McDonogh #35 High School

1331 Kerlerec Street

New Orleans, Louisiana 70114

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

5:00 p.m.

The Orleans Parish School Board convened for a Board Business Meeting on Tuesday, April 21, 2009, in the Auditorium of McDonogh #35 High School, 1331 Kelerec St., New Orleans, LA. Mr. Woody Koppel, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:24 PM.

Board Roll Call: Mr. Ira Thomas, present; Mrs. Cynthia Cade, absent, Mr. Brett Bonin, present; Mrs. Lourdes Moran, present; Mr. Seth Bloom, present; Mr. Woody Koppel, present, Mr. Thomas Robichaux, present. Ex-officio Board Members: Mr. Darryl Kilbert, Superintendent, present; Mr. Edward Morris, General Counsel, present; Ms. Thelma French, Board Secretary, present.

An audio recording of the meeting is available in the Board Office.

Mr. Woody Koppel led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.



·  Action Item No. 17: DELL Laptop Computers & Peripherals for various public & nonpublic schools through Curriculum, Instruction & Professional Development (State Contract No. 4403834/NASPO A63307 – DELL Computer, Inc.)

·  Action Item No. 18: Projectors, Peripherals and accessories for various public & nonpublic schools through Curriculum, Instruction & Professional Development (State Contract No. 406245 Creative Presentations, Inc.)

·  Action Item No. 19: Library Books for various schools through Curriculum, Instructions and Professional Development (Follett Library Resources)

·  Action Item No. 20: Authorizing a response to the Louisiana Department of Education relative to FEMA Project Worksheets (Following Executive Session)

·  Executive Session (Potential Litigation)

FEMA Project Worksheets and LDOE

UTNO request to the Board to resend its action relative to suspending the step increases

Noble Site, Property of Orleans Parish School Board District

Motion to adopt the Additions to the Agenda was made by Mr. Bonin, seconded by Mr. Thomas. Motion passed unanimously.


There were no modifications to the agenda.


·  Executive Session

o  Personnel Matter: Employee Termination (Requested by the Board Secretary)

Motion to accept deletions to the Agenda was made by Mr. Thomas, seconded by Mr. Bonin. Motion passed unanimously.

·  Board Minutes from today’s Agenda, deferring to May Board Meeting Agenda

o  February 18, 2009 Board Business Meeting

o  Mach 10, 2009 Special Board Meeting

o  March 18, 2009 Board Business Meeting

Motion to accept deletions to the Agenda was made by Mr. Bonin, seconded by Mrs. Moran. Motion passed unanimously.

Motion to Adopt the Agenda as amended was made by Mr. Thomas, seconded by Mr. Bloom. Motion passed unanimously.


There were no Presentations/Acknowledgements.


Superintendent Kilbert began his agenda by presenting the Student Enrollment and COMSTAT Report for the month of March 2009.

·  Division of Academics and Supportive Services

§  Student Enrollment and COMSTAT Report – The COMSTAT report is included in the Board Packet.

Bethune School’s enrollment remains the same and staff attendance has been consistent; slight increase of student accident reports.

Franklin School has three additional students; student and teacher enrollment is consistent; slight increase of student accident reports. Please note that when a student reports an incident/accident, as minor as it may be, it will be documented.

McDonogh #35 School has one additional student; no major changes from the previous month.

McMain School has a reduction in out of school suspension; no other changes.

PM School staff attendance increased from 77% to 90% from the previous month.

Board Discussion:

Mrs. Moran stated that she thought there was going to be a change in the way the last column (Grade Distribution Report) is reported. Superintendent Kilbert stated that the amendment to the report format reflected the total number of students.

Mr. Robichaux asked is it possible to address the change in the77% attendance rate for the staff at PM School)? What was the issue there? Do we know? Is it fully resolved or is it going to creep back in?

Superintendent Kilbert stated it’s resolved at this point in time, moving forward, it will be resolved permanently.

Board President Koppel inquired as to whether there is a way that the report could distinguish the D and F grades by subjects, and identify if there are trends.

Superintendent Kilbert responded, in the affirmative; nothing that he can identify where the bulk of the Ds and Fs are now in Math and Science. But for the next report the COMSTAT report will distinguish he distribution by subject.

§  Summer School 2009 Plan Overview

Superintendent Kilbert provided the Board with a report on summer school 2009. This summer offerings will include summer school LEAP and GEE remediation for those students, 4th, 8th, 10th, and 11th grades; as well as Carnegie unit remediation for those students that may have failed a class in the core subjects: English, math, science, social studies. Superintendent Kilbert stated that the District is currently accepting applications for both of those programs. Summer school will be held at McMain for secondary services and Franklin Elementary for elementary services. The programs will operate based upon the times that you see designated in the Board Packet, GEE and LEAP will operate from 8 AM to 1:15 PM and Carnegie unit will operate from 8 AM to 2:30 PM so that the number of instructional hours can be accommodated. Also, the extended school year program for special education students that require services will be operated from 8:15 AM to 2:15 PM at McDonogh #35. Also the education of children’s youth and transition summer school program which is a full week academic and cultural enrichment program will be provided for those students who are homeless or transitional or displaced. Child nutrition will be provided to each of the programs that are so listed. The Documents in Board packet include the times of operation, inclusive the lunch period; and the cost of the Carnegie unit summer program. There is no cost for LEAP and GEE remediation. Please be reminded that LEAP and GEE are one of those mandates that is underfunded and this is something that we are required to provide for those students who do not meet the qualifying passing marks on LEAP and/or GEE pending on what the subject matter is. They will be retested at the end of the summer and those results will be applied to those students upon their return sometimes about the first week of August. Again, also listed is the summer school stipend pay for the teachers.

For the audience, this discussion about both of these items was held in the Accountability Committee meeting. Following that is the Spring Graduation Timeline. For graduates and again this was discussed in Accountability and already begun to designate those students beginning March 2nd regarding the services senior class is designated the logistics for graduation through May 22nd. You see listed here the graduation ceremony for our direct run schools also was discussed in Accountability and I think it’s attached there is the graduation timeline for our senior high charter schools.

·  Division of Financial Services

§  Monthly Financial Summary Reports: March 31, 2009 – Mr. Timothy Russell presented the highlights from the Monthly Financial Report for the month ending March 31, 2009. A copy of the Financial Report is in the Board packet and was discussed in length at last week’s Budget and Finance Committee Meeting.

o  The Clearing Fund indicates a loss of $6.9 million. This represents a $13.5 million reduction in the loss from February 28, 2009. This decline is due to the receipt of $20.4 million of ad valorem taxes in March 2009.

o  General Fund cash totaled $63.7 million.

o  The General Fund has an inter fund receivable totaling $10.7 million. This is primarily due to the $6.9 million loss in the Clearing fund and a Grant Receivable totaling $20.6 million.

o  The General Fund assets totaled $78.4 million.

o  General Fund liabilities totaled $14.4 million. This includes $5.9 million for the Sabbatical Leave settlement and $3.9 million for the FY 2007-08 RSD local share recalculation.

o  Total net assets for the General Fund totaled $64.0 million, which reflects an appropriation from fund balance of $10.7 million and an excess of revenues over expenses of $0.7 million.

o  When the Clearing Fund and the General Funds are combined the consolidated net assets total $57.0 million.

o  General Fund revenues totaled $44.4 million, which includes the Gulf Opportunity borrowings of $14.5 million. The main source of revenue is the transfer from the Clearing fund for MFP / Local Share which totaled $13.0 million.

o  After adjusting for the Bond Proceeds the actual revenue percentage is 70.6% as compared with an intended percentage of 75.0%.

o  General Fund expenditures totaled $43.7 million for the nine months. The intended percentage based upon time is 75.0.7%. However, actual expenditures after adjusting for the Gulf Opportunity bonds totaled 68.9%.

o  For the nine months ended March 31, 2009 the General Fund had an operating excess of revenue over expenditures $0.7 million.

o  During the nine months ended March 31, 2009 available cash declined by $2.2 million. The primary reason for the decline is the advance payments to the RSD and Charters offset by collections of June 30, 2008 accruals for sales and ad valorem taxes. Also impacting cash is change in the outstanding receivables on Grants and Contacts.

o  Long-term debt decreased from $455.1 million to $438.3 million. This was primarily due to principal payments of $24.8 million less Gulf Opportunity bond borrowings of $14.5 million. An adjustment to the vacation and sick leave also impacted the change.

o  The long-term debt of $438.3 million should be viewed in conjunction with the Debt Service funds of $133.9 million.

o  At March 31, 2009, grant receivables totaled $20.6 million i.e., unbilled receivables $18.8 million and billed receivables $1.8 million. The majority of this amount relates to the Title Programs and IDEA B.

·  Human Resources/Personnel

§  Approval of Personnel Actions: Appointments of Certified and Classified Personnel

Dr. Armand Devezin presented that Personnel action items which includes:



Bright, Jarmahn / Audubon Charter School / Special Education Paraprofessional / 02/16/09
Collins, Dolores / Hynes Charter School / K-3 Paraprofessional / 02/12/09
Harris, Pamela / Exceptional Children's Services / Special Education Paraprofessional / 03/10/09
Harris, Thomas / Franklin Elementary School / Special Education Paraprofessional / 02/27/09
Morris, Avia / Bethune Elementary School / Title 1 Paraprofessional / 02/26/09
Oldem, Tanya / Exceptional Children's Services / Special Education Paraprofessional / 03/09/09
Rivarde, Mia / Exceptional Children's Services / Special Education Paraprofessional / 03/17/09
Smith, Elaine / Exceptional Children's Services / Special Education Paraprofessional / 03/23/09

Action Item A: Recommendation of termination from employment of a probationary teacher. The supporting documentation for this recommendation is included in the Board packet and includes the recommendations of the administrative hearing process, superintendent’s recommendation and other supporting documentation.

Mr. Robichaux asked General Counsel Edward Morris, if an action is requested relative to an individual going through the administrative hearing process (as defined in Board Policy) does the Board need to vote on that recommendation independently of the other white paper (Human Resource) items?

General Counsel Morris first clarified that as a probationary employee he does not have a right to a hearing. He does have the right to appear and speak before the Board but not an appeal. The gentleman is not here to address the Board. In terms of a vote, the Board can take its vote on the recommendation of Human Resources, in global.

Mr. Robichaux stated he would prefer to separate the Board action on the person’s individually termination. Mr. Robichaux stated that the (the employee) is currently going through the process. Mr. Robichaux further reiterated that he thought it would be wise on our part; as we (the Board) has letters that we should at least call our attention to and give him due process.

Moran asked General Counsel to advise the Board?

General Counsel Morris stated that on all four measures that were brought before the Board in global, the Board is to vote on all four Human Resources matters all at one time.

§  Approval Routine Personnel Actions




Barnes, Daphine / McDonogh #35 / Secondary Teacher / Sick / 01/30/09 / 02/18/09
Decuir, Brian / McMain / Secondary Teacher / Sick / 02/26/09 / 03/25/09
Dever, Raymond / McDonogh #35 / Secondary Teacher / Suspension with Pay / 02/20/09 / 04/20/09
Hill, Samuel / McMain / Secondary Teacher / Extendend Sick / 04/01/09 / 05/25/09
Holden, Vanessa / McDonogh #42 / Child Nutrition Technician / Sick / 01/05/09 / 04/22/09
McKinney, Hazel / P.M. High School / Secondary Teacher / Sick / 01/21/09 / 04/20/09
Nicholl-Despenza, Severina / P.M. High School / Secondary Teacher / Sick / 04/08/09 / 05/21/09
Price, Ava / Franklin Elementary / Elementary Teacher / Sick / 03/30/09 / 05/04/09
Scherer, Donald / Information & Technology / IT Staff Manager / Sick / 02/19/09 / 03/08/09
Walker, Michele / Information & Technology / Student Information Admin. / Sick / 03/23/09 / 05/04/09
West, Ethel / Franklin Elementary / Elementary Teacher / Sick / 01/05/08 / 05/25/09
Winn, Thomas / McMain / Secondary Teacher / Sick / 01/20/09 / 03/01/09




Askar, Shadia / Bethune Elementary / Title 1 Paraprofessional / Relocation / 02/13/09
Hicks, Valerie / Support Support Services / Instructional Specialist / Service Retirement / 03/26/09
Mack, Barbara / Einstein Charter School / K-3 Paraprofessional / Other Employment / 03/13/09
Sebble-Willis, Renee / McDonogh #35 / Secondary Teacher / Personal Reasons / 04/17/09

The approval routine personnel actions includes school site appointments, leaves of

absences, separation from assignments including resignation and retirements.