PREFIXES Y5&6 sets A,B C differentiated by frequency of usage. Make separate cards in each set.
Pupils match prefix to examples & deduce meaning, check in dictionary, find own examples, write definitions, use in sentences, make up own words etc.,
bi- / two,twice / *bicycle*binocular
con- / together
with / *connect
tele- / far, at a distance / *television
dis- / not / *dislike
mis- / wrong / *mistake
semi- / half / *semicircle
tri- / three / *triplet
sub- / under / *subway
mono- / one,single / *monocle
un- / not,
without / *unknown
anti- / against,opposite / *antidote
mal- / bad / *maltreat
super- / above,very / *supersonic
aero- / air / *aeroplane
auto- / self / *automatic
de- / down / *describe
inter- / between / *international
pre- / before / *prepare
ex- / out of / *exhale
in- / not / *incapable
PREFIXES Set B [BEWARE! in- as meaning in/into e.g. include]
circu- / round / *circulate*circumference
post- / after / *postscript
techn- / skill / *technology
pro- / forward / *proceed
fore- / before / *forecast
contra / against / *contrary
re- / again / *retake
trans- / across / *transport
ante- / before / *anteroom
ob- / against / *objection