Flight 60®


Quick Guide


ΠPatient circuit connector ΠDetachable battery

 Up / Down button  AC connector with fuses

Ž Panel lock Ž DC connector

 On / Off  RS-232 Serial Port (COM3)

 Manual Breath button  RS-232 Serial Port (COM1)

‘ Alarm Reset ‘ USB B type

’ Pressure Gauge ’ USB A type

“ Display touch screen “ LAN (RJ45)

” LED indicators ” Mini RS-485 (COM3)

• Primary alarm LED

Control Area

The bottom part of the screen, displays one of the following sets of parameters/selection options:

1. In the Parameters screen - main ventilation parameters (this is the default screen in standby and ventilation modes. The display switches automatically to Parameters from the Extended or Technical screens if not operated for XX minutes)

2. In the Extended screen – additional ventilation parameters

3. In Technical screen – technical data and selection options

Patient Monitoring Area

The middle section of the screen, displays the patient's monitored parameters at all times on all screens to ensure availability of continuous monitoring data during ventilation

Alarm and Power Management Area

The top section of the screen, displays alarms and cautions according to their priority, and the batteries state and status

Patient Circuit Set-up

 Exhalation Valve

‚ Exhalation Drive Line

ƒ Flow Transducer Line

„ Flow Orifice

Quick Connector

† Inspiratory Limb

Attaching the Patient Circuit

1. Attach the quick connector to its socket on the front panel and insure it is tightly secured

2. Attach the 22 mm patient circuit to the Gas Output on the front panel

3. When using an HME filter, attach the HME filter to the flow measurement orifice

Circuit Test

Calibration is required each time an exhalation valve is replaced:

1. Connect the patient circuit (the side which is attached to the patient) to an adult (500 ml) test lung

2. Press the On/Off button once to enter Settings mode

3. Press the Technical button once, and then tap the Valve Cal button

4. Press Enter and follow the instructions on the display

5. If the calibration was completed successfully “Cal Completed” is displayed

6. If calibration fails, the message “Cal Failed” is displayed. Check the integrity of the circuit, connections, and test lung, and recalibrate

7. When calibration is finished, remove the test lung and press Enter or Cancel to exit

Ventilation Set-up

è To turn on the ventilator: Press the On/Off button for 3 sec

è To adjust control values:

o Select the parameters by taping the relevant control button

o Adjust the numeric value using the Up/Down button

o Accept the value by taping the relevant control button again, or by pressing Enter. New value will be accepted if another control button is taped or after 5 seconds with no activity

è To cancel parameter adjustment: Press the CANCEL button within 5 seconds

è To turn off the ventilator:

o Press the On/Off button and then press and hold the On/Off button again for 3 seconds

à Control Parameters

Ptrig (sensitivity) (-9.9 to 0 cmH20) - The Ptrig LED indicator illuminates each time the airway pressure reaches the set Ptrig level. Ptrig value is adjusted using the Up/Down button

PEEP / CPAP (3 to 30 cmH20) – Sets the baseline pressure during the exhalation phase. In Pressure Control ventilation PEEP is limited to no more than 5 cmH2O below the Pressure Control setting. PEEP value is adjusted using the Up/Down button

PSV (0 to 60 cmH20) – Sets the added support pressure for spontaneous breaths in SIMV and SPONT modes. The value of PEEP + PSV cannot exceed 60 cmH2O. PSV value is adjusted using the Up/Down button

¦ (Frequency) (1 to 99 b/min) - Sets the frequency of breaths. In ACMV mode, ¦ determines the number of time-triggered breaths; in SIMV mode, it determines the total number of mandatory breaths. ¦ value is adjusted using the Up/Down button

Ti (0.1 to 3 sec) - Sets the inspiratory period in mandatory breaths. This control button appears only if Ti is selected in the Ti/FLOW control button on the Extended screen. Ti value is adjusted using the Up/Down button

Flow (6 to 100 L/min) - Sets the mandatory flow (volume control). This control button appears only if FLOW is selected in the Ti/FLOW control button on the Extended screen. Ti value is adjusted using the Up/Down button

PCV / VCV - Used to select the ventilator submode

VCV (0.1 to 2.2 L) - Sets the mandatory tidal volume for the VCV submode

PCV (5 to 60 cmH20) - Sets the target pressure for the PCV submode

Mode - Used to select the ventilator mode (ACMV, SIMV, SPONT)

à Alarms Setting

Low P, High P – Sets the low and high pressure alarm values (3 to 98 cmH2O and 4 to 99 cmH20 respectively). Adjusted using the Up/Down button

Low MV, High MV – Sets the low and hight minute ventilation alarm values (1.1 to 50 L/min and 0.1 to50 L/min respectively). Adjusted using the Up/Down button


Ppeak (0 to 99 cmH20) – Presents peak inspiratory pressure

P base (0 to 99 cmH20) – Presents baseline airway pressure at the end of expiration

P mean (0 to 99 cmH20) – Presents mean airway pressure at the end of expiration

Vte (0 to 9.99 L) – Presents expiratory tidal volume

Vti (0 to 9.99 L) – Presents inspiratory tidal volume

MVe (0 to 9.99 L/min) – Presents expiratory minute volume

MVi (0 to 9.99 L/min) – Presents inspiratory minute volume

Actual  (0 to 99 b/min) – Presents the total number of patient or time activated breaths in a minute

I:E (1:99 to 3:1)

PIF (6 to 100 L/min) – Presents Peak Inspiratory Flow

FiO2 (21% to 100% O2) – Presents the percent of Inspired Oxygen in the gas delivered by the Flight 60

Additional Functions

Alarm Reset – Pressed once the Audio Pause/Alarm Reset silences the audible alarm; pressed again the Audio Pause/Alarm Reset clears latched alarm LEDs

Manual Breath – Allows a user initiated inflation; available in ACMV and SIMV modes. The Manual Breath button does not initiate inflation if the patient is currently in the inspiratory phase of a breath, or if the airway pressure is greater than 5 cmH2O above the set PEEP level. During Manual Breath, the breath is terminated if any of the following occurs:

· The Manual Breath button is released

· The High Pressure limit is violated

· 3 seconds have elapsed

Panel Lock

è To lock the panel:

1. Press the Panel Lock button twice within 5 seconds

2. The Panel Lock LED turns on. All buttons are disabled for adjustment, except for the Audio Pause/Alarm Reset button

è To unlock the panel:

3. 1. Press the Panel Lock button once and then press the Enter button

4. 2. Panel Lock is deactivated