Principles of Technology Syllabus Mr. Little

Course Overview: Principle of Technology is a course in applied science for those who plan to pursue careers as technicians or who just want a solid foundation for further study in science. It blends an understanding of basic principles with laboratory practice in practical applications. It will give you a firm foundation for understanding today’s – and tomorrow’s – technology.

Textbook and materials: Principles of Technology: Center for Occupational Research and Development, 1985.

Physics in Context: Center for Occupational Research and Development, 2001. (Supplement)

Prerequisites: A solid background in mathematics is essential for success in this course. You must have the ability to perform basic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. You should also be fluent in algebra, not necessarily a “math whiz”, but the ability to rearrange formulas to solve for an unknown is essential. You should have access to a scientific calculator and be familiar with its operation. A good working knowledge of the basic units of measurement will be of great help.

Teacher expectations and Requirements:

1. Students will keep a notebook to be used exclusively for this course. You should bring this with you to class daily.

2. Students absent on the day of a test or quiz will be expected to take that test upon returning to class. Consideration will be given in the event of prolonged excused absences.

3. Homework will be turned in on the due date. Failure to do so will result in a grade of zero for that assignment, except in the case of excused absences.

4. Students are expected to participate in class discussions and laboratory activities.

5. Students are expected to discuss homework problems and ideas with other students, but copying the work of another student is academic dishonesty and will be treated as such.

6. Be prompt: class begins when the bell rings.

7. Be courteous and respectful of the teacher and other students.

8. Don’t hesitate to come to me for extra help if you need it.