Positive and Powerful Quotes- Words to Live By
Hope is wishing for something to come true. Faith is believing that it will come true.
Succeed one day at a time and you will have success for a lifetime.
Success is just around the corner for the person who refuses to quit.
Make every day count, make every hour count, make every minute count.
Dare to do mighty things.
We all have a choice. You can decide which type of person you want to be.
She who would attain greatness must make no little plans.
People are only the products of their own thoughts. Believe big and grow big.
Don’t be a fear thinker. Be a faith thinker.
Successful people take the attitude that there are no failures, just temporary setbacks.
Cherish your goal and give it priority.
Procrastination is the greatest thief of time.
Achieving success is a daily process.
Faith is a 24-hour-a-day commitment.
Plan your work and work your plan.
Every hardship is an opportunity is disguise.
We all have the same 24 hours a day- make yours count.
If you don’t know the struggle, you don’t know the strength.
Work will win where wishing won’t.
Place your eyes on your goals and don’t move them.
Believe that you are becoming the best you can be.