Essential Plant Nutrients

Element / Uptake / Function in Plant / Common Deficiency Symptoms
Hydrogen (H) / H2O / Water, organic molecules / (drought?)
Oxygen (O) / O2,H2O,CO2 /

Respir., water, organic molecules

/ (flooding?)
Carbon (C) / CO2 / Organic molecules / (shading?)
Nitrogen (N) / NO3-,
NH4+ / Amino acids, DNA, RNA, chlorophyll; mobile / Stunting, yellowing, firing of mature leaves
Phosphorus (P) / H2PO4-,
HPO42- / DNA, RNA, ATP / Stunting, purpling, dark green, delayed maturity, poor reproductive development
Potassium (K) / K+ / Cellular ion, water balance, sugar translocation-starch formation / Mature leaf tip and margin burn, weak stalks, small fruit/seeds, slow growth
Calcium (Ca) / Ca2+ / Cell wall structure-immobile / Terminal bud and root tip damage, dark green, blossom/bud shedding, weakened stems, fruit disorders
Magnesium (Mg) / Mg2+ / Chlorophyll, enzyme activator-mobile / Interveinal chlorosis in older leaves, leaf curling, margin yellowing
Sulfur (S) / SO42- / 3 amino acids, nodule formation, oil compounds (garlic, onion); less mobile than N / Yellowing of young leaves, small spindly plants, slower growth and maturation
Zinc (Zn) / Zn2+ / Enzyme systems, terminal growth / Decreased stem length (rosetting), reduced fruit bud formation, mottling-striping-interveinal chlorosis, twig dieback
Iron (Fe) / Fe2+ / Chlorophyll, enzyme activator / Interveinal chlorosis of young leaves, twig/limb dieback
Manganese (Mn) / Mn2+ / Chlorophyll, enzyme activator / Interveinal chlorosis (often whole plant), leaf spotting/streaking
Copper (Cu) / Cu+, Cu2+ / Enzyme activator (protein synthesis) / Stunting, leaf tip/shoot dieback, poor pigmentation
Boron (B) /


/ Differentiation of meristem cells, carbohydrate metabolism regulation; immobile / Death of terminal growth (witches broom); leaf thickening, curling, wilting; fruit and tuber necrotic spots, reduced flowering/pollination
Molybdenum (Mo) / MoO42- / Nitrogen utilization/fixation / Stunting-similar to N defic.; leaf margin scorching, cupping, rolling; cauliflower “whiptail”
Chlorine (Cl) / Cl- / Required for photosynthesis / Wilting/chlorosis, excessive root branching, leaf bronzing

Summarized by C.R. Crozier from Western Fertilizer Handbook, 1995

Fertilizer and Soil Fertility Management References

General Information

Soil Fertility and Fertilizers, 5th ed. 1993. Tiddale, S.L., W.L. Nelson, J.D. Beaton, and J.L. Havlin. Prentice Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. ISBN 0-02-420835-3.

The Fertilizer Handbook. 1982. The Fertilizer Institute, Washington, DC. 20002.

Western Fertilizer Handbook, 8th ed. 1995. California Fertilizer Association. Interstate Publishers, Inc., Danville, IL. ISBN 0-8134-2972-2.

Photographs of visual deficiency symptoms

Nutrient deficiency image collection - a web page maintained by Dr. Carl R. Crozier, NC State Univ. Soil Science Dept.; and Dr. David H. Hardy and Brenda Cleveland, North Carolina Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Agronomic Services Division.

Hungry Crops: a guide to nutrient deficiencies in field crops. 1987. Grundon, N.J. Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane. ISBN 0 7242 2315 0.

Plant Nutrient Disorders, 3: Vegetable Crops. 1993. Weir, R.G., and G.C. Cresswell. Inkata Press, Melbourne. ISBN 0-909605-91-2.

Diagnosis of Mineral Disorders in Plants, vol. 2: Vegetables. 1983. Scaife, A., and M. Turner. Chemical Publishing, NY. ISBN 0-8206-0307-4.

North Carolina (& regional) Manuals, Production Guides, & miscellaneous extension publications

Soil Facts publications, North Carolina State University Soil Science Department.

Numerous publications including:

Hoyt, G.D., M.G. Wagger, C.R. Crozier, and N. Ranells. 2004. Winter annual cover crops. North Carolina Agricultural Research Service. Technical Bulletin AGW-654. ().

Crozier, C.R., and D.H. Hardy. 2003. SoilFacts: Soil Acidity & Liming. CALS, NCSU, AG-439-50.

Crozier, C.R., and D.H. Hardy. 2003. SoilFacts: Soil Acidity & Liming, Basic Information for Farmers & Gardeners. CALS, NCSU, AG-439-17.

Crozier, C.R., N.G. Creamer, and M.A. Cubeta 2003. Soil fertility management for Irish potato production in eastern North Carolina. SoilFacts Sheet, CALS, NCSU AG-638.

Osmond, D.L., C.R. Crozier, and D.H. Hardy. 2002. SoilFacts: Careful soil sampling – the key to reliable soil test information. CALS, NCSU, AG-439-30. (

Crozier, C.R., and R.W. Heiniger. 1998. Soil Facts: Soil sampling for precision farming systems. North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service AG-439-36, Raleigh, NC. (

North Carolina Department of Agricultural & Consumer Services Soil, Plant, & Waste Analysis Report Information.

Crop Fertilization Based on North Carolina Soil Tests. 1996. Tucker, M.R., J.K. Messick, C.C. Carter. Circular No. 1, NCDA Agronomic Division, Raleigh, NC.

Realistic Yield Expectations (RYE) for Nutrient Management in North Carolina.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for the Southeastern U.S. Holmes, G.J., and J.M. Kemble. (eds.). Dupont Crop Protection, Memphis, TN.

Crozier, C.R. Fertilizer and Lime Management. 2004. Chapter 3, pp. 30-36 in: R.W. Heiniger (ed.) 2004-2005 Corn Production Guide, CALS, NCSU, AG-590.

Cubeta, M.A., N.G. Creamer, C.R. Crozier, D. Monks, and K.A. Sorensen. 1996. Potato health management. Plant Pathology Information Note VDIN-023,

Cubeta, M.A., N.G. Creamer, C.R. Crozier, D. Monks, and K.A. Sorensen. 1996. Potato Premature Vine Decline. Plant Pathology Information Note VDIN-024, http://

2005 Cotton Information, Chapter 7, Fertilization. S.C. Hodges. North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. pp. 40-54.

2007 Flue-cured Tobacco Information, Chapter 5, Managing nutrients. W.D. Smith & S. Wood. North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. pp. 70-96.

2006 North Carolina Agricultural Chemicals Manual, Chapter 4, Fertilizer Use. The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.

Micronutrients for North Carolina Crops. 1974. J.V. Baird, F.R. Cox, D.W. Eaddy. Circular 553, North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.

2006 Peanut Information, Chapter 3, Peanut Production Practices. D.L. Jordan. North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. pp. 15-34.

Scouting Corn in North Carolina. 1990. Linker, H.M., J.W. Van Duyn, J.R. Anderson, Jr., W.M. Lewis. AG-399, North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.

Small Grain Production Guide 2004-05. North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. Fertility management for small grains: Chapter 8 - Nitrogen management for small grains. R. Weisz, R.W. Heiniger; Chapter 9 – Neuse River regulations for wheat. R. Weisz & D. Osmond; Chapter 10-Lime, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, manganese, copper, magnesium, and calcium management for small grains. C. Crozier, R. Heiniger, R. Weisz. (

Plant Tissue Analysis Database

Plant Analysis Handbook for Georgia. 1989. Plank, C.O. Cooperative Extension Service, University of Georgia, College of Agriculture, Athens, GA.

Additional Soil Fertility Information on the Internet

General Information

Soil Fertility web page maintained by Carl R. Crozier. This site has links to a variety of management information and trade, professional, and governmental organization web sites.

International Fertilizer Association website, with offer for free CD-ROM version of the IFA World Fertilizer Use Manual. This gives a general discussion of fertilizers and their efficient use, and information on more than 100 crops. It provides a global perspective on issues, but does not necessarily represent appropriate management information for North Carolina conditions.