Women’s History Scotland

Membership Form

The information you supply will be stored on the WHS membership database and, with the exception of personal contact details (which will not be circulated, for security reasons), may be made available to others (e.g. at WHS conferences). If any member wishes to contact another, they can do so via a member of the steering committee.

The membership fee is £5 (unwaged/student), £10 (waged) and is renewable annually in January. If you are currently not a member and are joining WHS to attend the annual conference, please complete this form and return with your completed conference registration form and appropriate conference fee to Dr Eilidh Macrae, Abertay University (full address noted on conference registration form). You will subsequently be contacted in January to see if you wish to continue with your WHS membership. If you do wish to remain a member then you will be asked to send a cheque made out to Scottish Women’s History Network for the appropriate membership fee for 2015. Alternatively, you can set up a banker’s order so that your subscription will be debited from your account annually in January. The form for setting up a banker’s order can be found on our website (www. womenshistoryscotland.org).

Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS

Name :…………………………………………………………………………………………..

Job title/occupation:……………………………………………………………………………

Name and address of institution/organisation where you work:



Home address (if above not relevant, or if you prefer mailings to go to your home address):



E-mail address:…………………………………………………………………………………..

Current research interests:

Please attach a list of your most significant (or most recent) publications, if appropriate.