Piper Teaching Award Nomination Form

The UHCL Piper Award Committee, composed of an equal number of students and faculty, selects one professor to be honored for excellence in teaching. This professor represents UHCL in competition for the Minnie Stevens Piper Award, a prestigious teaching honor.

· Who can nominate a faculty member?
All UHCL students and faculty are eligible to nominate professors for this honor.

· What faculty members are eligible for nomination?
Full-time faculty except those on the selection committee and adjunct faculty with as many credit hours as full-time faculty are eligible.

Include your phone number in case we need additional information about your nomination. Paper nominations must be signed; unsigned forms are not considered. Emailed nominations do not require a signature. Send your completed form to David Rachita at from your UHCL email account. Emails from non-UHCL accounts are not be considered.

Deadline: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 by 5:00 pm.

Award Nominee:

Nominator's Name (Print):

Nominator's Status: _____ Faculty _____ Student

Nominator's Telephone:

For student nominators:

How many courses have you taken with this professor?

Has this professor helped you in any other professional capacity? e.g. Academic Advisor, Thesis or Project Advisor. Please describe:

For both faculty and student nominators:

Explain your reasons for nominating this professor. Please be as detailed as possible and list any other scholarly achievements of which you are aware. Feel free to use the back of this form or another page if necessary.

Nominator's Signature (required if submitting a paper form): __________________________________ Date: ___________________

Updated: 1-Sep- 2015