Business Services
Policy - Departmental Social Events (includes holiday gatherings)
Departmental social events (including holiday gatherings) are an important part of developing a sense of community at Plymouth State University by promoting goodwill, employee relations, and morale. However, because we are a state-supported and student-centered institution these events must be reasonable in cost and frequency. The following guidelines apply to all social events whether held on PSU property (using University dining or catering services), an outside restaurant or function hall or at an employee’s private residence.
Allowable Costs and Frequency
1. Each department will be allowed ONE social event (including holiday gatherings) per year that is at least partially funded by the departmental budget.
2. The cost funded by the departmental budget shall not exceed $5.00 per employee. The departmental budget shall not be used to pay for spouses, guests, or any other non-PSU employee.
3. There shall be no reimbursement for alcohol purchased.
4. Additionally, the purchase and/or mailing of holiday greeting cards is not an allowable expense for departmental funds. The only department that is allowed to send holiday cards is the President’s Office.
Plymouth State University Business Services
Policy – Retirement or Departure Receptions and Gifts
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Processing Requirements
All costs under this policy shall be processed on a reimbursement basis. Individual(s) of the department shall make payment at the time of the event (or whatever the arrangement with the supplier) and shall subsequently be reimbursed the $5 per allowable person through the Accounts Payable Office (through petty cash if $200 or less; through the non-travel reimbursement process if over $200).
Documentation requirements include the date, location and nature of the gathering and number and names of participants in attendance. Original receipts must accompany the request for reimbursement of the actual costs.