Please complete online at or fill out and mail to Kimberly Taylor, W8368 County Road E, Oxford, WI 53952 or by email to: . Reports submitted by the 10th of the month following the month reported earn 2 points.
CLUB INFORMATIONClub Name / Report for month ending
Director / Deputy Director
Total No. Pathfinders This Month: / Adventists / Non Adventists / Baptisms
1. Number of meetings held. If 2 or more regular club meetings were held, earn points. / Value: 2 Pts
Number: / Day: / Place:
2. Did you have a Staff Planning Meeting this month? / Value: 1 Pt
3. Minutes of monthly Staff Meeting submitted with this report? / Value: 1 Pt
4. Name of Honor classes taught. (Any class for which Pathfinders can earn an honor) / One point for each class taught (max. of 2)
Class #1 Name
/ Class #2 Name
5. Describe a Share Your Faith, Field Trip (Educational) or Community Project your Club did this month. This should be instructional, educational and/or evangelistic in nature. / One point for each activity (possible 2 Pts maximum)
6. Is this report being submitted by the 10th of the month? For 200 club points: April must be submitted one week before the fair to be counted. All makeup reports must be submitted by April 15 / Value: 2 Pts
10 points possible TOTAL POINTS / 0
Report once annually for each category. All reports must be in by April15. Pathfinder Fair Points Calculated Separately by Conference
1. Staff Attended Leadershop Retreat (October 11-13, 2013) and Shield the Vunerable completed for all staff Staff must attend entire weekend to be eligible for the 200 Club / Value: 25 Pts
2. Attended Fall Camporee (September 13-15, 2013) / Value: 5 Pts
3. Attended Winter Retreat (January 10-12, 2014) / Value: 5 Pts
4. Pathfinders conducted church services for Pathfinder Day / Value: 5 Pts
5. Participation in Bible Experience / Value: 5 Pts
6. Investiture / Value: 5 Pts
7. Induction / Value: 5 Pts
8. Constituency Exposure at Campmeeting - Parade, Pathfinder Cabin, Honors (2013) / Value: 5 Pts
Share any Special Project, Activity, or Event your Club is working on or participating in.
Report Submitted by: / Email: / Phone: Area/Number (no hyphens)