1 / 13 MC1 104 / Opaline Grey Green / Clearbody / C / A strong bird who has bred very well for me. Father was NSW State winner and mum was a super Glenn Schiller hen. Could be split INO as well as there were INO hens in the nest. / Mario Capasso
2 / 14 MC1 100 / Opaline Green / H / Off my clearbody family / Mario Capasso
3 / 14 MC1 057 / Opaline Sky / C / Gazzard background. From a very strong family with a brother and sister being big National hopes for me. / Mario Capasso
4 / SQ-1E-14-071 / Dark Green Opaline Clearbody / C / Sire Line-O'Callaghan/Percy Dam Line-Horrobin/Eustace / Phil Edgar
5 / SQ-1E-14-115 / Grey Clearbody/Opaline/ Lacewing / C / Sire Line-Jennings/O'Callaghan Dam Line-Horrobin/Capasso / Phil Edgar
6 / SQ-1E-13-086 / White Lacewing / H / Sire Line-Gough/George/Smith / Phil Edgar
7 / DP 219/14 / Light Green Opaline Pied / H / Chidel –Croft X VK O’Riley
Good Young Stock Hen / Dave Punton
8 / DP 054 / 14 / Cobalt Pied / C / Gazzard – Croft X G O’Conner Spot & Feather / Dave Punton
9 / DP 133 /14 / Lacewing Yellow / H / John Hewett X Ken Seagrott
Father Sold At Auction For $700 / Dave Punton
10 / SQ 13 9223 / Spangle Opaline Cobalt / C / Horrobin bird, bred good chicks / Scott Eriksen
11 / SQ 13 BH 157 / Cinnamon Sky / C / Brian Harms bird, Fellows line / Scott Eriksen
12 / QNC 13 SAE 629 / Normal Green / H / Bob Smith x Ken Dunk / Scott Eriksen
13 / KS 14/16 / Violet Recessive / C / Big Young Bird Perfectly Marked / Ken Seagrott
14 / KS 13/591 / Grey Recessive / C / Perfectly Marked Long Bird Good Head Qualities / Ken Seagrott
15 / KS 14/315 / Cobalt Crestbred / C / Long Bird Bred From Full Circle Hen / Ken Seagrott
16 / KWC 13/105 / Opaline Sky Spangle / C / Alan Kent cock x Horrobin hen.
Very fertile, Bred well. His young are in my show team. / Kev Campbell
17 / SQ 12/3411 / Normal Violet Sky Spangle / H / This bird had several wins on show bench & has proven herself in the breeding cage. / Kev Campbell
18 / SQ 13/5770 / Normal Grey / C / 75% Von Pein/Scoble lines. Big bird. Unused. / Kev Campbell
19 / QNC 14/5124 / Opaline Light Green Dominant Pied / H / Sire: Opaline Grey Green (50% KK)
Dam: Green Dom Pied (Percy line)
Sister to 14/5133 / L&F Percy
20 / QNC 14/5133 / Opaline Grey Green Dominant Pied / H / Sire: Opaline Grey Green (50% KK)
Dam: Green Dom Pied (Percy line)
Sister to 14/5124 / L&F Percy
21 / P7 14/004 / Opaline Light Green / H / Sire: Opaline Grey Green (50% KK) SA 11/1901
Dam: Opaline Light Green / L&F Percy
22 / SQ 14/17577 / Opaline Violet / C / Lovely long bird with vibrant colour. Related to 2014 Blue National Rep. / Jamie Wright
23 / SQ 14/9574 / Opaline Lacewing Yellow / C / Good colour and contrast markings. Smaller bird, but brothers ran 1st & 2nd in Futures Show. Father was Reserve Lacewing in SQ Team in 2014. / Jamie Wright
24 / SQ 14/9716 / Normal Spangle Cobalt / H / Very well marked. From a prolific pairing. Sister of 2014 Blue National Rep. Sister to 14/9715. / Jamie Wright
25 / FBA 019 - 13 / Dominant Pied Grey Green / C / Solid bird. Breeds well. Hollingsworth/Golightly lines. / Barry Mitchell
26 / FBA 007 - 14 / Spangle Cinnamon Grey / H / Big long bird, nice head. From Shepherd & Flanagan line. / Barry Mitchell
27 / FBA 067 - 14 / Spangle Light Green / H / Solid bird with length. Shepherd & Flanagan / Barry Mitchell
28 / MHG 14 073 / sky normal
/ H / Sire MHG 13 005 Grey Nor Dam MHG 12 005 Gr Gre Cin Half Sister To 14 006, 13 012, 14 011 / Mick Greber
29 / MHG 13 007 / Grey Cinnamon / C / Sire Lt Gr Op Bs2 10 057 Dam Gr G Cin MHG 12 005 / Mick Greber
30 / MHG 14 035 / Yellow D F Spangle / C / Sire Grey Spangle Apb 13 271 Dam 13 8778 Yellow D F Sp Nice Cock / Mick Greber
31 / 14/8808 / Double Factor Spangle White / H / 100% Horrobin / Len Bartz
32 / 14/7205 / Yellow Lacewing / C / 50% Jamie Wright / Len Bartz
33 / 14/16647 / Cobalt Violet / C / 50% Horrobin / Len Bartz
34 / 14 WRB AK-134 / Normal Grey Green / C / Stylish cock. Sire 100% Shepard & Flanagan (Vic) DOB 17/08/14 / Alan Kent
35 / 14 WRB AK-143 / Normal Sky / H / Niece of ANBC Winner Toowoomba DOB 25/08/14 / Alan Kent
36 / 14 WRB AK-161 / Cinnamon Grey / C / Super top end,very young, may not regrow tail DOB 15/09/14 / Alan Kent
37 / BMW 13 / 111 / Cinnamon Grey Yellowface / H / - / Brian Walters
38 / 3R 14 / 313 / Cinnamon Grey Green / C / - / Brian Walters
39 / NBC - 929 / 2014 / Grey Normal Spangle / C / Sire: 100% Bob smith
(White Double Factor Spangle)
Dam: 50% Gary Gazzard & A&C Druery (Violet) Hatched - 18/09/2014
*** NOTE:- I'm only 10 Months old *** / Peters Family
40 / DKP - 131 / 2014 / Lt Green Opaline Spangle / H / Sire: 100% Bob smith
(Green Normal)
Dam: 100% Gary Watson
(Yellow Double Factor Spangle)
Hatched - 14/03/2014 / Peters Family
41 / NBC - 934 / 2014 / Grey Normal Spangle / C / Sire: 100% Bob smith
(White Double Factor Spangle)
Dam: 50% Gary Gazzard & A&C Druery (Violet) Hatched - 20/09/2014
*** NOTE:- I'm only 10 Months old *** / Peters Family
42 / VP-118-14 / Spangle Opaline Cobalt / H / Scoble Lines / Shane Von Pein
43 / VP-072-14 / Cinnamon Grey / H / Scoble Lines / Shane Von Pein
44 / VP-013-14 / Opaline Grey / H / Scoble Lines / Shane Von Pein
45 / KV-009-14 / Recessive Pied / C / From National winning family / K&V O’Reilly
46 / KV-105-13 / Opaline Grey / C / Watson blood / K&V O’Reilly
47 / KV-120-14 / Opaline cinnamon Violet / H / Watson blood / K&V O’Reilly
48 / BH14-087 / Opaline Grey / H / ½ Brother, ½ Sister Mating
Fallows, Gazzard Line / Tony Moore
49 / BH14-163 / Cinnamon Opaline Grey-Green / H / Fallows/Gazzard/Tassi / Tony Moore
50 / BH14-092 / Yellowface Sky
Cinnamon / H / Fallows/Gazzard / Tony Moore
51 / 14 -18022` / Sky Normal / C / G Barlow – Nice young bird still developing Donated by Graham Barlow / Fraser Coast Budgerigar Society
52 / 14 – 679 / Grey Normal / Albino / C / G Barlow – Bred from a strong line of Albino’s Donated by Graham Barlow / Fraser Coast Budgerigar Society
53 / 20W 029 2014 / Lutino / H / Bred by Ernie Wise / Ernie Wise
54 / 20W187 2014 / Spangle Cinnamon Grey Green / C / Sire: GGreen Opal Cinn 12 PIL127
Dam: Grey Cinn Spangle 13 PIL 193
100% Craig Langdon / Garry Gazzard Bloodlines / Ernie Wise
55 / TYS 119 2014 / Opaline Cinnamon Light Green / H / Sire: Green 11 TYS 001 Terry Smith
Dam: Norm Grey 13 10G078 H George
Bred by Terry Smith Tamworth
100% Henry George bloodlines Qld / Ernie Wise
56 / SQ 9318 2014 / Cinnamon Grey Green / H / Not used – ready to breed with now / Brian Hollingsworth
57 / SQ 17652 2014 / Grey Green / H / Full sister to ABS Champion Bird of Show / Brian Hollingsworth
58 / SQ 17565 2014 / Grey / C / Has great blow – from my good family of Greys / Brian Hollingsworth
59 / 2014 SQ 9889 / Sky Fallow / H / Sire Sky Fallow Cock 11 G&J 039
Dam Cobalt Opaline/Fallow Hen 13 Sq 9165 / Greg Horrobin
60 / 2014 SQ 9855 / Sky Fallow / H / Sire Sky/Fallow Cock 13 SQ 15421
Dam Violet Fallow Hen 12 G&J 035 / Greg Horrobin
61 / 2014 SQ 9888 / Violet Fallow / H / Sire Sky Fallow Cock 11 G&J 078
Dam Violet Sky/Fallow Hen 13 Sq 9165 / Greg Horrobin
62 / 6S-074-14 / Cinnamonwing Green / H / Watson Line / Peter Schellbach
63 / 1W-151-13 / Normal Dark Green / C / Watson Bred / Peter Schellbach
64 / 6S-058-14 / Opaline Lacewing-Yellow / H / Watson/O'Callaghan / Peter Schellbach
65 / 141J-102 / Full Circle Dark Green Normal / H / Dob 3/11/13 - Parents 12 1j-9476 ¼ C Cobalt Spangle X13 1j-001 Fc Green Opaline Spangle / Jansen Family
66 / 141J-188 / ¼ Crest Yellow Face Sky Spangle / C / Dob 7/8/14 - Parents 13 1j-052 Fc Green Opaline Spangle X 13 1j-094 Fc Df Spangle Yellow / Jansen Family
67 / SQ 014 18479 / Spangle Opaline Cinn Lt Green / H / S: Opaline Lt Green SQR1012058
D: Spangle Opal Grey Grn SQ01217083
100% Chidel bloodline. Typie Hen, long, Clean Good Spot. / W & G Robinson
68 / SQ 014 18491 / Opaline Grey Green/Recessive / C / S: Recessive Grey Green SQ01217089
D: Opaline Grey Grn/Rec SQR1010062
Super Hen, father 5th at preselection.
Good spot and width. From a very good family of recessives. / W & G Robinson
69 / SQ 014 21567 / Opaline Grey Green/Lutino / C / S: Opaline Lt Grn/Lutino NBC 013 1546
D: Lutino SQ R1 012 099 Strong hen. Brother first at SQ preselection in 2013, very strong quality lutino. Has potential to produce quality, Sire is from a Mat Campbell Opaline split Lutino from his clearance sale. / W & G Robinson
70 / AH002/13 / Normal Grey / C / Stylish bird, big spots, big blow, not used / Abi Haider
71 / AH011/13 / Grey Green / C / This birds brother, bred 3rd spangle at National last year / Abi Haider
72 / 5206/13 / Lacewing white / H / Nice hen, good spots, Not used / Abi Haider
73 / 14/326 / Dom Pied Sky / C / Scoble Von Pein Kirstenfeldt (not used) DOB: 13/5/14 / Bill Kirstenfeldt
74 / 14/370 / Recess Pied Green / C / Hollingsworth George Kirstenfeldt (not used) DOB:25/7/14 / Bill Kirstenfeldt
75 / 14/249 / Yellow Face Albino / C / Kirstenfeldt Paxton (not used) DOB: 03/1/14 / Bill Kirstenfeldt
76 / 14-105 / Spangle Opaline Green / H / An outcross of Scoble bird into my spangle line. Should produce well. Maiden hen. / O’Callaghan Family
77 / 13-8692 / Grey / C / Lovely feathered outcross but never got to use. / O’Callaghan Family
78 / 14-1662 / Australian Whitecap Spangle CinSky Violet / H / A young maiden hen to start off breeding this new variety. Just 8 months old at auction. / O’Callaghan Family
79 / BH-14-182 / Opaline LT Green / H / Smith/Fellows this is a quality hen / Brian Harms
80 / BH-13-068 / Grey / C / Von Pien / Brian Harms
81 / BH-13-019 / Spangle Grey Green / H / Fellows/Gazzard/Turner / Brian Harms
82 / SQ2014 23481 / Cinnamon Dom Pied Grey / C / Stephan/George / Wayne Stephan
83 / EN SQ2014. 15285 / Opaline Grey Pied / H / Gazzard/Stephan / Wayne Stephan
84 / SQ2014. 12038 / Opaline Cinnamon Grey Green / C / Gazzard/Stephan / Wayne Stephan
85 / 068 3R 14 / Grey Green Spangle / C / 100% Welshman
Donated. John Richardson. / Northern NSW Budgerigar Breeders Ass
86 / 050 SFK 14 / Sky Recessive Pied / C / Seagrott x Henry George
Donated. Steve Kilduff / Northern NSW Budgerigar Breeders Ass
87 / 288 SFK 14 / Lg Opal. Spangle / Lutino / C / Seagrott Line.
Donated by Steve Kilduff / Northern NSW Budgerigar Breeders Ass
88 / 26H050-14 / Recessive Pied Sky Violet
Donated to BRASEA by Don Harper “Thank You” / H / Sire: 26H065-11 Normal Sky Blue / Recessive Pied Cock. Don Harper bloodline. 10" Long with depth of mask and 'brow'. Dam: 26H121-12 Opaline Recessive Pied Sky Violet. Trevor Drew (VIC) bloodline. / BRASEA
89 / 26H124-13 / Opaline Greywing Sky Blue / C / Sire: Opaline Dom.Pied Greywing Sky Blue No.6H051-10. Dam: Opaline Greywing Sky Blue No.26H134-11. / Don Harper
90 / 26H051-13 / Opaline suffused yellow / H / Goog chicks. Sire: 26H207-11 Greywing Greygreen (NSW.REP. Greywing; wrong classed at Geelong Nationals, judges said he was a suffused yellow). Dam: 26H187-10 Spangle
suffused yellow. Good colour / Don Harper
91 / EUG 537/14 / Green Opaline/Dilute / C / Nice Maiden cock with plenty of growing to do. Line Bred showing nice spots and directional feather. Kept his brother for my dilute breeding. / Andrew McFarland
92 / PBS 1554/14 / Violet Green Melanistic Spangle/Cinnamon / C / Line bred maiden cock with nice Melanistic Spangle shell pattern. He is one or the last Black Rings Put on 8/12/14, has good width and will grow more. / Andrew McFarland
93 / EUG 579/14 / Grey Opaline / H / Heavily Line bred Maiden Hen, still very young with a nice step in the wing and good length of feather when she shows. Nice small wing primaries. / Andrew McFarland
94 / SQ 5361/13 / Lacewing Yellow / H / Nice Variety Hen with Good markings. Jamie Wright bloodlines / A & A Francis
95 / DJI 001/13 / Cinnamon Grey Green/Lacewing / C / Well Balanced Cock bird from Gina House Bloodlines / A & A Francis
96 / SQ 12664/14 / Opaline Cobalt / H / Good Feather with Deep Mask, Strongly influenced from Watson Bloodline / A & A Francis
97 / SQ 10G 14/466 / Recessive Pied Dark Green / C / Good markings and style / Henry George
98 / SQ 10G 14/623 / Lutino / H / Good deportment & shape. Very young, still developing.
Sire: Lutino 10G 12/301
Dam: Normal Dark Green C2 13/067. A B&D Card outcross. / Henry George
99 / SQ 10G 14/046 / Recessive Pied Violet Sky / C / A powerful bird. / Henry George
100 / 14 MC1 111 / Opaline Cinnamon Sky / H / Nice young hen. Not used / Mario Capasso
101 / 12 MC1 203 / Spangle Grey / C / 100% Chidel. Was 5th at NSW Interbranch as a 8 month old bird. Very stylish and breeds very well. Sons have now replaced him / Mario Capasso
102 / SQ-1E-14-093 / Dark Green Opaline Clearbody / C / Sire Line-O'Callaghan/Percy Dam Line-Horrobin/Eustace / Phil Edgar
103 / SQ-1E-14-118 / Grey Clearbody/Opaline/ Lacewing / C / Sire Line-Jennings/O'Callaghan Dam Line-Horrobin/Capasso / Phil Edgar
104 / DP 053/14 / Sky Spangle / C / AG Croft X O’Conner
Long Bird With Feather / Dave Punton
105 / DP 220 / 14 / Light Green Dom Pied / H / Chidel – Croft X O’Riley
Good Young Hen With Shoulder “ Nice Type” / Dave Punton
106 / DP 136 /14 / Cobalt / C / AG Croft Blood, Only Very Young Will Be Very Nice “Face” / Dave Punton
107 / QNC 14 SE 755 / Normal Grey Green / C / 100% Ken Dunk / Scott Eriksen
Opaline Grey Green / Clearbody
