Kids’ Corps, Inc.
Policy Council Meeting Minutes
May 23, 2016
Members Present: Members Absent:
Lynnette Cotner, President Faamafu Kimoto, Vice President
Tracy Peters, Secretary Jorge Velasquez
Steve Gruhn Lyla Ritter
Raheel Asghar Gerald Hempel
Afshan Raja
Raquel Ferrero
Sandra Roddy
Rhoda Jal
Paola Sandoval
Maria Muldoon
Staff Present:
Dirk Shumaker, Executive Director
Ronnie Brown, Family and Community Engagement Specialist
Meeting called to order at 6:15 pm. Quorum present.
Ronnie talked about strengthening families and having protective factors in place for each of us. The more knowledge you have the more resilient you can be. Everyone has challenges, it’s how we meet those challenges that matter. What we teach our children about challenges will help them to become resilient. Think of all the challenges you have faced, what strengths did you draw upon to meet them and rise above. Parents listed strengths. Exercise: think about what strengths you draw upon and write one on each of three rocks (provided). Put in your home where you will see them every day and know that you are strong. Even when challenges come, you are strong enough to meet it. Parents spent time thinking and talking about their strengths, they each came up with three and a few parents shared.
Financial Report:
KCI is right on target with budget line items. Credit Card purchases are down due to end of year closures.
Dashboard: Attendance is great for April at over 90% across the centers. We expect to see May attendance up in high percentages as well. Dental follow up and treatments were over 50% and we hope that May will show an increase in overall treatment follow-ups. Staff turnover was at 50% with half of that number moving internally. Parent asked if we do exit interviews and glean good information. 1/3 of the teachers leaving had reasons beyond their control. Also received good feedback from staff surveys and about relationships with their supervisor.
Minutes were reviewed, no questions at this time. Sandra motioned to accept the minutes, Steve seconded. Motion approved.
Dirk directed the PC to last page of financials. KCI received word that we are eligible to apply for $38,000 in Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) funds. The COLA grant must be used to permanently raise our wages by at least 1.8%, retroactive to the start of our fiscal year on November 1, 2015. Remaining funds may be used to offset other cost increases, such as increased rent or insurance. The PC reviewed the worksheet created by KCI’s Finance Manager and reviewed by the Board finance committee that showed we could apply a 2.5% increase to wages and have an additional $6,600 to defray health insurance increases. Afshan motioned to approve the COLA application at 2.5 %, with the remaining $6,600 increase along with the offset to insurance benefits. Sandra seconded, motion approved.
New Hires:
Ronnie explained that most internal changes are still in process of notification and July New Hire sheet would reflect those internal changes. The two substitutes that are hired for Assistant Teacher and Child Development Assistant were initially approved by the PC and so internal interviews are not required to have parents in attendance. All changes will be reflected on the July New Hires sheet. No action required at this time. Ronnie asked if any parents were available for Thursday afternoon hiring committee. Lynnette can do the 3pm and 3:45pm interviews. Raheel will let her know if he can do any. He may need a ride.
Executive Directors Report:
Dirk stated that no news has been received in regards to the Federal Grant at this time. Will know by July. Dirk thanked Steve for being available when the charts and graphs need reviewing; we are still waiting for Teaching Strategies Gold to fix an issue with the program so we can download our child assessment data.
Update: on recruitment suggestions made by PC. Every Wednesday the Food Bank at CSS will have a KCI table manned and ready to recruit families.
Update: cash back is 1% on credit cards used
Update: Curriculum night in September, KCI will provide information on ASD optional programs. Staff will have laptops at first parent teacher conferences to help parents go on the ASD website and locate options they are interested in. Staff will assist them with filling out applications in time for the first lottery in October, if needed.
CCR-family wellness forms: Dirk passed out the CCR form and asked the parents to review the questions and state what they think for using next year instead of the Matrix and Parent Interest List. Parents reviewed and felt there were a few questions that should be on it if it was to be used. In section one,
· How many children in the family and what age groups
In section two,
· Is your family military
· Is a spouse deployed
· Migrant Ed
Section three,
· How many hours of screen time per day/week
Parents felt this form wasn’t as intrusive to use. Also puts two forms into one as there is too much paperwork between teacher and family advocate.
NO meeting in June, teleconference if something important comes up. Majority can make regularly scheduled meeting in July. Same schedule, July 25th from 6-8pm with dinner and childcare.
Recruitment Picnic:
Rachel Schafer is in charge of this event. Will be held at Lions Park in Mt. View on July 14th from 3-6 pm. Parents available to come and help recruit/talk with parents are: Tracy/Sandra, Afshan and Raquel. Parents stated they will still do email through the summer for reminders and contact.
Family and Community Engagement Specialist:
Summer Survival kit. Ronnie explained that instead of one door prize, everyone needs to have the summer survival kit. All parents received and enjoyed the treat.
Parent asked about when they would be notified if their child got into the program for next year. Dirk stated everyone should know before mid-August. Both Paola and Sandra have children on a wait list. Dirk will check with Miriam, enrollment specialist, for information. Parent asked if there was a cut off for taking applications. Answer is “no”. Always taking applications.
Parents will meet at Ridgeline Head Start on Friday (May 27th ) at 10a.m. for new center tour. Ronnie will send out address and directions via email.
August 29th, EHSl/Full Day and ASD schools begin.
September 6th, all other Head Start classes begin.
Steve motioned to adjourn at 7:31pm. Afshan seconded. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by,
________________________________ ______________________
Tracy Peters, Secretary Date