GEB 1011


GEB 2011 Introduction to Business (3) (A.A.). Three hours per week. This is a course in general business terminology and in understanding the agencies, methods, functions, and practices of modern business with their resultant effects on the economic and social life of the nation.


Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:

1. Identify terminology used in today’s business world.

2. Describe the environments of business.

3. Identify how each of the various environments of business acts upon a specific form of business.

4. Solve business problems using managerial techniques and styles as they apply to each segment of business.

5. Describe how business, government, and labor have acted to bring about interaction of

Management and labor.

6. Identify strategies and costs of marketing techniques.

7. Describe the competitive factors of business and be able to apply simple formulas for

determining the profitability of business in today’s economic, legal, social, and governmental environments.

8. Identify the importance and necessity of social responsibility and business ethics.

9. Identify an understanding of international business and the need for regulation

in business.

10. Identify various forms of business ownership.

11. Describe managerial activities and employee motivation.

12. Identify the role of money and finance in today’s business environments.

Date of last revision: 02/07/02
