1.  Get permission before using the Oxy-Acetylene equipment.

2.  Wear proper leather gloves, apron, welding goggles and if possible skull cap.

3.  Make sure work area has effective ventilation.

4.  Make sure there is no lighter in any of the pocket.

5.  Make sure Oxygen and Acetylene bottles are always up right and chained.

6.  Always use a striker, not a lighter, to ignite the flame.

7.  Never allow any oil or grease near or on any Oxy-Acetylene equipment.

8.  Look for leaks: smell, hear or with soapy water.

9.  Never open Acetylene tank valve any more than ½ turn.

10. Always open Oxygen tank valve all the way.

11. When adjusting the regulator pressure, never stand in front of the regulator valves. (Stand to the side)

12. Regulator pressure for Acetylene should NEVER exceed 5psi.

13. Be ware of the dangling hoses at all times (Tripping, Burning holes through the hoses).

  1. Wear close-toed shoes (possibly leather), sandals are not allowed.




·  Wear proper protection gear such as leather gloves, apron and possibly a skull cap.

·  Unwrap the hoses.

·  Make sure torch valves are completely closed.

·  Make sure regulator valves are completely backed off (until no pressure is felt on them).

·  Open Acetylene tank valve (red color hose attachment) ½ a turn.

·  Open Oxygen tank valve (green color hose attachment) all the way.

·  Standing to one side of the Acetylene regulator valve, NOT in line of the butterfly knob, slowly start turning it clockwise until gauge closer to the hose reads 4 psi.

·  Standing to one side of the Oxygen regulator valve, NOT in line of the butterfly knob, slowly start turning it clockwise until gauge closer to the hose reads 4 psi.

·  Check for leaks: smell, hear, spray soapy water on the fittings.

·  Make sure torch tip is facing towards the floor, crack open the Acetylene valve on the torch (one with RED hose) light it with a striker.

NOTE: Must be wearing welding goggles at this time.

·  Adjust Acetylene flow to attain a flame with turbulent feather, without sooty smoke.

·  Slowly start opening Oxygen torch valve (one attached to GREEN hose) until a neutral flame is attained.


·  Close Acetylene valve on the torch body.

·  Close Oxygen valve on the torch body.

·  Shut off Acetylene valve on the tank.

·  Shut off Oxygen valve on the tank.

·  Open Acetylene valve on the torch body to drain hoses and regulator.

·  Close valve on the torch body when regulator gauges read zero.

·  Open Oxygen valve on the torch body to drain hoses and regulator.

·  Close valve on the torch body when regulator gauges read zero.

·  Relieve diaphragm pressure on both regulators by turning butterfly knobs counter clockwise.

·  Coil and store hoses neatly in the storage rack.



·  Mixture of oxygen and acetylene will burn to form a very intense heat 2800ºC to 3500ºC.

·  Oxygen is contained in the tank at 2000psi pressure and should be positioned upright to prevent the cylinder from toppling and fracturing the tank.

·  Acetylene will explode spontaneously if pressure is allowed to reach 15psi.

·  However acetylene is stored safely at 250psi in a cylinder, with the help of a porous siliceous material and acetone, which is added in the cylinder.

·  If acetylene cylinder is allowed to lay flat on the ground, acetone will mix with acetylene and burn resulting in a reddish ting flame.

·  Regulators are attached to each cylinder to step the high pressure down to the operating range needed for the job.

·  All the fittings on the oxy-acetylene equipment have different threads for each kind of gas.

·  Acetylene fittings have left hand thread. Hoses are RED in color with a notch on the fittings.

·  Oxygen fittings have right hand thread. Hoses are GREEN in color with no notch on any fitting.

·  Oxygen cylinder valves are double-seated valve. If not opened all the way it will leak.

·  Acetylene cylinder valve should never be opened any more than ½ turn, making the valve easy to turn off in an emergency.

·  Flash back arrester fittings are installed on both sides of the hoses to prevent flame backfire into the cylinders. (Got one way check valve, allowing one way flow of the gases)



Too much Acetylene Perfect flame Too much oxygen

(Three flames) (Rounded center (Sharpe blue flame

flame) in the center)

Mr. Grewal 3 9/12/2008