………………. 55
Continuing Development ……………………………………………………. 56
Mutual Expectations …………………………………………………………. 56
Rewarding Excellence with Financial Aid ………………………………………..… 57
Tips for Finishing the Doctorate …………………………………………….………. 59
Telephone Directory ………………………………………………………………….. 66
TC Map …………………………………………………………………….…… 69
Columbia Map ………………………………………………………………………… 70
Academic Services . ………………………………………….…………………….… 72
Student Services ……………………………………………………………………… 85
Living in NYC …………………………………………………………………………. 92
Quick Reference Guide
Advisors / Social-Organizational Psychology Ph.D. Office
226 Thompson Hall / Contact your advisor during office hours
Alumni Benefits and Activities / 197 Grace Dodge Hall / (212) 678-3215
Bookstore / Teachers College, corner of 120th & Amsterdam Avenue
Columbia University, Lerner Hall / (212) 678-3920
(212) 854-4131
Business School Course Registration / Schedule of Classes:
Registration Form: / Questions: contact the Social-Org Psych Program office at …
(212) 678-3249 · (212) 678-8152
Cancelled Classes
* one course
* college closed / If a class is cancelled due to exigent circumstances, the program office will make a concerted effort to inform students via e-mail. In addition, if possible, a note will be placed on the classroom door.
If the school is closed due to weather or other emergencies, check the TC website or call the switchboard. / (212) 678-8152 or (212) 678-3249
(212) 678-3000
Caps and Gowns /
Clubs & Student Activities / 159 Thorndike Hall / (212) 678-3406
Comprehensive Exam: Sign-up Information / Social-Organizational Psychology MA Office
222 Main Hall / (212) 678-8152 or (212) 678-3249 · (212) 678-8253 [fax]
Comprehensive Exam: Results and Review of Exam / Social-Organizational Psychology MA Office
222 Main Hall / Dr. Jennifer Parlamis · (212) 678-4019 ·
Conflict Resolution Courses / International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (ICCCR) 232 Horace Mann Hall / (212) 678-3289 or 678-3402
Counseling Program (Ed.M.) / Consult your academic advisor. / Contact your advisor or see:
Dr. Jennifer Parlamis · (212) 678-4019 ·
Dr. Sarah Brazaitis · (212) 678-3866
Course Assistant
* Opportunities
* HR Paperwork / To locate potential openings, contact the PhD program coordinator about course(s) which you have “mastered”
Pick-up a post-hire packet at Human Resources, 112 Main Hall
contact the Department’s Director of Academic Administration to complete one section which requires department sign-off. / (212) 678-8152 or (212) 678-3249
(212) 678-3175
(212) 678-3258
Course Override Approval / Office of the Registrar, 152 Horace Mann
Contact the instructor of the course which you seek entrance or his/her secretary. / Registrar: (212) 678-4050
Course/Reading Packets / Duplicating, 36 Main Hall (basement of Main Hall) / (212) 678-3403
Course Reserve Materials / Milbank Library Circulation Desk
· be sure to locate the library reserve number and course number
· / (212) 678-3494
Diplomas / Office of the Registrar, 152 Horace Mann / (212) 678-4050
Disability Services / Office of Access and Services for Individuals with Disabilities (OASID), 162 Thorndike / (212) 678-3689 (voice/TDD)
Disciplinary Actions or Filing a Complaint / Associate Dean of the College, 113 Main Hall
Ombudsperson, 128 Main Hall / (212) 678-3052
(212) 678-3391
Distance Education Courses / Distance Learning Project, 360Grace Dodge Hall / (888) 633-6933
(212) 678-3291 [fax]
Doctoral Office, Social-Organizational Psychology / Social-Organizational Psychology Ph.D. Office
226 Thompson Hall / (212) 678-8152 or (212) 678-3249
(212) 678-8303 [fax]
Doctoral Office, Social-Organizational Psychology
à phone for doctoral students / Social-Organizational Psychology Ph.D. Office
226 Thompson Hall / (212) 678-3000 x5293
Doctoral Studies Office / 153 Horace Mann Hall / (212) 678-4058
E-mail / Academic Computing, 234 Horace Mann
Columbia Help-Desk, 102 Philosophy Building / (212) 678-3302
(212) 854-1919
Financial Aid / Student Aid Office, 138 Horace Mann.
Also visit the Social-Organizational Psychology web page “helpful links” scholarship/financial resources link: / (212) 678-3714
(212) 678-8152 or (212) 678-3249
Graduation Activities
General Information
Dates / / (212) 678-8100
Graduation Form / (1) see your advisor for sign-off
(2) Registrar’s Office for the form and processing, 152 Horace Mann / Registrar: (212) 678-4050
Group Dynamics (ORL 5362) application / Download the form from: and return it to the Organizational Psychology office, 222 Main Hall / (212) 678-8152 or (212) 678-3249 ·
(212) 678-8253 [fax]
Health Insurance & Immunization / Student Life Center, 159 Thorndike Hall
Forms: / (212) 678-3482
Housing (on-campus)
Housing (off-campus) / Office of Student Housing, 1st Floor Whittier Hall
Off-Campus Housing Assistance Office,
419 West 119th Street · / (212) 678-3235
(212) 854-2773
Identification Cards / Whittier Hall Basement (enter at 1230 Amsterdam, street level) / (212) 678-3098
Independent Study / Contact the respective faculty member indicating research interests.
International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (ICCCR) general and course information / 232 Horace Mann Hall / (212) 678-3289 or 678-3402
International Student Services / 163 Thorndike Hall / (212) 678-3406
Internships / Office of Career Services, 44 Horace Mann Hall / (212) 678-3140
Internship Course (ORLJ 5012) / Internship Coordinator, Social-Organizational Psychology
222 Main Hall
Internship Coordinator, International Center for Cooperation & Conflict Resolution (ICCCR), 232 Horace Mann Hall / Dr. Jennifer Parlamis · (212) 678-4019 ·
Dr. Beth Fisher-Yoshida · (212) 678-3402 or 8106 ·
Job Opportunities / Office of Career Services, 44 Horace Mann Hall
Teachers College Human Resources, 112 Main Hall / (212) 678-3140
(212) 678-3175
Library Orientation & Tours / Milbank Library, 1st floor Information Desk / (212) 678-3494
Listserv problems / You must be registered in the program to be listed on the program listserv. If you need a past email, contact another student. If you are having technical problems, contact Academic Computing Services, 234 Horace Mann Hall. / (212) 678-3302
PIN: Personal Identification Number / New Students: Registration process or check 226 Thompson Hall
Returning Students: Inquire at the Office of the Registrar (152 Horace Mann Hall) --OR--
Department of Organization and Leadership Office (213 Main Hall) / (212) 678-8152 or (212) 678-3249 · (212) 678-8253 [fax]
(212) 678-4050
(212) 678-3258
Phone Numbers / Teachers College switchboard
Columbia University switchboard / (212) 678-3000
(212) 854-1754
Practicum in Change and Consultation (ORLJ 6343) application / Download the form from: and return it to the Organizational Psychology office, 222 Main Hall / (212) 678-3249
(212) 678-8253 [fax]
Registering for Courses / Three Options (after Advisor consultation):
(a) online:
(b) phone: (212) 678-3200
(c) in-person: Office of the Registrar (152 Horace Mann Hall) / (212) 678-3302 [for technical problems]
(212) 678-4050
Registration Holds / Determine the hold (i.e. library, student accounts) and contact the appropriate office to remedy the matter:
Social-Organizational Psychology Forms / Visit the following webpage: / (212) 678-8152 or (212) 678-3249 ·
(212) 678-8253 [fax]
Student Information System
* Technical Problems / Academic Computing and Information Services Office, 234 Horace Mann Hall / (212) 678-3302
Syllabi / Social-Organizational Psychology Ph.D. Office
226 Thompson Hall / (212) 678-8152 or (212) 678-3249
Teaching Assistant / See COURSE ASSISTANT
TC Portal
(aka Classweb) / Take a workshop from the Computing and Information Services Office, 234 Horace Mann Hall / (212) 678-3402
Transcripts / Office of Student Records/Transcripts, 153 Horace Mann Hall / (212) 678-4072
Tuition costs/bills / Office of Student Accounts, 133 Thompson Hall / (212) 678-3056
Updating Personal Information / Two Options:
(a) Registrars Office, 152 Horace Mann
(b) Student Information System, / (212) 678-4050
Waiving a course / See your advisor
Writing Workshops / Education Leadership Office, 212 Main Hall / Contact Marilyn Breeze at (212) 678-3139
Workshops and Non-Credit Courses / Center for Educational, Outreach, & Innovation (CEO&I), 107 Main Hall / (212) 678-3987
(212) 678-8417 [fax]
Regular Appointment Faculty
Darlyne Bailey 678-3050
Caryn J. Block 678-3252 on sabbatical 2004-2005
Warner Burke 679-3831
Peter Coleman 678-3112
L. Lee Knefelkamp 678-3678
Debra Noumair 678-3395
Cheri Ostroff 678-3336
Elissa Perry 678-4107 on sabbatical 2004-2005
Patricia Raskin 678-3319
Jim Westaby 678-3791
Full-Time Lecturers & Special Appointments:
Sarah Brazaitis 678-3866
Jennifer Parlamis 678-4019 on leave, fall 2004
Adjunct/Affiliated Faculty
William M. Bernstein 678-3249
Susan K. Boardman 678-3402
David L. Buckner 678-3249
Celeste Coruzzi 678-3249
Miriam W. Javitch 678-3249
Stacey E. Lutz 678-3249
Linda Richter 678-3249
Kent Strong 678-3249
Ross Tartell 678-3249
Emeriti Faculty
Morton Deutsch 678-3246
Harvey Hornstein 678-3250
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College
Darlyne Bailey 678-3050
Department Chair for Organization and Leadership
Craig Richards 678-3258
Director of the Graduate Programs in Social-Organizational Psychology
Warner Burke 679-3831
Coordinator of the Ph.D. Program in Social-Organizational Psychology
Cheri Ostroff 678-3336
Coordinator of the M.A. Program in Social-Organizational Psychology
Jennifer Parlamis 678-4019
Program Manager for Social-Organizational Psychology
Gregory Gettas 678-3273
Academic Staff
Aswad Blackwell 678-8109
Miriam Mach 678-8152
Faculty Profiles
Principal Faculty
Darlyne BaileyDean and Vice President for Academic Affairs of Teachers College;
Professor of Education; Professor of Social Work, Columbia University School of Social Work
B.A., Lafayette College
M.S., Columbia University
Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University
Contact Information:
Office Location: 122 Main Hall
Box: 54
Telephone: (212) 678-3050
Scholarly Interests:
Organizational leadership development and sustenance, Inter-organizational relations, Multiculturalism.
Selected Publications:
· Strategic Alliances among Health and Human Services Organizations: From Affiliations to Consolidations (Sage Publications).
· Managing Human Resources in the Human Services (Oxford University Press).
· Organizational change in a public school system: The synergism of two approaches (Social Work in Education).
· An integrative framework for the evaluation of community-based consortia (Evaluation and Program Planning). The contextual impact of social support across race and gender: Implications for African-American women in the workplace (Journal of Black Studies).
· The power of dialogue: Celebrating the praxis of teaching and research (Researchers Hooked on Teaching).
· Interorganizational community-based collaboratives: A strategic response to shape the social work agenda (Social Policy: Reform, Research and Practice).
Caryn J. BlockAssociate Professor of Psychology and Education
B.S., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
M.A., Ph.D., New York University
Contact Information:
Office Location: 222A Main Hall
Box: 6
Telephone: (212) 678-3252
Scholarly Interests:
Gender and racial issues in the workplace. Motivation and performance.
Selected Publications:
· Roberson, L., Deitch, E.A., Brief, A.P. & Block, C.J. (in press). Stereotype threat and feedback seeking in the workplace. Journal of Vocational Behavior.
· Roberson, L. & Block, C.J. (2001) Explaining racioethnic group differences in performance and related outcomes: A review of theoretical perspectives. In B. Staw & R. Sutton (Eds.), Research in Organizational Behavior. JAI Press, pp. 247-326.
· Katz, T. & Block, C.J. (2000). Process and outcome goal orientations in conflict situations: The importance of framing. In M. Deutsch & P. Coleman (Eds.), Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice. Jossey-Bass.
· Block, C.J. & Carter, R.T. (1998). White racial identity: Theory, research, and implications for organizational contexts. In A. Daly (Ed.), Workplace Diversity: Issues and Perspectives. NASW Press.
· Block, C.J., Roberson, L., & Neuger D.A. (1995). White racial identity theory: A framework for understanding reactions toward interracial situations in organizations. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 46, 71-88.
Sarah J. BrazaitisAdjunct Associate Professor of Psychology and Education
Director, Group Relations Conference
B.A., University of Pennsylvania
Ed.M., Ph.D., Teachers College, Columbia University
Contact Information:
Office Location: 226D Thompson Hall
Box: 6
(212) 678-3866
Scholarly Interests:
Group dynamics and group relations; impact of social identities in groups and systems; racial identity.
Selected Publications:
· Gushue, G.V. & Brazaitis, S.J. (in press). Lazarus and group psychotherapy: AIDS in the era of protease-inhibitors. The Counseling Psychologist.
· Brazaitis, S.J. (in press). White women’s piece in the diversity pie: A group relations perspective. In S. Cytrynbaum and D.A. Noumair (Eds.), Group Relations Reader 3. Washington, DC: A.K. Rice Institute.
· Brazaitis, S.J. and Gushue, G.V. (in press). The case of a therapy group for people with AIDS. In S. Cytrynbaum and D.A. Noumair (Eds.), Group Relations Reader 3. Washington, DC: A.K. Rice Institute.
W. Warner BurkeEdward Lee Thorndike Professor of Psychology and Education
Program Coordinator and Director of Graduate Programs in Social-Organizational Psychology
B.A., Furman University
M.A., Ph.D., University of Texas, Austin
Contact Information:
Office Location: 220 Main Hall
Box: 24
Telephone: (212) 678-3831
Scholarly Interests:
Behavioral practices associated with superior leaders and managers and their performance. Multi-rater feedback. Organizational culture. Inter-organizational relations. Empowerment in the workplace. Leading and managing organization change. Organizational diagnosis and change.
Selected Publications:
· Organization Development: A Process of Learning and Change (Addison-Wesley).
· Organization Change: Theory and Practice (Sage Publications)
· Business Climate Shifts: Profiles of Change Makers (with W. Trahant) (Butterworth Heinzmann)
· "The New Agenda for Organizational Development" (Organizational Dynamics)
Peter T. ColemanAssistant Professor of Psychology and Education
Director, International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (ICCCR)
B.A., University of Iowa
M.Phil, Ph.D., Teachers College, Columbia University
Contact Information:
Office Location: 226E Thompson Hall
Box: 53
Telephone: (212) 678-3112
Scholarly Interests:
Dr. Coleman’s theoretical work and research address two problems fundamental to constructive social change: the conditions required for fostering constructive change in situations of protracted and intractable conflict, and the psychological processes and social conditions which foster the use of constructive social power.