Tees LPC Meeting

26th March 2014. 09.00-17.00

Marton Pharmacy


Officers Present:

Jay Badenhorst, Chair (JB)

Pete Horrocks, Vice Chair (PH)

David Jarvis Treasurer (DJ)

Members Present:

Sarah Ramshaw (SR), Elaine Ballantyne (EB), Paul Pendergood (PP), Brent Foster (BF), Helen Lynch (HL), Michael Maguire (MM), Geraint Morris (GM), John Welsh (JW)

Employed Officers present:

Sandie Hall, Chief Officer and HLP Project Manager (SH)

PSNC Regional Representative:

Mark Burdon (MB)


Philippa Walters (PW)

Lorraine Crawford (LC)

Nima Raei (NR)

Apologies received from:

Lorraine Crawford

1. Chair’s Introduction

Pete Horrocks who chaired meeting. All introduced themselves to the group.

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising

HSV – training session carried out for pharmacies involved in the scheme, a second wave will be required also.

Healthwatch – information sent out to all contractors

On demand and eye scheme fees – sent through to Sue Weatherhead.

Public Health Contract Meeting – on agenda

3. PSNC Update

Mark Burdon has explained he is to be as honest and open as possible with LPCs he covers. PSNC will move forward to ensure all information is shared in a timely manner.

Mark Burdon gave an update on the marketing company who are collecting patient names who may at some point in the future request a delivery of medications.

Call to Action – tight timescale, well done to all involved. Response rate has been superb across pharmacy teams. The challenge is we are 15 months from a General Election therefore timescales remain tight. NHS England are looking to move forward with the issues. Domiciliary services, public health services usage are common themes. PSNC response is available on the website. Pricing accuracy is also a common thread – progress over the last year has been made about improving the transparency of how prescriptions are priced. BSA will be resources by the DOH to ensure this process can be commenced. Funding remains an issue. No actions will be seen until 2015-2016.

4. Hospital Respiratory and Cardiovascular Referral Scheme

Helen Fish attended the meeting on behalf of Medicines Optimisation. Pilot referral scheme pilot will end next week. Area team will collect figures regarding comparison data. Practice pharmacists – haven’t seen any interventions at all from community pharmacy. This could be a communication issue, could be all were fine. ?referral numbers. Potential for PharmOutcomes in the future to refer out. May build a case for a domiciliary service. Brighton have a body of people to refer into an agency who then go and find the right solution for the patient regarding referral out – it is multidisciplinary rather than just pharmacy. Refer to pharmacy scheme in Lancashire which has stalled.

ACTION: SH to contact Brighton to discuss their model.

DVT Pathway – new South Tees implementation from next week but may be 1st may. Promoting Riveroxiban than Enoxaparin but all three options are on. Near patient testing will be carried out prior to.

ACTION: SH to send communication to all contractors regarding Riveroxiban scripts as first line on DVT pathway. HF to send an overview for circulation.

Information from Sue Weatherhead – update. Contract variation regarding patient for expired stock. No further payments will be made for expired stock. Current proposal for pharmacies who will have to add in the newer items on the list a payment of £65 per pharmacy for all new items will be made. For those who will also stock phosphomycin will receive an additional payment. There is a large variety of prices being charged. Request to the LPC to identify a standard price. JB – is it not possible to ask for the invoice for the product with claim and only pay what is the cost to the pharmacy. This is regarding 6 pharmacies.

Eye Scheme – North Tees – uplifted by 10% in line with the optometry payment. JB – what is the uptake of the eye scheme

ACTION: Helen Fish to send through information regarding the above

5. New LPC members

Next LPC meeting will be in May, potential of a conference call discussed – not of any value.

ACTION: 30th April new members training and also additional other training dates for LPC members – all to inform SH for booking.

6. Area Team Communications and Audit

Pete Horrocks gave an overview of the issues relating to CPAF and Audit. Letter created 10th March arriving 13th March regarding a pharmacy audit. Issues: Stated undertaken during March but could be uploaded by end April. Also makes reference with LPC being in consultation – which was not the case.

JB – attended meetings with the Local Liaison Group on behalf of the LPC – waste audit was proposed which was rejected. ?Where has the decision been made. Value would have been better in prescription interventions or incidents.

Announcement from NHS England regarding reporting of incidents. Any contractor with more than 50 incidents will have to appoint an officer to deal with the issues. To propose a prescription incident/errors/interventions with PharmOutcomes template. Errors are currently captured but interventions particularly minor are not raised. ?template available through pharmacy voice or another body. NR also propose an additional example.

ACTION: MB to take to Regional LPC the issues between different LPC agreements. Also MB to formulate a standard response for all LPC’s to sign and send to Area Team at NHS England.

Waste issues also – SH to find out who is co-ordinating at AT and circulate.

SH to invite Ken Youngman to an LPC meeting. Next LLG is on 24th April which may be the route to discuss the issues with Ken Youngman rather than LPC meeting.

What is the option for next year’s audit. NHS England – promise that audits would not be required. Also to feedback that this LPC have not agreed with this letter.

7. EPS

Suggested a way of confirming a way of cascading information if the system goes down – how do they notify. Ie GPs last week could not nominate. If you notice a problem check pharmoutcomes or email.

There appears to be no smart card issues or ‘lock out’ issues again. Area team are also responsible for arranging smart card issues.

8. Payment Update

Contractor information. Remittence advice to go to each store. Find out how remittance is paid who gets it. ?is this a Boots issue or a CCA issue.

9. Services Update

Smoking – see PW update – CPPE will support local service training

Supervised consumption, needle exchange will from 1st April run through Pharmoutcomes

Sexual Health – ongoing discussions with commissioners and Virgin Healthcare around the Chlamydia test and treat service which has stalled with Virgin Healthcare.

Healthy Start Vitamins to go live 1st April and Pharmoutcomes to be used for both data collection and payment options.

10. HLP Update

Healthy Living pharmacies to support potential for healthy living practices.

Funding agreed on a 80k/20k from LPC basis for next year

ACTION: HL/PH/JB to form subgroup to discuss potential of an additional member of staff to provide peer support and also to determine the ongoing role of SH.

11. Clinical Trials in Community Pharmacy

Jessica Purkiss led a discussion on Pharmacy Research. BF/PH/LC have been part of the GP research forum for County Durham, Darlington and Tees.

Currently there is a CCG pharmacist carrying out some work with John Welsh in Lloyds Roseberry Park. RPS also working with Primary Care Research Group.

Options for research:

· Safety clinical trials for investigative products

· Pharmacy led agenda rather than support GP research.

Jessica Purkiss is also working with NE Humber 1 day/week. Networks could be formed via Durham Pharmacy School. Salford Lung Trial is an example of pharmacy led research.

Pharmacy must begin to look at being research ready for the future.

12. Industry Presentation – Mark Munro, GSK

13. Public Health Campaigns

Philippa Walters gave an overview in the absence of Rebecca Laidler.

South Tees resource centre has been decommissioned. This will be re-commissioned at some point in the future but no date for this as yet. A budget will be agreed with Public Health regarding resource allocation.

There will be 6 campaigns as required by the National Pharmacy Contract. Directors of Public Health to determine the local view of what they will be in line with local business plans. PW will have a voice on the panel. PW to determine how this will be managed.

14. Public Health Contract

Contract will be 1 year with a potential of extension for an additional year. It is currently with the Local Authority Legal team for final sign off. Then to be sent out as soon as possible.

Healthy start vitamins spec agreed along with all over current contract.

Stop smoking service and Quit manager update – Quit manager will not be ready to input data from 1st April. Rebecca Laidler to send a letter to contractors explaining the process of claims from quarter one with new patients entered on quit manager, pre existing quitters to use paperwork and fax to new number. Pharmoutcomes to be used in the North. Data transition to commissioner. If a database is available it is to be used if not keep paperwork.

15. LPN Update

Call to action events – commissioner and pharmacy events feedback very positive with a willingness to move forward with more collaborative meetings to share best practice and move forward with CDDT standardisation.

Cameron Ward expressed thanks and was impressed with the motivation shown at the events – he will visit Tees Pharmacies to get a greater feel for HLP and pharmacy in general.

MM is in the process of visiting all CCGs and Health and Wellbeing Boards promoting the work of community pharmacy.

The LPN will support the formulation of the PNAs

Hospital/GPs/CCGs have been provided with a directory of services offered through pharmacy.

Areas of ongoing focus:

· Social Prescribing with Paul Williams, GP

· Vulnerable people in own homes

· Domicillary support services – LON, LPN, LDN collaboration

Email communication to be enhances with twitter and using eventbrite to register for events.

ACTION: Business case for minor ailments to be forwarded to Dr Walker at CCG by JB

ACTION: MM to continue to drive forward possibility of nhs.net email addresses for all pharmacies.

16. CPPE Update

Lorraine Crawford gave an update of CPPE. Funding has been guaranteed for the next 4 years as part of the Health Education England group. It will develop to encompass more cross functional learning. CPPE news will be published and they have new e courses available. Healthy Living Pharmacy developing services options for technicians has now been included in the focus with the learning pharmacy option for all pharmacy staff. Currently there are 3 main focus activities:

Advanced Inhaler Techniques

Dementia training – Dementia friends

Consultation Skills

17. Pharmacy Applications

Pharmacy relocation has been approved at Eaglescliffe after quite some time in a portacabin following a fire.

Future applications to be circulated to all then subcommittee will coordinate and send a response.

18. AOB

Treasurer – payment issues. All agreed to employ at £300 per annum Tate Walker who also have a payroll function if Bond is to be reviewed at any point.

Voting – on line banking – all in agreement. Debit card – Sandie Hall.

All to ensure that expenses are submitted in a timely manner with locum and personal expenses submitted separately. All to be emailed to David Jarvis who will generate payment. On each invoice submitted full payment details to be included to facilitate rapid payment.

ACTION:JB will move ahead with new accounts arrangements to encompass debit card, online banking and potentially a change of name to Tees LPC rather than Cleveland. PH/JB/DJ to have access to online banking facility. Address of contact also to be changed together with signatories.

ACTION: SH to circulate possible training sessions with PSNC to all new members for booking

20. Date of Future Meetings

May 28th 2014

July 30th 2014

September 24th 2014

November 26th 2014