Time / Primary Conference Programme
9.00-9.30am / Registration and Coffee
9.30-9.45am / Welcome
Jess Paul Solent Assistant Maths Hub Lead and
Barbara Rodgers Maths Hub Lead
9.45-10.45am / Key Note Speech
Ben Sparks Mathematician, musician and speaker
‘Moving Maths – the emotional impact of doing maths, and how dynamic geometry can tap into this’
10:45-11:15am / Coffee and move to break out rooms
11.15-12:15pm / WORKSHOP A
Sarah Anderson
Teaching for Mastery and greater depth in the classroom / WORKSHOP B
Emma Patman
SEND Maths in mainstream / WORKSHOP C
Sue Rayner
Using tens frames across EYFS and KS1
12:15 – 1:00pm / Lunch
1:00-2:00pm / WORKSHOP A
Ben Sparks
Magical Maths – using magic tricks to promote problem solving and algebraic skills / WORKSHOP B
Emma Patman
SEND Maths in mainstream / WORKSHOP C
Jane Liddle
Introduction to bar modelling
2:15-3:15pm / WORKSHOP A
Ben Sparks
Magical Maths – using magic tricks to promote problem solving and algebraic skills / WORKSHOP B
Sarah Anderson
Teaching for Mastery and greater depth in the classroom / WORKSHOP C
Jane Liddle
Introduction to bar modelling / WORKSHOP D
Sue Rayner
Using tens frames across EYFS and KS1
3:15-3:30pm / Close
Jessica Paul- Assistant Maths Hub Lead