Performance Product Task

Grade-level range: Secondary

Work individually and investigate a franchise. The report you are to create is explaining your findings and opportunities with franchising a business. This assignment must be completed and turned in at the beginning of the class period on Monday, September 15th.

The format of the report should be as follows:

·  Cover Page

·  1 pages of a typed documentation of research

·  double spaced

·  1 inch top margin

·  1 inch left and right margins

You must have access to the internet. A few items that should be included in your report are:

·  What is a franchise?

·  What are the benefits of purchasing a franchise?

·  Identify and describe a franchise you would like to own.

·  How much money is needed to purchase the franchise?

·  What experience is necessary to purchase the franchise?

·  Where would you locate this business, and what specific details have you learned about starting the franchise?

Grading Criteria

  1. Your understanding of franchising.
  2. Your ability to write a report.
  3. Your ability to research to start a business.
  4. Your understanding and importance of searching for information on the internet.