Meeting of February 7, 2008
Present were Council Members:
Ron Mears – Chair / Ron Breeding / Greg JohnsonRon Breeding / William Craven / Deloris Donnelly
Joe Smack / Andy Urquhart
Chazz Salkin / Paul Nihcolson / Dave BartooGreg Abbott / Wayne Kline / Rob Line
Clyde Shipman / Gary Focht / Mary Voshell
Jim O’Neill / Jim Charney / Lee Jennings
Matt Chesser / Susan Moerschel / Elaine Harwood
Friends Group/Visitors:
None in attendance
The February 7, 2008 meeting of the Parks and Recreation Council was held at the Air Mobility Command Museum, Dover Air Force Base, Dover, DE. Chairman Mears called the meeting to order at 9:38 a.m.
Chairman Mears welcomed everyone to the meeting. Introductions were made of all in attendance.
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT – On behalf of the Council, Ron Mears congratulated Wayne Kline on his recent promotion to Chief of Enforcement for the Division of Parks and Recreation.
Chairman Mears referred to Governor Minner’s recent State of the State address regarding employees not receiving pay raises this year. Chairman Mears encouraged Division staff to continue doing a good job.
A motion to approve the minutes of November 1, 2007 was made by Andy Urquhart, seconded by Joan Brown. By unanimous vote the minutes of the November 1, 2007 meeting were approved.
Fort Delaware Society – Bill Craven
Mr. Craven reported the Fort Delaware Society held its annual meeting February 3, 2008. There was no change in officers. Two new directors were selected.
Mr. Craven shared that while overall attendance at Fort Delaware was down, the visitor register reflected visits from 44 states and 22 foreign countries.
Natural Areas Advisory Council – Chazz Salkin reported the Natural Areas Advisory Council had not appointed a representative to the Parks Council. A decision to select or recommend not to be represented should be made at the next Natural Areas Council meeting, scheduled for March 5, 2008.
Bi-State Council – Andy Urquhart
Andy reported the Bi-State Advisory Council had not met since October, 2007, therefore there was nothing new to report.
Mr. Urquhart requested a presentation be made at the next Bi-State Advisory Council meeting regarding the consideration of modifying creek banks near the state line at White Clay Creek State Park, for natural flooding to occur. Rob Line explained the recommendation was from outside of the Division but the Division is interested as it could have some habitat restoration and flood remediation advantages.
Wildlife Committee – Ron Mears
Mr. Mears referred to Killens Pond State Park Superintendent, Jim Charney regarding the recent managed hunt. Mr. Charney reported Killens Pond State Park held its first managed deer hunt January 18, 2008 and considered it a success. The park was closed for approximately two hours with no complaints received from the public. Eight hunters from the Department participated, harvesting 12 antlerless deer.
Rob Line reported Fish and Wildlife harvested 137 in four days in the Middle Run area and 140 in White Clay Creek State Park.
Resident Curatorship – Joe Smack
Mr. Smack had no updates to report and referred to Jim O’Neill and Lee Jennings. Mr. Jennings reported there had been two interested parties in the Warrington property. One party declined due to family illness; the other is requesting renegotiation.
Public Comment/Friends Groups
There were no members from Friends Groups or public present.
Chazz Salkin distributed an invitation for the Delaware Recreation and Parks Service (DRPS) annual awards banquet for Wednesday February 27, 2008 at the Modern Maturity Center. DRPS will not be holding a conference this year. Mr. Salkin extended the invitation to Council members stating the Division would cover their cost. Those interested in attending should contact Bob Eheman, Division of Parks and Recreation, at 302-739-9235.
Mr. Salkin distributed the 2007 Division of Parks and Recreation Annual Report. This is the Division’s first annual report and Mr. Salkin referred to the report as well organized and informative; an excellent publication to be shared broadly. Mr. Salkin extended his compliments to Jim O’Neill with special recognition to AmeriCorp member Lauren Walkowski for a job well done. The next report is expected to be completed by the end of September.
Personnel (Greg Abbott)
Mr. Abbott distributed personnel updates highlighting Wayne Kline as new Chief Enforcement Officer, Adam Keever and Chip Kneavel now full-time Conservation Technicians with the trail crew; Dan Citron, first employee assigned to Auburn Heights Preserve and Barbara Woodford transferred from Brandywine Creek State Park to Wilmington State Parks as Trainer Educator. Mr. Abbott called attention to Jim O’Neill’s announcement to retire after more than 40 years of State employment and extended appreciation to Jim for his contributions and service to the Division and well wishes. Mr. Abbott also shared Mike Felker of Lums Pond State Park has just announced his retirement as of April 30, 2008. A retirement luncheon will be held for Mr. Felker April 16, 2008 11:30 a.m. Blue Ball Barn at Alapocas Run State Park.
Budget (Greg Abbott)
Mr. Abbott distributed a spreadsheet reflecting the recommended budget and shared the challenges we face with General Funds and NSF.
The Department’s Joint Finance Committee (JFC) Hearings are February 21, 2008 at 1:00 p.m. in the Senate Hearing Room, Legislative Hall. Please contact Greg Abbott for information.
Legislation (Chazz Salkin)
Mr. Salkin reported the Division has a few housekeeping items. A draft bill transferring the responsibility of the Land and Water Conservation Trust Fund (LWCTF) from the Open Space Council to the Parks and Recreation Council has been submitted.
Mr. Salkin referred to Wayne Kline regarding Park fines. Mr. Kline explained legislation has been drafted to increase the minimum amount for a first offense from $25 to $50 and the minimum for a second offense from $50 to $100. The Division has decreased the number of days in jail from 30 to ten days. The cost of a Surf tag will be assessed into the fine amount.
Chairman Mears made a request that Wayne Kline attend the Parks and Recreation Council meetings on a regular basis.
Section Reports
Cultural and Recreational Services (CARS) – Jim O’Neill
Mr. O’Neill reported on new additions to the Brandywine Zoo which includes two new Capybaras, three Swift Foxes and a couple of Florida bobcats.
The Delaware Zoological Society continues its efforts to raise significant amounts for the zoo master plan. They have interviewed two fund raising firms and hope to hire someone to help organize and keep the project moving.
For Programming, the Adventure Race series has expanded to six events this year; Healthy Kids day at Trap Pond State Park in cooperation with Nemours is scheduled for May 21. CARS piloted a scout overnight program at Fort Delaware this fall. It was well received and may be expanded in the future.
Creative Services – Dawn Morris, the Marketing Director is actively developing promotions for the Division; facilities and annual passes being two highlights.
Mr. O’Neill reported the Division’s website is approximately eight years old and is well in need of a new look. They have interviewed for a Senior Application Support Specialists that will serve as the webmaster as well as other functions. Mr. O’Neill expects major changes to the website.
Mr. O’Neill distributed a draft of the Section report. A final version will be posted to the Division’s intranet site.
Lee Jennings, Chief of Cultural Services distributed a new historic rating scale. This scale updates and simplifies how we rate or determine the condition of buildings.
Mr. Jennings informed everyone the First State Heritage Park will hold their next First Saturday event March 1, 2008 at the State House in Dover.
Stewardship projects:
Work on Fort DuPont theatre and NCO duplexes continues.
Bethesda Church has been stabilized, painted and work has begun on the inside. Chairman Mears asked if the church would be completed by the Council’s May meeting. Gary Focht, Park Administrator for Killens Pond State Park responded this may be a possibility. However, insulating and hanging of drywall is needed.
Planning Preservation and Development – Matt Chesser
Killens Pond Nature Center is slated to be completed this spring.
Construction begins this month on the Marina Operations building.
Conceptual plans have been started for the Trap Pond Nature Center. Plans for the sprayground are on hold.
Reconstruction of the course at Garrisons Lake Golf Course has been completed. The parking lot and clubhouse are expected to be completed by mid 2008.
The Division received approval from Facilities Management for the removal of asbestos and lead at the Cleaver House. Remediation is expected to take three months with the second phase of the construction project to follow. Bid opening is March 10, 2008.
Brandywine Creek and Bellevue parking lots are basically complete with some clean up needed.
The White Clay Creek master plan will be finalized within the next couple of weeks.
Bridge plans for Creek Road are in-house and being reviewed.
The roofing project at Fort Delaware continues.
Operations – Clyde Shipman
Mr. Shipman distributed a copy of the Fish and Wildlife general fishing license fee increase. There will be an impact to us regarding tidal waters, fishing and clamming. We will not sell the fishing licenses at our beach parks as the Division feels the requests could become overwhelming. Bait and Tackle shops on the parks will sell the licenses.
The park fee season has been extended to March 1 through November 30. Mr. Shipman distributed the memorandum approved by Secretary Hughes, as well as the press release. Entrance fees will be collected by self-registration during the added months. Fee collectors at the seashore parks will start Easter weekend.
Mr. Shipman distributed a copy of the revised procedures for group reservations at Killens Pond Water Park. The Division reduced the number of days for group use and payment in full is required within three weeks of the scheduled date.
Mr. Shipman distributed the approved Tobacco-use Restrictions in public assembly areas, Policy Directive D-66. The policy went into effect February 1, 2008.
New Castle County will have one yard-waste site at the Division’s Judge Morris property and another at Bellevue. Mr. Salkin added a written agreement had been made with the Division of Air and Waste outlining responsibilities at these sites. Our responsibilities are mainly the opening and closing of gates and for a two year time period.
Mary Voshell reported Fort Delaware was moving to automated ticketing by the end of April 2008. This would include a dollar added value. Ticket prices were increased to $11.00 per adult. The automated ticketing would enable the Division to produce visitor statistics and tickets may be purchased through the Camp Reservation center, the internet or at Fort Delaware.
Mrs. Voshell distributed a draft state-wide photography permit to be implemented for commercial photography within parks. Dune areas will be specifically designated. The Division of Soil and Water is assisting the Division of Parks and Recreation with building a “set” to keep photographers outside of fragile areas.
In response to previous inquiries by Chairman Mears, Mr. Shipman reported the Division had decided on alternatives for the Lifetime Passes for motorcycles, Jeeps or other convertible vehicles. Rangers at manned booths will know the vehicle was permitted into the parking area. For unmanned locations, notices will be posted informing the driver to self-register by providing their name and permit # on the envelope and placing in the box. The tear off portion can be placed anywhere on the vehicle/motorcycle.
In the November 1, 2007 council meeting Clyde Shipman reported the division planned to make contact with the heads of disc golf groups regarding conduct issues mostly at White Clay, Brandywine and Lums Pond, but also addressing state-wide. A meeting was scheduled then later cancelled and to date has not been rescheduled.
As discussed in the November 2007 council meeting, Chazz Salkin stated the Division would like to have the next meeting focus on children and health/children and nature but have not had an opportunity to identify staff to take the lead. The Division will begin working on this agenda and consider Trap Pond State Park as a possible location. In conjunction with these discussions, Ron Breeding encouraged all to attend the Kids Day in Sussex County Wednesday May 21, 2008.
Trails at Lums Pond State Park
A PowerPoint presentation was provided by Susan Moerschel and David Bartoon regarding Trails at Lums Pond State Park. David provided slides detailing current trails and some of the influences such as wetlands and culture resources that affect the planning and assessment of trail development. Andy Urquhart complimented David Bartoo and Trail Crew on the trail work done at White Clay Creek State Park, while noting that serious safety and user conflict issues between mountain bikers and pedestrians remain to be resolved.
Fox Point State Park Update (Matt Chesser)
Matt Chesser provided a design drawing for Fox Point State Park and relayed the filling progress and next steps. Mr. Chesser reported a considerable amount of cooperative agency work has gone into this project. A public meeting will be held February 20, 2008 from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. at Bellevue State Park.