Using HORDE email client:

Log into

Click on the Horde graphic

click on the Login button if it appears

The main screen appears

To view emails click on Mail

A few notes about this screen

- Emails with a person icon beside them indicate they are “Personal”, this means they were sent from a single account and didn’t reach you as part of a mailing list

- Emails shaded green with a icon of an arrow and an envelope indicates this email has been replied to.

- See the icon bar at the bottom for more icons and their meanings.

When an email is open:

You can click the little blue notebook icon beside an email address to add it to your AddressBook

You can also mark emails using the Mark As: dropdown top left of the email body

As well as COPY or MOVE the email to folders

At the top of the screen there are Icons for other sections of Horde, including the Address Book.

Clicking on the Address Book brings you to the default screen

To add a new contact click the New Contact button

Do do more work on the Address Book hit Browse

By default only contacts starting with the letter A are displayed, and both contacts and contact/mailing lists are shown together.

To show all click the “ALL” at the bottom center of the page

To only show mailing lists click “Lists” at the top right

To edit a mailing list check the checkbox beside it and click edit, or, just click on the mailing list name

Please note that inside a mailing list it also by default only shows entries starting with “A”, click “All” to show the whole list.

To remove someone from the list, check their checkbox and click “Remove from this list” at the top or bottom left

Again note that the list now seems to be empty because it reverted to the default “A” listing

To create a new list, one cannot create an empty list, so you need to checkmark a contact in the address book and then use it to create a new list. You can remove that contact later if you were just using it as a dummy address for list creation

Checkbox the contact, then click the “Add” dropdown list and choose an address book to create the new list in

Then click Add

Enter a new name for the list (I have been starting the names with “MailingList – “ because the icon to indicate a list (multiple people heads) doesn’t stand out that well amongst single person contacts)

Once the list is created, you can easily add people to it by checking their checkbox and selecting a contact list to add them to in the Add dropdown, then click Add

Mailing to a list:

Click on Mail and then New Message

Put ‘’ in the To field, then click Address Book in the middle of the window

Scroll down to the mailing list (or contact) you want, and select it and hit “Bcc >>”

(it is not recommended to use To or Cc as this exposes the email addresses of all of the lists recipients to all of the other list recipients.)

Hit OK

You can then send your email