Name: ______Date: ______

Pi Day Project Due Date: Thursday, March 22nd ππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππ

March 14 (the date of 3.14) is Pi day! Pi day is a chance to explore some of the mystical and magical aspects of Pi and of math in general. We will be celebrating on Friday, March 23rd with your presentations.

Pi is the number of times the diameter of a circle fits around the circumference of a circle. It also shows up in some other math equations. It’s a Real Number, a little more than 3. It’s usually rounded to 3.14, and represented by the Greek letter Pi, which looks like: π.

The funny thing about π is that we cannot represent it precisely with a decimal or a fraction. The decimal goes on and on, getting more and more precise, but never exact. Numbers like these are called IRRATIONAL numbers (numbers that can’t be written as a ratio). Pi is a real value in the real world, and between 3.1 and 3.2, but computers can keep calculating and calculating, and there are always more digits and no pattern to them. If there were a pattern, like the recurring decimal 0.3333…, we’d be able to convert it to an exact fraction (here, 1/3).

Ππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππ To celebrate Pi Day, you will choose one of the following options:

1.  Memorize the digits of Pi:

Using at least three strategies, memorize a minimum of 10 digits beyond 3.14 (see how far you can get!) and recite or write them live from memory. You will have three chances to get your best recitation. You will submit a poster including the following:

1.  Pi to the number of places you memorized

2.  Neatly handwritten or typed paragraphs of at least three sentences describing each of the strategies or patterns that you used to help you learn digits (one paragraph for each strategy). In each paragraph, describe (1) the strategy, (2) how you used the strategy, (3) whether or not it helped you, and (4) why it helped or didn’t help.

There are many websites devoted to memorization of the digits of Pi. Here are two to get you started: (go to the Practice tab at the bottom

Your poster is a reflection of you. Make it interesting and make it neat. Put your name on the front along with your section number.


2.  Make a creative artistic representation of Pi:

This is a chance to show your creative side. You may draw a picture, make a PowerPoint presentation, bake a Pi pie, make a model of a Pi pie, or anything else you can think of to depict Pi. Whatever you decide to do, your creation must include the following:

1.  The symbol for Pi

2.  At least 30 of its digits (see rubric)

3.  A circle labeled with its radius (accurately measured)

4.  The formulas for area and circumference and the calculation of the area and circumference of your circle

5.  A paragraph of at least three sentences describing (1) the history of Pi and (2) its importance to math.

Your creation is a reflection of you. Make it interesting and make it neat. Put your name on the front along with your section number.

Note that these directions describe the minimum requirements. Check the project rubrics to see how to earn full credit!

Pi Day Project Rubric

Memorize the Digits!!! / +1 Extra
Credit / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0 / Total Points
Memorization / Correctly recites 30+ digits / Correctly recites 20 or more digits / Correctly recites 15 to19 digits / Correctly recites 10 to 14 digits / Correctly recites less than 10 digits / Unable to recite digits beyond 3.14
Strategies / More than 3 strategies are described / 3 strategies are described / Two strategies are described / One strategy is described / No strategy is described
Poster . / Includes at least three paragraphs and memorized digits / Includes two paragraphs or some digits are missing / Includes less than three paragraphs and some digits are missing / Paragraphs are missing OR some paragraphs are missing and all digits are missing
Paragraphs / Paragraphs effectively address all 4 requirements / Paragraphs effectively address 3 of the 4 requirements / Paragraphs effectively address 2 of the four requirements / Paragraphs effectively address 1 of the four requirements / Paragraphs do not address the requirements
Neatness / Poster is done with care, is pleasing to look at / Poster is messy, shows lack of concern / Poster shows minimum effort and preparation
Name and Section / Name and section are neatly shown on the front of the poster / Name and section are on the back OR section is missing
Project completed on time / Project turned in before 3/21 / Project turned in 3/21 / Project turned in 3/22 / Project turned in after 3/22
Total Points

Pi Day Project Rubric

Presentation!!! / +1 Extra
Credit / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0 / Total Points
Representation of Pi / Include 100+ digits / Accurately represents Pi by including 50 or more digits and the symbol and a circle. / Accurately represents Pi by including 40 to 49 digits, and the symbol and a circle. / Accurately represents Pi by including 30 to 39 digits, and the symbol OR 40 or more digits and symbol or circle is missing. / Accurately represents Pi by including 10 to 29 digits and the symbol OR 30 – 39 digits and symbol or circle is missing. / Represents Pi as 3.14 or includes less than 10 digits and does not include the symbol or the circle
Area and Circumference / Area and circumference of circle are accurate and formulas are shown. / Area and circumference of circle are accurate and formula is not shown. / Area and/or circumference of circle are not accurate and formula is shown. / Students’ area and circumference of circle are not accurate and formula is not shown. / Area and circumference are not calculated.
Paragraph / Paragraph effectively addresses both of the requirements / Paragraph effectively address 1 of the requirements and touches on the other / Paragraph touches on both requirements / Paragraph addresses only one of the requirements / Paragraphs do not address the requirements OR no paragraphs
Neatness / Poster is done with care, is pleasing to look at / Poster is messy, shows lack of concern / Poster shows minimum effort and preparation
Creativity and attention to detail / Evidence of much creativity and attention to detail in presentation. / Evidence of some creativity and attention to detail in presentation. / Little evidence of creativity and attention to detail in presentation. / No evidence of creativity and attention to detail in presentation.
Name and Section / Name and section are neatly shown on the front of the poster / Name and section are on the back OR section is missing
Project completed on time / Project turned in before 3/21 / Project turned in 3/21 / Project turned in 3/22 / Project turned in after 3/22
Total Points