Policy Issue Paper Format and Submission Requirements

These requirements apply to the mid-term and final papers.

Adhering to and demonstrating your knowledge and proficiency of technical
writing issues are essential.

Please use a commonly recognized compositional style such as: MLA, APA, CBE, Chicago, ASA, or others. Select one and be consistent. Use an in-text citation style. A bibliography is required.

The papers must clearly demonstrate the application of critical inquiry supported by convincing evidence. Supporting resources should be current and not limited to web-based findings.

Format requirements:

1. Cover sheet:

a. Title of the paper

b. Course information: Criminal Justice Policy Analysis:
CCJ6106.0M1, Spring 2003

c. Your name.

d. No page number

2. Table of contents for final paper that includes associated page numbers.
Page(s) numbered appropriately that conform to accepted
compositional format.

3. Double-spaced, 1.5 inch left margin and 1.0 right margin, 1 inch top
and bottom. Use consist spacing between headings and subheadings.

4. Pages numbered consist with conventional essay styles.

A very good and comprehensive writing guide can be easily obtained from: http://www.graduate.ucf.edu/filebox/ACF82F.pdf

This is the UCF thesis/dissertation mandatory manuscript format. While this document specifically pertains to thesis and dissertation requirements, the guidelines pertaining to format requirements and page format requirements are generally applicable and helpful. An adoption of the manuscript format requirements will produce a professional product.

Take advantages of the resources that are available at the University Writing Center (UWC). Please visit their website for more information:

http://www.uwc.ucf.edu/ :

Other Useful Sites (located on UWC website)
Arizona State's DocsCite: a valuable resource--provide the publication information, and this site will create a correctly formatted APA or MLA citation
Colombia Guide to Online Style: provides basic tips and pointers about how to prepare bibliographic material and citations; frequently updated to keep pace with technology
Distance Learning and Referral Center: information about Florida libraries and resources, designed with the distanced learner in mind
Government Documents: a clearing-house of links about all manner of government publications, reports, and information
Papyrus: This software helps to organize your bibliographic entries and keeps records of citations for you.
Research and Documentation Online: a great resource by handbook writer Diana Hacker, this site provides in-text and end-of-text citation rules and examples for MLA, APA, CBE, and Chicago styles. Sample essays in each format are also included. Very helpful.
Rich Gause's Citation Examples: A site compiled by UCF's Government Documents Librarian--many useful links to citation examples, maps and tables, and a variety of research and resources
UCF Library's Ask a Librarian: stuck with your research? Have a confusing documentation question? Use this site to send questions to UCF's helpful librarians

Paper Submissions

Submit your completed paper on or before the deadline via email to:

Use this format in the message subject area of your email: CCJ6106lastnameMidterm, or CCJ6106lastnameFinal as appropriate.

The paper should be in a common word processor such as MS Word or WordPerfect. I will accept any format that can be imported into MS Word without changing the original manuscript formatting. Attached the paper to your email.

Please contact me if you have any questions or problems.