849 Port Way – Clarkston, WA
Wednesday, January 14, 2015 -- 1:00 p.m.
All motions approved unanimously unless otherwise stated.
The Port of Clarkston’s regular meeting for January 14, 2015, was brought to order at the Port of Clarkston office by Chair Wayne Tippett with the Pledge of Allegiance. A quorum was present.
[X] Commissioner Marvin Jackson [X] Commissioner Rick Davis
[X] Commissioner Wayne Tippett ` [X] Port Manager – Wanda Keefer
[X] Port Auditor/Bookkeeper - Jennifer Bly [X] ED Assistant – Belinda Campbell
ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 2015: The following positions were approved: Marvin Jackson – Commission Chair, Rick Davis – Vice Chair, and Wayne Tippett – Secretary. Commissioner Jackson then took over running the meeting.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Minutes of the Regular Port Meeting December 11, 2014 and Special December 30, 2014 Meeting: Commissioners Tippett/Davis made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried.
Affirm appointments of Port Auditor (Jennifer Bly) and Port Attorney (Bruce Ensley): Motion made by Commissioner Tippett/Davis affirming the appointments of the Port Auditor and Port Attorney. Motion carried.
Society for Creative Anachronism: seeking location for Medieval Times. Motion made by Commissioners Tippett/Davis approving the use of our property for their event, subject to tenant approval for the specific property and confirmation that the party is responsible from the previous location used for their event. Motion carried.
Resolution 2015-01: A Resolution Setting the Time and Place for Meetings in 2015. Motion made by Commissioners Tippett/Davis approving Resolution 2015-01 as presented. Motion carried.
Resolution 2015-02: A Resolution Authorizing the Port Manager to sell Port Property of Ten Thousand or Less in Value. Motion made by Commissioners Tippett/Davis approving Resolution 2015-02 as presented. Motion carried.
Resolution 2015-03: A Resolution Governing the Transactions of Business for the Port of Clarkston. Commissioners provided guidance with what they’d like in this Resolution. It will be drafted and presented at the next meeting.
1. Accounts receivable status report -- In packets
2. Permitting in progress: nothing to report
Jump Start Java lease: The Port Manager spoke with Gayla Lamb. She said she would relinquish in writing any interests in the lease with the Port. However, she did not respond to our letter (i.e., performing the relinquishment), so as of today, we have nothing in writing. Wanda spoke to the Port Attorney, who recommended we send Ms. Lamb a letter relating to an assumption that she will not object if we lease the property to another party. The new lease with Jump Start Java LLC is a month-to-month lease with the provision for a personal guarantee by Jock Pring. It also says there is a 90 day notice to terminate. Motion made by Commissioner Davis/Tippett approving the new lease with Jump Start Java. Motion carried.
Work Session to review and update Goals & Objectives for 2015. The Commissioners and staff went through the various items on the schedule. No changes were made. Motion made by Commissioner Davis/Tippett accepting the Port of Clarkston’s 2015 Goals and objective as presented. Motion carried.
Commissioner Jackson – Talked about the vandalism in the restroom. He suggested that maybe we should close them all winter. Closure was not approved.
Commissioner Davis - Talked about cracks in Port Way and notified the other commissioner about his surgery scheduled for February 4, 2015.
Commissioner Tippett - Talked about striping Port Drive and was reminded that the real need was on the portion of roadway owned by the County. He also asked about the old Poe Hangar building.
1. Calendar – Wanda provided a copy of her Calendar to the commissioners and reviewed some of the details therein.
2. It was decided that there was not presently a need to review the “Commission Policy Directive on Administrative Authority of Manager.” It was last updated in 2011.
3. Wanda announced that Chamber Legislative Conference calls would take place in Port office on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month during legislative session at 7:30 a.m.
4. The Commissioners approved the Port Manager’s attendance “Local Dollars Local Sense” an all-day workshop in Moscow featuring Michael Shuman Feb. 18 (fee $100).
5. The Commissioners approved the donation of Cougar Gold Cheese to the Mission to Washington sponsorship again this year.
6. Tractor (mower) repair or replacement; the Commissioners agree that we should buy a new mower get the highest value for a trade in by installing the new transmission. The budget has a line item for equipment of $6,500.00.
Type of Check Check Numbers Date Amount
Payroll 17924-17938 12/31/2014 $14,933.74
Expenses 17939-17940 01/07/2015 $10,236.49
Expenses 17941-17967 01/14/2015 $18,150.12
Motion made by Commissioners Tippett/Davis approving the vouchers as presented. Motion carried.
executive session
At 2:20 p.m. the Commissioners went into executive session for a period of 20 minutes to discuss the following: 10 min. Contract negotiations, 5 min. Litigation, 5 min. Lease negotiations; At the conclusion of 20 minutes, executive session was extended an additional 7 minutes.
Executive session wrap-up: No decisions were made coming out of executive session.
Next MeetingS
February 12, 2013 – Regular meeting – 1 p.m.
Motion made by Commissioners Davis/Tippett to adjourn the meeting at 2:50 p.m. Motion carried.
Wayne Tippett - Secretary
Meeting Minutes January 14, 2015 3 | Page