Humble ISD



Administration Guidelines

Beginning of the Year
Kindergarten Screening
Blending Onset-Rimes and Phonemes


Say the sound for each letter or cluster of letters, not the letter name, at approximately ½ second intervals. Administer both practice items and then administer all the items below.

The teacher says,

“Te voy a decir los sonidos que forman una palabra y quiero que tú me digas la palabra que se forman al juntarlos.”

“Si yo digo /c/ - /on/ la palabra que se forma es “con.”


For the practice items, refer to the directions given above. For the practice items only, if the child does not know how to pronounce the word, the teacher should say,

“La palabra es ______.”

Practice Item #1:

“Si yo digo /v/ -as, ¿La palabra que se forman al juntarlos es? (vas)

Practice Item #2:

“/co/ - mer” (comer)

Humble ISD



Administration Guidelines

End of the Year
Kindergarten Screening
Blending Onset-Rimes and Phonemes


Say the sound for each letter or cluster of letters, not the letter name, at approximately ½ second intervals. Administer both practice items and then administer all the items below.

The teacher says,

“Te voy a decir los sonidos que forman una palabra y quiero que tú me digas la palabra que se forman al juntarlos.”

“Si yo digo /c/ - /o/n/ la palabra que se forma es “con.”


For the practice items, refer to the directions give above. For the practice items only, if the child is unsuccessful in pronouncing the word, the teacher should say,

“La palabra es ______.”

Practice Item #1:

“Sí yo digo /v/ -as, ¿La palabra que se forman al juntarlos es? (vas)

Practice Item #2:

“/co/ -mer /comer/

Student’s Name
Recorder/Classroom Teacher / Beginning of the Year Screening:

Humble ISD

Phonemic Awareness Screening

Bilingual – Spanish

Student Score Sheet
Beginning of the Year
Kindergarten Screening
Blending Onset-Rimes and Phonemes


Score 1 point if the student says the word correctly. Score 0 points for an incorrect answer.

Beginning of the Year Screening

Blending Onset-Rimes and Phonemes

/ Beg. of Year
Part 1
Score (0,1)
(Remember, pronounce letter sounds, not the letter names.)
1. /e/ -l (el)
2. /ju/ -gar (jugar)
3. /ve/ -/o/ (veo)
4. /o/ -so (oso)
5. /b/ -eso (beso)
6. /s/ - /o/ - /n/ (son)
7. /v/ - /o/ - /y/ (voy)
8. /pe/ - /lo/ - /ta/ (pelota) /
(8 total)
6 or more correct
/ Stop Phonemic Awareness Screening
5 or less correct / Administer Task 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
End of the Year Screening:

Humble ISD

Phonemic Awareness Screening

Bilingual - Spanish

Student Score Sheet
End of the Year
Kindergarten Screening
Blending Onset-Rimes and Phonemes


Score 1 point if the student says the word correctly. Score 0 points for an incorrect answer.

End of the Year Screening
Blending Word Parts / End of Year
Part 3
Score (0, 1)
(Remember, pronounce letter sounds, not the letter names.)
1. /m/-al (mal)
2. /ga/-/llo/ (gallo)
3. /e/-/s/-/t/-/a/ (esta)
4. /l/-/e/ (le)
5. /o/-/jo/ (ojo)
6. /gu/-/sa/ - /no/ (gusano)
7. /v/-/oy/ (voy)
8. /ten/-/go/ (tengo)
(8 total)

Humble ISD

Phonemic Awareness Inventory

Administration Guidelines

Bilingual - Spanish

Inventory Task #1 - Rhyming
(Semejanza de los sonidos finales – rimas)


The teacher says, “Te voy a decir dos palabras que riman o suenan parecidas. Quiero que me digas otra palabra que rime or suene parecida. Puedes decirme una palabra que no sea verdadera. Por ejemplo, sí yo digo “luna, cuna,” tú podrías decir “tuna” o “muna”.

Administer both practice items and then administer all the task items below.


For the practice items, refer to the directions given above. For the Practice Item #1 only, if the child does not know a word that rhymes, the teacher should say, “Rana” es una palabra que rima o suena parecida a “lana” y “cana.”

Practice Item #1: “lana, cana”

For the Practice Item #2 only, if the child does not know a word that rhymes, the teacher should say, “amaba” es una palabra que rima o suena parecida a “miraba” y “gustaba.”

Practice Item #2: “miraba, gustaba”

Inventory Task #2 - Blending Word Parts
(Unión de las sílabas para formar palabras)


Say the sound for each letter or cluster of letters, not the letter name, at approximately ½ second intervals. Administer both practice items and then administer all the items below.

The teacher says,

“Te voy a decir muy despacio las sílabas que forman unas palabras. Quiero que me digas las palabras que forman al juntar.”

“Si yo digo /ca/-/sa/, que se forma es “casa.”


For the practice items, refer to the directions given above. For the practice items only, if the child is unsuccessful in pronouncing the word, the teacher should say,

“Si yo junto las sílabas /ca/ /sa/, se forma la palabra “casa”.

Practice Item #1:

“Si yo digo /re/ /loj/ ¿Qué palabra se forma?” (reloj)

Practice Item #2: “/lá/-/piz/” (lápiz)

Inventory Task #3 – Blending Phonemes
(Unión de los sonidos para formar palabras)


Say the sound for each letter or cluster of letters, not the letter name, at approximately ½ second intervals. Administer both practice items and then administer all the items below.

The teacher says,

“Te voy a decir muy despacio los sonidos que forman una palabra y quiero que tú me digas la palabra que forman al juntarlos. Por ejemplo, si yo digo /c/ /o/ /n/, la palabra que se forma es “con.”


For the practice items, refer to the directions given above. For the practice items only, if the child is unsuccessful in pronouncing the word, the teacher should say,

“La palabra es ______.”

Practice Item #1:

“Si yo digo /f/-/i/-/n/, ¿qué palabra se forma? (fin)

Practice Item #2: “/d/-/a/-/n/” (dan)

Inventory Task #4 - Detecting Initial Sounds
(Omisión del sonido inicial)


The teacher says,

“Te voy a decir otras palabras. Tú me vas a decir cómo suena cada palabra si le quitas el primer sonido. Por ejemplo, si a la palabra “mano” le quito /m/, queda “ano.”

Do not say the letter name, say the sound of the letter. Administer both practice items and then administer all the items below.


For the practice items, refer to the directions given above. For the practice items only, if the child is unsuccessful in saying the word, the teacher should say,

“Si a “______” le quito / / queda “______.”

Practice Item #1: Si a cama le quito /c/ queda (ama)

Practice Item #2: Si a nube le quito /n/ queda (ube)

“Si a “______” le quito /-/ ¿qué queda?

Inventory Task #5 - Detecting Final Sounds
(Omisión del sonido ultimo)


The teacher says,

“Te voy a decir otras palabras. Tú me vas a decir cómo suena cada palabra si le quitas el último sonido o sílaba.

(For example, for Practice Item #1, the teacher would say, “Diga la palabra león. Dígalo sin /n/.”)

Do not say the letter name, say the sound of the letter. Administer both practice items and then administer all the items below.


For the practice items, refer to the directions given above. For the practice items only, if the child is unsuccessful in saying the word, the teacher should say,

“León le quita /n/ es leo.”

Practice Item #1: Si a león le quito /n/ queda (leo)

Practice Item #2: Si a lechero le quito /ro/ queda (leche)

Inventory Task #6 – Segmenting Words by Syllables
(Segmentación silábica)


Haga la demonstración, ya sea dando palmadas (aplaudiendo) o con el método que usted usa en el salón de clase para representar las sílabas.

The teacher says,

“Te voy a decir unas palabras que quiero que dividas en sílabas.

Dime cómo se divide en sílabas la palabra “______”.

Do not say the letter name, say the sound of the letter. Administer both practice items and then administer all the items below.


For the practice items, refer to the directions given above. For the practice items only, if the child is unsuccessful in saying the word, the teacher should say,

Se divide la palabra “rana” en sílabas, así /ra/ na/

Practice Item #1: rana /ra/ /na/

Practice Item #2: amo /a/ /mo/

hersi span\t-phonemic awareness

Student’s Name
Recorder/Classroom Teacher / Date: Part 1
Part 2

Humble ISD

Phonemic Awareness Inventory

Bilingual - Spanish

Student Score Sheet

Inventory Task #1 – Rhyming


Score 1 point if the student says the word correctly. Score 0 points for an incorrect answer. Made-up words are acceptable.

Inventory Task 1
Rhyming / Student
Response / FALL
Part 1
Score (0, 1) / Student Response / MID-YEAR
Part 2
Score (0, 1)
1. frío, pío
2. pan, flan
3. pesa, mesa
4. pena, cena
5. fama, dama
TOTAL CORRECT (5 total):
Inventory Task #2 - Blending Word Parts
(Unión de las sílabas para formar palabras)


Score 1 point if the student says the word correctly. Score 0 points for an incorrect answer.

Inventory Task 2
Blending Word Parts / FALL
Part 1
Score (0, 1) / MID-YEAR
Part 2
Score (0, 1)
(Remember, pronounce letter sounds, not the letter names.)
1. /sa/-/la/ (sala)
2. /o/-/jo/ (ojo)
3. /ju/-/go/ (jugo)
4. /mu/-/ñe/ /ca/ (muñeca)
5. /a/-/mi/-/go/ (amigo)
TOTAL CORRECT (5 total):

hersi span\t-phonemic awareness

Inventory Task #3 – Blending Phonemes
(Unión de los sonidos para formar palabras)


Score 1 point if the student says the word correctly. Score 0 points for an incorrect answer.

Inventory Task 3
Blending Phonemes / FALL
Part 1
Score (0, 1) / MID-YEAR
Part 2
Score (0, 1)
(Remember, pronounce letter sounds, not the letter names.)
1. /o/-/s/-/o/ (oso)
2. /a/-/m/-/o/ (amo)
3. /u/-/n/-/o/ (uno)
4. /m/-/i/-/r/-/a/ (mira)
5. /g/-/a/-/t/-/o/ (gato)
TOTAL CORRECT (5 total):
Inventory Task #4 - Detecting Initial Sounds
(Omisión del sonido inicial)


Score 1 point if the student says the word correctly. Score 0 points for an incorrect answer.

Inventory Task 4
Detecting Initial Sounds / FALL
Part 1
Score (0, 1) / MID-YEAR
Part 2
Score (0, 1)
(Remember, pronounce letter sounds, not the letter names.)
1. beso le quito /b/ (eso)
2. poso le quito /p/ (oso)
3. mes le quito /m/ (es)
4. uno le quito /u/ (no)
5. sal le quito /s/ (al)
TOTAL CORRECT (5 total):
Inventory Task #5 – Detecting Final Sounds
(Omisión del sonido último)


Score 1 point if the student says the word correctly. Score 0 points for an incorrect answer.

Inventory Task 5
Detecting Final Sounds / FALL
Part 1
Score (0, 1) / MID-YEAR
Part 2
Score (0, 1)
(Remember, pronounce letter sounds, not the letter names.)
1. queso le quito /so/ (que)
2. mes le quito /s/ (me)
3. laso le quito /o/ (las)
4. uno le quito /o/ (un)
5. noche le quito /che/ (no)
TOTAL CORRECT (5 total):
Inventory Task #6 - Segmenting words by syllables
(Segmentación silábica)


Score 1 point if the student divides the word in syllables correctly. Score 0 points for an incorrect answer.

Inventory Task 6
Detecting Final Sounds / FALL
Part 1
Score (0, 1) / MID-YEAR
Part 2
Score (0, 1)
Dime cómo se divide en sílabas la palabra “______”.
1. jugar (/ju/ /gar/)
2. pato (/pa/ /to/)
3. conmigo (/con/ /mi/ /go/)
4. aquí (/a/ /quí/)
5. pelota (/pel/ /lo/ /ta/)
TOTAL CORRECT (5 total):

hersi span\t-phonemic awareness