Oklahoma State University – Master of Science in Fire and Emergency Management
Oklahoma State University’s graduate program in Fire and Emergency Management Administration is one of the oldest programs in the nation. Students receive a superior academic experience in preparing leaders in the fire services, disaster management and emergency management professions, as well as educators and researchers in these fields.
Students can complete degree requirements as distance students by attending classes through a simulcast course. This is live interactive instruction with the professor and all other students in the class via a webcam or on campus. Distance students must complete nine credit-hours on campus to satisfy OSU's Graduate College Residence Requirement. This is usually accomplished by attending three one-week summer courses offered in our annual Summer Institutes.
Oklahoma State University has a rich history of Fire Protection and Instruction going back to 1937. The resources and collaboration with the College of Engineering, Fire Protection Publications, and the College of Arts and Sciences benefits students and professionals. If you have any further questions, please call 405-744-8438 and go to polsci.okstate.edu .
Curriculum for Master of Science
Fire and Emergency Management Administration Introduction: 3 HoursPOLS 5303 / Introduction to Fire and Emergency Management
Research and Analysis: 6 Hours
POLS 5103 / Research Design
Choose One Course:
POLS 5013 / Quantitative Methods of Political Analysis
POLS 6013 / Qualitative Methods for Fire and Emergency Managers
Fire and Emergency Management Administration Foundation: 6 Hours
POLS 5383 / Disaster Recovery
POLS 5923 / Preparedness and Planning
POLS 5933 / Disaster Response
POLS 6313 / Mitigation
Public Administration: 9 Hours
POLS 5313 / Public Management
POLS 5320 / Seminar in Public Budgeting and Finance
Choose One Course:
POLS 5113 / Seminar in Public Program Evaluation
POLS 5613 / Public Policy Analysis
POLS 5653 / Risk Assessment in Emergency Management Planning
Electives: 9 - 12 Hours
POLS 5040 / Readings in Politics, Public Policy or Public Administration
POLS 5300 / Special Topics Seminar in Fire and Emergency Management
POLS 5323 / Urban Politics and Management
POLS 5333 / Seminar in Public Personnel Administration
POLS 5353 / Seminar in Design, Structure and Processes of Public Organizations
POLS 5663 / Community Relations in Environmental Emergency Management
POLS 5673 / Understanding and Responding to Terrorism
POLS 6203 / Comparative and International Dimensions of Fire and Emergency Management
POLS 6153 / Pedagogical Methods for Fire and Emergency Management Instruction
POLS 6213 / Political Context of Fire and Emergency Management
POLS 6303 / Populations at Risk
Research Demonstration: 3 -6 Hours
Choose One Course:
POLS 5000 / Thesis (6 Hours)
POLS 5903 / Practicum (3 Hours)
Oklahoma State University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, a Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
For additional information:
Contact: Kristen Kulling, MPH
Graduate Advisor
Fire and Emergency Management Administration
Oklahoma State University
201 Murray Hall
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74078
Phone: 405-744-8438
Additional Information: web page: http://polsci.okstate.edu/
Update: 2/18/15
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