Pleasant View Middle School

“A family learning atmosphere where kids come first”

“Home of the Lions”



Pleasant View Middle School
23600 Everett Road
Pueblo, Colorado 81006

Telephone: (719) 542-7813

FAX: (719) 545-6291

Dennis Downs Ronda Rein Jason Neal

Dean of Students Principal Counselor

2014 -2015
Period / Subject / Teacher / Room
Access Hour


“A family learning atmosphere where kids come first”

School Colors: Purple and Gold

Mascot: The “Lions”


Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year! During this school year, our staff will be working hard to provide the best educational experience to all of our students.

We will continue to provide our students with two nationally renowned programs: Pre-Advanced Placement classes and the Gateway To Technology curriculum. Pre-AP classes will be available to students that are accepted into the program and whose TCAP scores reflect they should be in the program. In the Gateway To Technology program, all sixth grade PV students will go through nine weeks of this program which will introduce them to engineering fields and hands on technology. Seventh and eighth grade students will be able to take the GTT classes as a semester long elective. We are also very proud of all of the different clubs, activities and sports that we provide for our students. Please look into everything we have to offer and find something that is the right fit for you.

This student handbook is intended to acquaint you with the school policies at Pleasant View Middle School. Students and parents should become very familiar with this information, so you should read this section of the booklet carefully. Students are expected to understand and abide by the policies contained in this handbook.

It is our desire to make this school year successful for all of our students. Good luck as you strive for excellence during the 2014—2015 school year!









In order to provide for the safety of our students and staff, ALL VISITORS entering the school building are REQUIRED to check into the office. No person will be permitted to enter the classroom area, gym, shop, or cafeteria without prior authorization from office personnel.

The policies and procedures outlined in this student handbook are accurate at the time of printing and are subject to change.

Pueblo School District No. 70 does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or handicap (disability) in admission or access to, or treatment, or employment in its educational programs or activities. Inquiries about ADA, Section 504, and Title IX may be addressed to the Superintendent of Schools, 24951 East Highway 50, Pueblo, Colorado 81006. (719) 542-0220



NOTE: Students should arrive at school no later than 7:25 a.m. Late arrivals are considered TARDY unless excused by the office. Students arriving after 7:35 AM must have a parent sign them in.

7:30-8:31 1st Period

8:35-9:31 2nd Period

9:35-10:31 3rd Period

10:35-11:31 4th Period

11:35 1st Lunch Begins

12:05 1st Lunch Ends

12:09 Tardy Bell/5th Period

12:39 Dismiss for 2nd Lunch

12:43 2nd Lunch Begins

1:13 2nd Lunch Ends

1:17-2:13 6thPeriod

2:17-3:13 7th Period

3:19-3:45 Access Hour


(subject to change)

School Lunch $ 2.15

Extra Milk .40

Snacks .50-$2.00

Adults without Milk $2.75 Breakfast FREE

Student Insurance (available if desired): Premiums depend on coverage. Information will be sent home to all students at the beginning of the school year. Students participating in athletics should have medical insurance, either a policy purchased at school or a family health insurance plan.

Gym Uniform $20.00

Gateway To Technology (Each Class) $10.00

Materials for Shop, Art, or other electives $5.00

and up, depending on projects selected

School Pictures, if desired $8.00 and up

Middle School Activities, dances or assemblies $1.00-$3.00

Middle School Athletic Events

(Preschool with parents) FREE

(Students through high school) $2.00

(Adults) $3.00

Athletics: $60 participation fee for the first sport/child and $50.00 per sport thereafter. Athletic fee must be paid by the first practice session for each sport. Families with hardship situations are encouraged to contact the principal to make arrangements for athletic fees.

Memory Book (estimated) $15.00 (Cost not yet determined for 2014-2015 school year)


We not only welcome, but encourage parent communication with staff. Many venues of communication to parents are used throughout the year. The website calendar is available online with important information and dates. At any time, parents may request a conference with teachers, which should be arranged through the counselor, Mr. Jason Neal. If you wish to visit your child’s classroom, please sign-in at the office window to receive a visitor’s badge. Our computerized grading system is available to parents, so that you may check your student’s grades at any time.

We also welcome parent participation through the school accountability committee, office help, tutoring help, or occasionally helping with the concession stand. Please call the office, 542-7813, if you can help.


If at any time during the school year it becomes necessary to change the home or mailing address or phone number, please report this change immediately to the office or update your powerschool information through the parent portal. It is also vital for the school to have the current employer, address, and phone number of both parents or guardians in case of an emergency.


Permission to leave the school grounds early in case of illness, doctor appointments, etc., must be cleared through the office. All calls home to arrange for parents to take students home need to be made in the office. If you leave the school grounds without signing out you will be considered truant for the school time missed. PARENTS MUST COME INTO THE OFFICE TO SIGN OUT STUDENTS. THE SCHOOL MUST HAVE WRITTEN PERMISSION FOR A STUDENT TO LEAVE SCHOOL WITH ANOTHER STUDENT OR PARENT.


School is a place of learning and should be treated as the student’s “workplace.” Cell phones, pagers, cd players, i-Pods, etc. should not be taken into or used in the classroom unless requested by the instructor. Electronics should not be used before or after school because this causes the students to miss announcements and possible emergency information. These items have become both a disruption and safety issue at Pleasant View over the past few years. Such items that are used on school time will be confiscated and returned only to the parent at the end of the school day and a consequence as a disruption will be given. Under no circumstance will the school be responsible for loss or damage to property. Personal property is brought to school at your own risk. WE WILL NOT CONDUCT SEARCHES FOR LOST OR STOLEN ELECTRONICS.



Administration reserves the right to change or modify these general rules and regulations due to safety concerns or changes in District policy.

1. Maintain a respectful attitude toward other students, teachers, and administrators. Insubordination toward any staff member will not be tolerated and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.

2. Students shall not create disturbances while classes are in session. Students shall not interfere in any way with the learning process in the classroom.

3. No drinking, tobacco or use of narcotics are allowed in the school building or on the school grounds at any time, including e-cigarettes.

4. Students, while in the building or on the school grounds, are not to hold hands, hug, kiss, or show any outward demonstration of affection.

5. Fighting will not be tolerated on school property, on the way to or from school, or on the bus or at the bus stop. Any infraction will result in police charges and suspension, possibly expulsion.

6. Students are not to threaten or do any bodily harm to school personnel and/or personal property. This is a violation of State Law and School District 70 policy, and is grounds for suspension/expulsion.

7. Permission to leave school grounds must be granted by PVMS Office Personnel. If a parent or guardian cannot be contacted, the student will not be permitted to leave campus. If the student leaves anyway, they will be marked truant or unexcused and may be suspended. No parent will be allowed to excuse the student at a later date. Any student who leaves the grounds during the day for lunch, ditching classes, etc., faces disciplinary action.

8. Damaging school property is considered a serious offense and the expense of repairs and replacement will be paid for by the offender. Offender faces suspension and police charges.

9. Throwing snowballs, rocks, or other objects is not allowed on school grounds because of the danger involved to other students, and could result in suspension.

10. Scuffling, running or yelling in the halls is not allowed.

11. Rudeness, vulgarity, rebelliousness and profanity will not be tolerated at any time.

12. Students are not permitted to wear hats, caps, leg, arm, or head bands in the building.

13. The use of radios/cassettes/electronic games is strictly prohibited. These items are not to be brought to school.

The school will not be responsible for confiscated or stolen items and PVMS will not investigate lost or stolen electronic items, including Ipods, cell phones, etc.

14. The use of water guns/water balloons or similar items on the campus of Pleasant View Middle School is prohibited. Any student who disregards this rule could be suspended from school. These items will be confiscated and may not be returned.

15. Graffiti will not be tolerated and any student found defacing school property may face suspension and/or expulsion.

16. Cell phones may not be used during class time (including text messaging.) Parents, please do not call your student on his/her cell during school hours. In case of an emergency, please call PVMS Office at 542-7813.

15. Serious offenses and repeated violations of the above rules and regulations are grounds for suspension. Colorado Law permits students to be suspended or referred for possible expulsion for “habitual disruptive behavior.” Specific procedures to identify “habitually disruptive students” are outlines in District 70 policies JK and JK-R.


Pleasant View Middle School has a "hands off" policy. Students are not to touch other students in an unwelcome manner. Pushing, shoving, tripping, bumping, grabbing or hitting other students is prohibited. Students are expected to refrain from horseplay while at school.


The Board of Education of School District 70 assigns the responsibility of student discipline to the principals of each building and their staff. Refer to Colorado Revised Statute 123-20-7.

Students must respect the rights of others as outlined in the Code of Conduct.

Students suspended are not allowed at any school function or activity during the time of their suspension. Infractions can and/or will be referred to proper authorities.

Students suspended are not allowed at any school function or activity during the time of their suspension. Infractions can and/or will be referred to the proper authorities.


Once a student is referred to the office with a written discipline referral, it is at the discretion of the school administration, along with school and board policy, on what actions will be taken. The action(s) taken would depend on the severity and number of offenses by the individual student. Consequences range from verbal and/or written warning, detention, and out of school suspension or possible referral for expulsion. If a parent or student has any questions they should refer to the Pueblo School District No. 70 Student/Parent Information Handbook or the Pueblo School District 70 Board Policy Manual. Please call Pleasant View Middle School’s administration if you have any further questions or concerns.


The principal may suspend or recommend expulsion of a student who engages in one or more of the following activities while in school buildings, on school grounds, in school vehicles or during a school-sponsored activity and in certain cases when the behavior occurs off of school property. Suspension or expulsion shall be mandatory for serious violations in a school building or on school property.

1. Causing or attempting to cause damage to school property or stealing or attempting to steal school property of value.

2. Causing or attempting to cause damage to private property or stealing or attempting to steal private property.

3. Commission of any act which if committed by an adult would be robbery or assault as defined by state law. Expulsion shall be mandatory in accordance with state law except for commission of third degree assault.

4. Violation of criminal law which has an immediate effect on the school or on the general safety or welfare of students or staff.

5. Violation of district policy or building regulations.

6. Violation of the district’s policy on dangerous weapons in the schools. Expulsion shall be mandatory for carrying, bringing, using or possessing a dangerous weapon without the authorization of the school or school district, unless the student has delivered the firearm or weapon to a teacher, administrator or other authorized person in the district as soon as possible upon discovering it, in accordance with state law.

7. Violation of the district’s alcohol use/drug abuse policy. Expulsion shall be mandatory for sale of drugs or controlled substances, in accordance with state law.

8. Violation of the district’s tobacco-free schools policy.

9. Violation of the district’s policy on sexual harassment.

10. Throwing objects, unless part of a supervised school activity, that can cause bodily injury or damage property.

11. Directing profanity, vulgar language or obscene gestures toward other students, school personnel or visitors to the school.

12. Engaging in verbal abuse, i.e., name calling, ethnic or racial slurs, or derogatory statements addressing publicly to others that precipitate disruption of the school program or incite violence.

13. Committing extortion, coercion or blackmail, i.e., obtaining money or other objects of value from an unwilling person or forcing an individual to act through the use of force or threat of force.