Daniel M. Downey, Ph.D.


B.S. (Chemistry - Cum Laude) Madison College, Harrisonburg, VA, 1975

Ph.D. (Analytical Chemistry) Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 1980

Advisor: Eugene W. Berg, Ph.D.

Topic: Ion Flotation Studies and Separation Procedures for the Platinum Group Metals


1974--Summer Undergraduate Research, Philip Morris, Inc., Richmond, VA

1975-1979--Teaching and Research Assistant, Chemistry Department, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA

1980--Instructor, Chemistry Department, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA

1980-1985--Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Chemistry Department, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV

1985-1989--Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Chemistry Department, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA

1985-2000--Adjunct Research Professor, Chemistry Department, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV

1989-1996--Associate Professor of Chemistry, Chemistry Department, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA

1996-present--Professor of Chemistry, Chemistry Department, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA


1989 Mike Barbour Memorial Award for Conservation Education

1990 Trout Unlimited Conservationist of the Year (Virginia Council)

1991 Forest Service Fisheries Volunteer of the Year (George Washington National Forest)

1992 Virginia Rivers Conservationist of the Year (Virginia Wildlife Federation)

1992 Izaack Walton League Virginia Conservationist of the Year

1996 Madison Scholar (College of Science and Mathematics, JMU)

2004 Conservationist of the Year (Virginia Council Trout Unlimited)


Analytical Chemistry and Laboratory

Nuclear Chemistry and Laboratory

General Chemistry (First and Second Semester Sequence) and Laboratory

Environmental Chemistry

Environmental Chemistry Field Camp and Laboratory (summer)

PAST FIVE YEARS: PUBLICATIONS OF RESEARCH (59 total) (Articles, Chapters, Proceedings, Papers and Published Abstracts) (Peer Reviewed; Undergraduate Student Co-Authors Underlined)

1. M. Hudy, D. M. Downey and D. W. Bowman, “Successful Restoration of An Acidified Native Brook Trout Stream Through Mitigation with Limestone Sand,” North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 20, 453-466, 2000.

2. D. F. Brakke, D. A. Wubah, G. M. McDonald, G. Gasparich, D. M. Downey and D. Schaefer, “Retention of Minority Students through Undergraduate Research,” Council of Undergraduate Research Quarterly, March, 2000, pp.120-126.

3. L. O. Mohn, P. E. Bugas, D. M. Kirk and D. M. Downey, “Mitigating Stream Acidification in a Wilderness Using Limestone Sand,” pp. 176-184 in Proceedings of Wild Trout VII: Management in the New Millennium, D Schill, S. Moore, P. Byorth and B. Hamre, eds., Yellowstone National Park, WY, October, 2000.

4. T. E. Reich and D. M. Downey, “Brook Trout Otoliths Elemental Analysis and Relationship to Habitat Water Chemistry,” in Proceedings of the 17th National Conference on Undergraduate Research, UNCA, Asheville, NC, August, 2003, CD-ROM.

5. C. M. Norman and D. M. Downey, “Assessment of Water Chemistry in Little Passage Creek Watershed,” in Proceedings of the 17th National Conference on Undergraduate Research, UNCA, Asheville, NC, August, 2003.

6. D. F. Brakke, D. M. Downey, G. MacDonald, W. C. Hughes, L. A. Van Wyk and D. A. Wubah, “Building a Summer Research Community,” Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly, September, 2003, pp. 22-24.

7. C. R. Landes and D. M. Downey, “Biological and Water Chemistry Response of Liming Mountain Run,” Proceedings of the 18th National Conference on Undergraduate Research, UNCA, Asheville, NC, August, 2004, CD-ROM.

8. L. O. Mohn, P. E. Bugas, D. M. Kirk and D. M. Downey, “Mitigating Stream Acidification in a Wilderness Using Limestone Sand,” accepted for Proceedings of Wild Trout VIII: Future of Wild Trout, Yellowstone National Park, WY (in press).

9. D. M. Downey and T. M. Hampton, “Effects of Protective Limestone Treatment on Water Chemistry and Fisheries Management in Laurel Bed Lake, Virginia,” Lake and Reservoir Management (accepted, in press).

COMPETITIVE RESEARCH GRANTS AND CONTRACTS (Since 2000)(36 total) (Total Awards 9/85 to 12/04: $1,673,249 and $1,052,790 matching):

1. “Laurel Bed Lake: Mitigation of Anthropogenic Acidity to Restore a Fishery,” VA Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, $16,000, Aug. 1, 1996 – July 31, 2000.

2. “Amphibian Habitat Monitoring,” USDA Forest Service – George Washington and Jefferson National Forests, $2000, Oct. 1, 1996 – Sept. 30, 1998. JMU match: $2000.

3. “Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometry in Environmental and Analytical Chemistry,” National Science Foundation, $83,677.50. JMU match: $83,677.50, June 1, 1997 – May 31, 1999.

4. “A Regional Undergraduate Research Site in Chemistry at James Madison University,” National Science Foundation, $135,000 and $124,398 JMU match, Jan. 1, 1998 – Dec. 31, 2000. Co-Investigator: Gina MacDonald. Supplement: $11,500 Research for Teachers (RET) program with Brian Augustine (Summer 1999).

5. "Neutralization of Acid Rain Effects in Little Stony Creek (and other sites) with Limestone: Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment,” USDA Forest Service - George Washington and Jefferson National Forests, $117,000, Sept. 6, 1988 - Sept. 30, 1999, JMU match: $117,000.

6. “St. Mary’s River Water Chemistry,” USDA Forest Service – George Washington and Jefferson National Forests, $70,250. Jan. 1, 1999 – September 30, 2006. JMU match $70,250.

7. “Stream Water Chemistry,” USDA Forest Service – George Washington and Jefferson National Forests, $66,600. Jan. 1, 1999 – Sept. 30, 2006. JMU Match $66,600.

8. “Research Experiences for High School Teachers and Students in Chemistry,” National Science Foundation, $50,200. Summer 2000. JMU match: $14,350.

9. “Research Experiences in Chemistry at James Madison University,” National Science Foundation, $234,000 and $214,446 JMU match, April 1, 2001 – March 31, 2004. Co-Investigator: Gina MacDonald.

10. “Restoration of Burns Creek, “USDA Forest Service – George Washington and Jefferson National Forests, $5000, Jan.1, 2002 – Dec. 31, 2005.

11. Research Experiences in Chemistry at James Madison University,” National Science Foundation, $253,080 and $247,704 JMU match, March 1, 2004 – February 28, 2007. Co-Investigator: Gina MacDonald.