Chair in Biotechnology and Microbiology Department.
ADDRESS: Department of Biotechnology and Microbiology, Lahore College For Women
University,Lahore, Pakistan.
1996 PhD, Botany (Biotechnology), University of Punjab, Lahore.
1987 MSc, Botany, University of the Punjab, Lahore
1984 BSc, Botany,Zoology,Geography,Bahhudin Zikryu University, Multan.
2010 - Present Professor and chair in the Department of Biotechnology& Microbiology, Lahore College for women University, Lahore,Pakistan.
2009 - 2010 Associate Professor, Botany Department, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan.
2005 - 2009 Assistant Professor, Botany Department, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan.
2002- 2005 Senior Biotechnologist, Kissan Services and Supplies, Pvt.Ltd, Lahore, Pakistan.
1996- 2002 Director Research & Development, Agriculture Biotechnologies Pvt. Ltd Lahore, Pakistan.
Professor and chair in Biotechnology &Microbiology Department to present. LCWU, Lahore
Coordinator of MS and Ph.D Program, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
Convener of Garden Committee, LCWU, Lahore
Member of Doctoral committee, LCWU,Lahore
Member of Equillance committee, LCWU,Lahore.
Member Campus Committee,LCWU,Lahore
Member, Senior Faculty forum, LCWU,Lahore.
Member Purchase Committee, LCWU,Lahore
Member, Academic Council of LCWU, Lahore
Convener, Selection Board grade 1-16, LCWU, Lahore
From 2005 to 2009 worked as coordinator in examination of Botany Department, LCWU Lahore.
From 2005 to 2009 worked as member Purchase Committee of Botany Department, LCWU, Lahore.
From 2006 to 2007 worked as Member Disciplinary Committee, LCWU,Lahore.
Worked as Focal Person in curriculum development of MS leading PhD program in Botany Department.
Appointed as Management Representative in quality assurance program (ISO 9000) in Botany Department, LCWU, Lahore.
Pakistan Botanical Society.
Bangladesh Botanical Society.
Kitchen Garden Society.
Member, Advisory Committee of Baghe-Jinnah,Lahore
Member, Biotechnology Committee, Lahore Chamber of Commerce, Lahore
Member, Horticulture Society, Lahore
· Attended one month extensive training under HEC Program “Pakistan Program for Collaborative Research (PPCR) Foreign Visit of Local Faculty Member” in Department of Viticulture & Enology at the University of California, Davis, USA in year 2010 with Dr.Andrew Walker.In this period experience was gained experience in DNA marker technology with simple sequence repeat markers, from extraction, to PCR amplification and allele size analysis. Training was also achieved in the grape transformation techniques in the lab. After this training I started work in my Department and tried to establish this system there.
· Attended another trainin in Oct.2012 in the laboratory of Dr.Andrew Walker at the University of California,Davis, and gained experience on new applied bio-system 3500 genetic analyzer .I got proper training on the effective operation of the Applied Biosystems 3500 Genetic Analyzers fragment analysis applications, to maximize throughput and obtain high quality data.
· After this training I am able to demonstrate knowledge of fragment analysis technology and instrumentation, and choose the most appropriate chemistry for a given application. and to identify methods of fluorescent labeling of fragments, prepare and load samples, set up and run the instrument, use collection and analysis software “Gene Mapper” to analyze and genotype the data
1. K. Shahzadi, S. Naz, A. Tariq, S. Ilyas, M. A Qadeer* and I. U. Haq (2012) Production of calcium gluconate by aspergillus niger gcu-1 Pakistan Journal of Science Vol. 64 No. 3 :214-218
2. Shagufta Naz1, Fozia Naz*, Amina Tariq1, Farah Aslam1, Aamir Ali2, and Mohammad Athar3 (2012) Effect of different explants on in vitro propagation of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) African Journal of Biotechnology Vol 11(37):.9048-9053.
3. Shagufta Naz, Farah Aslam, Saiqa Ilyas, Kiran Shahzadi and Amina Tariq(2012) In vitro propagation of tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa) Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Vol. 6(24), pp. 4107-4112, 28 June, 2012.
4. Sana Rashid, Saiqa. Ilyas, Shagufta. Naz, Farah. Aslam And Aamir Ali (2012) In vitro propagation of gypsophila paniculata through plant tissue culture techniques. Pakistan Journal of Science:Vol. 64 No. 1,6-10.
5. Farah. Aslam, Sana. Habib and Shagufta. Naz (2012) Effect of different phytohormones on plant regeneration of amaryllis hippeastrum. Pakistan Journal of Science: Vol. 64, No. 1:54-60.
6. Saiqa Ilyas, Shagufta Naz, Sumeera Javad, Kiran Shehzadi, Amna Tariq, Neelma Munir (2012) Influence of cytokinins, sucrose and pH on adventitious shoot Regeneration of Polyscias balfouriana (Balfour aralia) Journal of Medicinal Plants Research: Vol. 5(xx), pp. xxx-xxx 18 March, 2011 Available online at DOI:10.5897/JMPR11.1652 ISSN 1996-0875 ©2011 Academic Journals
7. Sumera Javad ,Shagufta Naz, Saiqa Ilyas, Aamir Ali, Farah Aslam and Neelma Munir(2012) A study of the effect of Physical state of medium and different concentrations of Sucrose, FeEDTA and CuSO4 to enhance micropropagation system of Stevia rebaudiana. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, Vol. 6(9), pp. 1800-1805.
8. Aamir Ali1, Irum Gull 2, Abdul Majid, Asif Saleem1, Namia Huma Naveed1and Shagufta Naz3 (2012) In vitro conservation and production of vigorous and desiccate tolerant synthetic seeds in Stevia rebaudiana Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Vol. Vol. 6(7), pp.1327-1333.
9. Farkhanda Manzoor, Neelma Munir, Asma Ambreen and Shagufta Naz (2012) Efficacy of some essential oils against American cockroach Periplaneta americana (L) Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Vol. 6(6), pp. 1065-1069 .
10. Shagufta Naz, Erum Akbar, Safia Jabeen, Saiqa Ilyas (2012) Antibacterial activity of different varieties of Curcuma longa rhizome extracts against pathogenic bacteria. Asian Journal of Chemistry. Volume 24, No. 9 ; 2875-2877
11. Aamir Ali, Anum Sajid, Naima Huma Naveed, Abdul Majid, Asif Saleem, Umair A. Khan,Fisal Iqbal Jafery and Shagufta Naz (2011) Initiation, proliferation and development of micropropagation system for mass scale production of banana through meristem culture African Journal of Biotechnology: 10(70): 15731-15738, 9
12. Shagufta Naz, Fozia Tabassum, Sumera Javad, Saiqa Ilyas, Farah Aslam, Neelma Munir1 and Aamir Ali(2011)Micropropagation and callogenesis of a recalcitrant species Ricinus communis. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 43(5) 2419-2422.
13. Shagufta Naz, Saiqa Ilyas, Safia Jabeen, and Zahida Parveen (2011) Composition and anti-bacterial activity of the essential oil from the rhizome of turmeric (Curcuma longa L. Asian Journal of Chemistry :Volume 23, No. 4 :1639-1642.
14. Farkhanda Manzoor , W.Beena,Saadiya Malik , Narjis Naz, , Shugufta Naz and W.H.Syed(2011) Preliminary evaluation of Ocimum sanctum as toxicant and repellent against termite,Heterotermes indicola (Wasmann)(Isoptera:Rhinotermttidae) . Pakistan Journal of Science: Volume 63, No1: 59-62.
15. Farkhanda Manzoor , Saadiya Asma Malik , Narjis Naz, K.J.Cheema, Shugufta Naz (2011) Potential of Antitermitic Activities of Eucalyptus Oil . Pakistan Journal of Zoology: 2011. Issue.
16. AAMIR ALI, IRUM GULL, SHAGUFTA NAZ (2010) Biochemical investigation of protein and peroxidase activity during different stages of In vitro propagation of Stevia rebaudiana. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 42(4): 2827-2837.
17. Shagufta Naz, Safia Jabeen, Saiqa Ilyas, Farkhanda Manzoor, Farah Aslam and Aamir Ali(2010) Antibacterial activity of curcuma longa varieties against different strains of bacteria. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 42(1): 455-462.
18. Shagufta Naz , Saiqa Ilyas, Zahida Parveen and Sumera Javed.(2010) Chemical analysis of essential oils from turmeric (Curcuma longa) rhizome through GC-MS Asian Journal of Chemistry. Volume 22. (4): 3153-3158.
19. Shagufta Naz, Saiqa Illyas, Sumera Javed, and Aamir Ali (2009) In vitro clonal multiplication and acclamitization of different varieties of turmeric (curcuma longa L.) Pakistan Journal of Botany .Volume No. 41(6) 2807-2816.
20. . Shagufta Naz, Sumera Javed, Saiqa Illyas and Aamir Ali (2009) An efficient protocol for rapid multiplication Bryophyllum Pinnatum and Bryophyllum daigrimontianum.Pakistan Journal of Botany:41(5)2347-2355.
21. Shagufta Naz, Fayyaz Ahmed Siddique, Aamir Ali and Javed Iqbal (2009) Virus indexation of in vitro regenerated sugarcane plants. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 41(4) 1931-1939.
22. Shagufta Naz, Aneela Hashmi and Aamir Ali (2009) In Vitro Callogenesis and Organogenesis in different explants of Stevia ( Stevia Rebaudiana) Pakistan Sugar Journal.XXIV(2)20-26.
23. Shagufta Naz, Aamir Ali, and Javed Iqbal (2008) Phenolics in in vitro cultures of chick pea during callogenesis and organogenesis. Pakistan Journal of Botany 40(6) 2525-2539
24. Shagufta Naz, Aamir Ali, Fayyaz Siddique and Javed Iqbal (2008) Somatic embryogenesis
from immature cotyledons and leaf calli of chick pea (Cicer arietinum L.) Pakistan Journal of Botany .40(2) 523-531.
25. Shagufta Naz, Aamir Ali and Aqsa Siddique (2008) Somatic Embryogenesis and plantlet formation in different varieties of sugarcane (Saccharam officinarum L.) Sarhad Journal of Agriculture.24 (4)593-598.
26. Aamir Ali, Shagufta Naz, Fayyaz Siddique and Javed Iqbal (2008) An efficient protocol for large scale production of sugarcane through micropropagation. ) Pakistan Journal of Botany .40(1)139-149.
27. Aamir Ali, Shagufta Naz, Fayyaz Siddique and Javed Iqbal (2008) Rapid clonal multiplication of sugarcane ( Saccharam officinarum L.) through callogenesis and organogenesis) Pakistan .J of Botany. 40(1):123-138.
28. AamirAli, Humera Afrasiab, Shagufta Naz, Mamoona Rauf and Javed Iqbal (2008) An efficient ptotocol for in vitro propagation of carnation (Dianthus Caryophyllus) ) Pakistan Journal of Botany 40( 1)111-121.
29. Shagufta Naz and G.Zahara Jahangir (2008) Effect of medium composition on callogenesis and somatic embryogenesis in different varieties of sugarcane (Saccharam officinarum L.) i.e S 2002US-302, HSF-240 and HSF-242. Pakistan Sugar Journal: Vol.XXIII, No.02:-11-20.
30. Shagufta Naz, Aamir Ali, Fayyaz Siddique and Javed Iqbal (2007 Multiple shoot formation from different explants of chick pea (Cicer arietinum L.) Pakistan Journal of Botany. 39(6)2067-2073.
31. Aamir Ali, Asifa Munawar, Shagufta Naz (2007) An In Vitro study on micropropagation of Caladium bicolour International J. of Agriculture &Biology1560-8530/09-5731-735
32. Aamir Ali, Shagufta Naz, and Javed Iqbal (2007) Effect of different explants and media compositions for efficient somatic embryogenesis in Sugarcane (Saccharam officinarum L.) Pakistan Journal of Botany 39(6):1961-1977.
33. Aamir Ali,Shagufta Naz ,Sarwar Alam and Javed Iqbal (2007) In Vitro induced mutation for screening of red rot(Colletotrichum falcatum) Resistance in Sugarcane (Saccharam officinarum L.) Pakistan Journal of Botany.39 (6)1979-1994.
34. Naz. S (2004) Micro Propagation of Promising varieties of Sugar cane and their acclimatization response. Pakistan Sugar Journal vol.XIX 02; 58-64.
35. Ali.A, Naz.S, Siddique.F.A and Iqbal.J (2001) Callogenesis, emmbrogenesis and Organogenesis in CHRISMIS CACTUS (SCHLUMBERGERA BRIDESH) Pakistan Journal of Botany. 33(Special issue) 569-575.
36 . Ali. A, Naz.S, Siddique.F.A and Iqbal.J (2001) IN VITRO Propagation of GLOXINIA (SINNIGIA SPECIOSA) Pakistan Journal of Botany.33 (Special issue) 575-579.
37. Naz, S. Siddique, F. A and Iqbal, J, (1993) In vitro flowering of Hyacinths. Advances in plants tissue culture 1:40-42
38. Naz, S. Siddique, F. A and Iqbal, J, (1993) In vitro propagation of carnation. Advances in plants tissue culture 1:43-47
39. Naz, S. Siddique, F. A and Iqbal, J, (1993) Micropropagation of roses. Advances in plants tissue culture 1:48-54
40. Iqbal, J, Naz, S., Nasir, S, Aftab, F and Ahmad, M.S.1991. Total phenolics, phenylalanine ammonia lyase and polyphenol oxidase in in vitro calli of chickpea. Pakistan Journal of Botany.23(2): 227-235
41. Iqbal, J and Naz, S.1989. Effects of Barium on the germination. Soluble protein and isozymic forms of peroxides in wheat. Pakistan Journal of Agri. Res., 10 (1)15-22
Published Books
1. Micropropagation of Bulbous Plants (2012) Farah Aslam, Shagufta Naz.
2. Micropropagation and antimicrobial activity of Turmeric (2012) Safia Jabeen, Shagufta Naz.
3. Callogenesis and Micropropagation of Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) and Biochemical investigation of Protein Content and Peroxidase activity during different Stages of Growth.
(2012) Shagufta Naz and Khadija Gillani
4. Comparison of in vitro Response of Micropropagation, Callogenesis and Antimicrobial activity of Vinca rosea L. Rukhama Haq and Shagufta Naz
5.Influence of Growth Regulators and sucrose Concentration on Micropropagation, Callogenesis and Antimicrobial activity of Amaryllis belladonna L.
Books in Press:
1. Effect of different explants and media compositions for efficient growth somatic embryogenesis, callogenesis and micropropagation of three varieties (NSG-59, Qsg-1741 and HSF 240) of Saccharum officinarum L.
2. Callogenesis, Organogenesis and Antimicrobial activity of Clitoria ternata L
Publications in Press:
1. Aamir Ali,Asif Saleem and Shagufta Naz (2012) Molecular characterization and the phylogenetic relationship among different sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) varieties of Pakistan. submitted to Gen. Mol. Res., Plant Cell Report. Theo. Appl. Genet.,
2. Shagufta Naz and Saiqa Ilyas (2012) Use of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and random amplification of polymorphic DNAs (RAPDS) for the determination of genetic diversity between 21 Chrysanthemum varieties of Pakistan. Submitted to. Theo. Appl. Genet.
3. Shagufta Naz, Ambreen Zafrullah and Saiqa Ilyas (2012) Use of RAPD marker for the assessment of genetic diversity in Tomato cultivars. Submitted to Gen. Mol. Res.
4. Shagufta Naz, Sana Rashid and Kiran Shahzadi (2012) Molecular characterization and phylogenetic relationship of different citrus varieties of Pakistan. Submitted to Gen. Mol. Res.and Pakistan J. of Botany.
Dissertation title
1- Ph.D. “Phenolics in in-vitro cultures of chickpea during callogenesis and organogenesis”
2- M.Sc. Effects of Barium Chloride on the germination. Soluble protein and isozymic forms of peroxidases in wheat.
Employment record:
I. Professor (2010-To date)
Presently working as a Professor and Head of department in Biotechnology & Microbiology Department, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore from April.2010 to date
II. Associate Professor (2009-2010)
Worked as an Associate Professor in Botany Department, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore from Jan.2009 to April 2010.
III. Assistant Professor (2005-2008)
Worked as an Assistant Professor in Botany Department from Oct .2005 to 31st Dec.2009.
In Associate and at the post of Assistant Professor in same university following services were rendered to the organization:
· Two complete Tissue Culture laboratories including designing, procurement and installation of equipment and initiation of different varieties of cultures were established in Lahore College for Women University and in Baghe-Jinnah Lahore.
· Optimized protocols and established various plants under in-vitro conditions, including cash crops like Turmeric, Bananas, Sugarcane, Potato, ornamentals i.e. Lilium Orchid, Carnation, and medicinal plants –Stevia, Bryophyllum, Vinca, Ricinus etc.
· Established and optimized the methods of isolation of oleoresins and active ingredients from different plant species both in vivo and in vitro by using different isolation techniques. These isolated compounds were analysed and characterized by using spectrophotometer and GCMS techniques.
· Determined antimicrobial activities of these isolated compounds against different strains of bacteria and fungus.
III: Consultant(2003-2005)
Worked as consultant for establishment of plant tissue culture lab. for private seed propagation company (Kissan Services and Supplies). A complete project from establishment of lab to field was established and operated successfully for production of disease free Potato, Sugarcane and vegetable seeds through micropropagation at commercial level