Poultry Committee Meeting Minutes
November 16th, 2013
Merrimack County 4-H Office Boscawen, NH
In attendance were:
· Rhiannon Beauregard, State Program Coordinator
· Jolee Chase, Hillsborough County
· Ann Henry, Cheshire County
· Michelle Siudut, Rockingham County
· Julie Walker, Work Study Assistant
· NH Cluckers
· Rockingham Roosters Poultry Club
· SMS Green Eggs
After introductions, Ms. Beauregard thanked all for attending.
Ms. Beauregard wished to remind all members of the upcoming:
· 4-H Animal Science Bonanza
o Will take place on January 11th, 2014 in Walpole, New Hampshire.
o The clinic will encompass workshops tailored toward the 4-H beef, goat, horse and poultry programs.
§ Sponsors for the poultry sections were requested. Ms. Siudut offered to contact a colleague, while Ms. Henry volunteered to administer the skil-a-thon portion. Ms. Beauregard will locate a kit.
o Activities will include guest lectures, quiz bowl competitions, a scotch auction and a scavenger hunt.
o Speakers may include a veterinary ovine ultrasound specialist, a veterinarian discussing biosecurity, nutritionists and other specialists. Further recommendations and suggestions for speakers are welcomed and encouraged.
o The flyer and entry form will be sent out soon.
o The program is highly recommended by all participants and serves as an excellent preparatory activity for those who wish to attend Eastern States Exposition.
· Approval forms for poultry are due to the state office on June 15th.
Review of 2013 Poultry Clinic
Member of the committee were asked to provide feedback regarding the poultry clinic held earlier this year. Everyone agreed that the workshop was an excellent event for the children and only slight changes were recommended. A reoccurring comment was that the acoustics of the venue need be improved because many were distracted and could not hear the workshops that were taking place. The recommendation was also made to provide more interactive options for younger kids who had a hard time focusing on the longer lectures.
Planning the 2014 Poultry Clinic
After the success of the first clinic, it is the desire of the committee to coordinate the event again. Next year, the clinic will take place on June 22nd at the Youth Center in New Boston, NH. Several suggestions were made during the discussion:
· The day will be split into two sessions. Lectures and workshop sessions will take place in the morning with a county sponsored show to follow.
· Lecture and workshop topics may include husbandry, bio security, judging and other related subjects.
· Participants may bring their own animal but proper health work must accompany the bird. Younger members may be eligible to show provided the event is not New Hampshire State sponsored. The Rockingham Roosters Club has expressed interest in sponsorship.
· Ms. Beauregard will look into applicable endowments and grants that may provide the funding needed for the clinic and the judges.
The clinic will be discussed in further detail at the next meeting.
Future Meetings
The committee wishes to meet biannually in the spring and in the fall. The application of technology may allow more members to attend the meetings because they are not restricted by distance. Recording the meetings would be extremely beneficial.
Several suggestions for potential poultry judges for the following show season were brought forth. Recommendations included the poultry judge who was present at the Rochester Fair, Kacey and Jeremy. Possible candidates will be contacted in the following months.
At the end of the meeting committee members were asked to continue thinking about the clinic and to bring any questions, comments or ideas to the next meeting. Shortly after the meeting was adjourned.