Performance Assessment Design Template

Grade Level: Seventh Grade

Targeted Content Area(s): Math

Authors: Rebecca Rusch

School, District: Whitefish Bay Middle School

Assessment Title: Chapter 2 Assessments

Full Text of Standard(s) and Indicators(s) in Targeted Content Area:

Related Interdisciplinary Standard(s) and Indicators(s):

Mathematics » Grade 5 » Measurement & Data Convert like measurement units within a given measurement system.

·  1. Convert among different-sized standard measurement units within a given measurement system (e.g., convert 5 cm to 0.05 m), and use these conversions in solving multi-step, real world problems.

Mathematics » Grade 5 » Number & Operations in Base Ten

Understand the place value system.

·  3. Read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths.

o  Compare two decimals to thousandths based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.

o  Read and write decimals to thousandths using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form, e.g., 347.392 = 3 × 100 + 4 × 10 + 7 × 1 + 3 × (1/10) + 9 × (1/100) + 2 × (1/1000).

·  4. Use place value understanding to round decimals to any place.

·  2. Explain patterns in the number of zeros of the product when multiplying a number by powers of 10, and explain patterns in the placement of the decimal point when a decimal is multiplied or divided by a power of 10. Use whole-number exponents to denote powers of 10.

Perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and with decimals to hundredths..

·  7. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used.

Understandings from Established Goals and Standards

1. Students will understand that like whole numbers, the location of a digit in decimal numbers determines the value of the digit Students will understand that the place value of the numbers determines the format of the equation.

2. Students will understand that rules for placing of decimals when adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.

3. Students will understand that their are a variety of units of measurements for Mass, and length,

4. Students will understand the uses of English standard and Metric standard.

Essential Questions from Big Ideas to Guide Instruction and Assessment

1. How do we compare units of measurement?

3. How well do real people know thier units of measurement?

4. How do we connect decimal math problems to solving money math problems?

-How do you multiply and divide basic decimals?

-How do you show place value within decimals?

-What does place value mean?

-How can multiplying and dividing decimals be applied in real life?

Students Skill objectives:

Students will be able to add and subtract fractions

Students will be able to estimate a sum or difference.

Students will be able to convert metric units to English units and vice versa

Students Knowledge Objectives:

Construct meanings for decimals from tenths to thousandths

Students will know two advantages of the metric system

Students will understand that money is written in decimals and connected to adding and subtracting decimals

“Engaging Scenario” Planning

Include elements of an effective Engaging Scenario:

♦ Presents students with a challenge

♦ Connects learning to real life – “Why do we need to learn this?”

♦ Conveys importance – “What does this mean to the student personally?”

♦ Acknowledges audience – “Can the student present the completed task to others?”

Engaging Scenario (Full description):

Task 1 Description (Details of What the Students Will Do):

Topics: metric conversions


Students will prepare and conduct a survey to find out if people really know the relationship between the various units of measurement

Student Directions:

You have been presented with the idea that many people really do not understand the relationship between types of units and fractions. To test this out you will prepare a survey relating metric and english standard units . Example of questions might be: Would you rather have 1 liter of soda or 1 quart of soda. . You are to determine the correct answers to your survey questions.

You are to ask some of your classmates and some adults to complete the survey.

Remember that the trickier the conversions you have the more interesting your results will be.

Evaluate the results of the survey. ( Create a graph indicating the number of correct and incorrect responses obtained)

Be able to explain the results. For each question write a short answer about why you think you received the number of correct or incorrect answers that you recieved. Include the correct answer in this section.

Task 1 Scoring Guide: (Rubric Here)


The rubric will evaluate to survey, calculations involved in the survey and the explanation of data gathered

Trait: Survey Design and Explanation

Each level is worth the number of points as teh number of level (ie: Level 1 is awarded 1 point. Level 3 is awarded 3 points.)

Level 1: Needs Improvement

Level 2: Average

Level 3: Excellent

Level 4: Outstanding

level 1

The student was not able to design an appropriate survey.

The student did not conduct the survey.

The student did not have any results to explain.

level 2

The student will design five questions that show the proper relationship between the different forms of a number and answer them correctly.

The student conducted the survey to one person.

The student did not have graphs or written response

level 3

The student will design a survey of seven questions that show proper relationship between the units and answer them correctly.

The student conducted the survey to a few people.

The graphs were incomplete , the students included a written response

level 4

The student will design a survey of ten questions that show proper relationship between the units and answer them correctly.

The student conducted the survey to several people.

The student was able to explain the results in a written response and with graphs

Task 2 Description (Details of What the Students Will Do):

PERFORMANCE TASK: Decimals and shopping


·  “Bargain Shopping” Recording Sheet

2 different School supply sheets and prices


Individual/Partner Task


Task Directions

Students will follow the directions below from the “Bargain Shopping” Recording Sheet.

It is time to go shopping for school supplies for next school year. You have ads from two local stores indicating their prices (which include sales tax) for different school supplies. Your mother has given you $40.00 to spend, and wants you to find the best prices on things you will need.

School Supplies Needed

Eight folders

One calculator

Four packs of regular lined notebook paper (pack of 500 sheets)

Three rulers

Three bottles of glue

Thirty-three pencils

Ten pens

Five spiral notebooks

Two backpacks

Task 2 Scoring Guide: (Rubric Here)

Task The student will to a journal writing assignment, or a poster describing their "shopping experience":


4 points:
Student identified all nine items and the prices they payed for them / 3 points
Student identified less than nine items and the prices they payed for them / 2 points
Student identified less than 5 items and the prices they payed for them / 1 point
Students identified no items and the prices they payed for them.
4 points:
Student identified the stores the items were bought in / 3 point: Student identified one of the stores / 2 point: Student did not specifically name the store(used generalizations) / 1 point:Student did not indicate that their was more than one store
4 points:
Student completed a narrative, or poster and turned it in on time. / 3 point: Student completed a narrative or poster but it was not turned in on time / 2 point: Student's work was incomplete but turned in on time / 1 point: Students work was incomplete and turned in late
4 points:
Students identified at least one strategy used for adding/subtracting decimals using step by step details. / 3 points : Students identified at least one strategy used for adding/subtracting decimals. / 2 points: Student did not identify stratedgy but used generalization of details
/ 1 point: Students identified no stratedgy for adding/subtracting decimals