Professor Amy Hungerford
ENGL 130a /AMST 204, Literature Now
Eli Support Team: Karen Reardon
Erine Marinko (convener)
Nancy Kuhl, Subject Specialist: American Literature
As a supported course of the ELI grant and project, the assigned team will provide the following support for Prof. Hungerford and the English 130/American Studies 204 course:
· Digital imaging and cataloging of 50-75 assets, primarily from Beinecke materials included.
· Moore Fund grant will provide 75-100 additional images.
· The creation of a course index page for Professor Hungerford’s classes web space. Direct links to the selected assets will also be provided for easier navigation.
· A document on locating archives of contemporary writers. Provided by Nancy Kuhl.
· A bibliographic instruction session to aid students in finding book reviews. Provided by Todd Gilman on September 9th.
· Three classes will be held in the Electronic Classroom in CCL. September 16th, 23rd and 30th.
· Student “Archive Guides” page will be added after students submit their guides (by September 30th).
· Support and instruction will be provided, on an as needed basis, to Prof. Hungerford, and her TA’s assigned to the course.
· In-class training will also be provided upon Professor Hungerford’s request.
· Bill Rando and Danuta Nitecki will provide pedagogical assessment, independently of the support team.
To ensure assets will be available when they are required, the professor must follow the timeline listed below:
· Meetings between Professor Hungerford, the subject specialist and the convener will take place within two weeks of the introductory meeting to discuss the collections and to review the process of selecting assets, to be processed, from each collection.
· The selection and flagging of assets must be complete by June 30th to ensure that the assets will be available when they are required.
Please note: All assets may not be available by the date of the first class. It is the responsibility of the professor to designate what assets will be required for the first and half of the course, as assets will be processed in that order.