Primary / Secondary / Higher Secondary School
School Admission Form
1. Pupils are generally admitted at the beginning of the term.
2. A pupil who joins the school fresh from home or from a private School must produce zerox copy or an official copy of Birth certificate / Leaving Certificate in support of date of birth entered in the admission form. Evaluated by subject teachers.
3. If the pupil has attended any recognized school, a transfer certificate from the school must be submitted.
4. If the pupil has come from other than Gujarat State, he / she must produce a transfer certificate countersigned by the Education authority of that state.
Please fill in the admission form given below.
1. Student's Name :______________________________________________ (in Capital letters) (Surname) (Name) (Father’s Name)
2. Date of Birth :_____ (Date) __________(Month) ______________(Year)
3. Place of Birth :______________________________________________
4. Mother Tounge :______________________________________________
5. Sex : Male _________________ Female _________________
6. Caste & Religion :_____________________ Subcaste : ________________
7. Last School Attended :
(a) Standard in which the child was studying ? _________
(b) Passed or failed in the standard : _________________
8. Class to which admission is required :______________________________________
9. Local Address :______________________________________________
City : ____________________ State : _______________
Country : ____________________ Zip : _____________
10. Phone No. :___________________ STD Code : ________________
11. Occupation of Father :__________________________________