University of Hawaii Maui College
Prerequisite Style Sheet
When writing course prerequisites, refer to this style sheet as a guide. It illustrates the format used by the more frequently-used prerequisites in the current UHMC college catalog.
A. Placement prerequisites:
1. Problems arise when the prereq is a placement score only, e.g., Placement at ENG 100.
(a) Students who complete ENG 22 are still unable to qualify, unless they re-take the placement test and pass the cutoff. The prereq needs to add successful completion of ENG 22 as a route. (b) Another issue is what constitutes "successful" completion of ENG 22. Passing is grade D or better, but the prereq for ENG 100 is grade C or better in the precedent course.
Correct prereqs using ENG:
ENG 15 with a passing grade, or placement at least ENG 19, or consent.
ENG 19 with grade C or better, or placement at least ENG 22, or consent.
ENG 22 with grade C or better, or placement at ENG 100, or consent.
ENG 22 or 55 with grade C or better, or placement at ENG 100, or consent.
Correct prereqs using MATH:
MATH 18 with grade C or better, or placement at least MATH 82, or consent.
2. When the prereq uses both ENG and MATH, follow this format.
Correct: ENG 19 with grade C or better or placement at least ENG 22, and MATH 18 with grade C or better or placement at least MATH 82; or consent.
Notes.— Adjoin the ENG (first) with the MATH (second). Place a comma before “and” and a semi-colon before “or consent.”
3. Use of the word “least”:
Some courses, especially ENG and MATH, require placement at a particular level, but not beyond it. For example, MATH 18 is geared for students with a placement score only at the MATH 18 level – those placing at MATH 82 should take MATH 82. Therefore, the MATH 82 prereq states placement “at” that level, and not “at least” that level (as was done in A.1). For example:
Correct: MATH 18 with grade C or better, or placement at MATH 82, or consent.
Wrong: MATH 18 with grade C or better, or placement at least MATH 82, or consent.
When the placement level is ENG 100, do not use “at least,” which is misleading since there is no placement beyond the ENG 100 level.
Correct: ENG 22 with grade C or better, or placement at ENG 100, or consent.
Wrong: ENG 22 with grade C or better, or placement at least ENG 100, or consent.
B. Sequence and punctuation for more than one Prereq course:
1. Use commas within a series, a comma before “and,” then a semi-colon before “or consent.”
Correct: BUS 120, ECON 130, and ECON 131; or consent.
Wrong: BUS 120, ECON 130 and ECON 131; or consent. (Comma is missing before the “and”)
2a. Alpha/numericize courses –
Correct: BUS 120, ECON 130, and ECON 131; or consent.
Wrong: ECON 131, ECON 130, and BUS 120; or consent.
2b. Except: Courses in the discipline are listed first. For example, a CULN prereq might read:
Correct: CULN 280, ACC 124, and HWST 107 all with grade C or better; or consent.
Wrong: ACC 124, CULN 280, and HWST 107 all with grade C or better; or consent.
2c. Another exception: ENG and MATH go last. For example, For example, a CULN 280 prereq might read:
Correct: CULN 280, ACC 124, HWST 107, and ENG 100; or consent. (Department first; ENG last)
Wrong: ACC 124, CULN 280, ENG 100, HWST 107; or consent.
3. Use parenthesis to clarify antecedent:
Correct: AG 201 and MATH 82 (or concurrent); or consent.
Wrong: AG 201 and MATH 82 or concurrent; or consent. (Unclear if both courses may be concurrent)
4. Use the word “both” or “all” to clarify antecedent:
Correct: PSY 103 and 213 both with grade C or better; or consent.
Wrong: PSY 103 and 213 with grade C or better; or consent. (Unclear if both courses require a C)
C. If course proposer intends to disallow exceptions to the prereq, then such is requested on the CAR form and “or consent” is dropped from the prereq.
D. Do not list a prereq that is a prereq of a prereq.
E. Review the catalog for more examples.
Prepared pez July 2007, Revised bruck 8/2011 PSS-2-1.doc, page 1