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The Board of Supervisors of Mount Carmel Township held its regular meeting on February 19, 2014 commencing at 7:00 p.m. in the Township Municipal Building. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll call: Mr. Charles Gasperetti, present

Mr. Joseph Zanella, present

Mr. Reynold Scicchitano, present

Motion to approve the minutes for the January 2014 Monthly Meeting and the Treasurer’s Reports from November and December 2013.

Approved: 3 - 0

Monthly Police Report for January 15- February 19, 2014 was read by Chief Brian Hollenbush

Monthly Code Enforcement Report for January 15 – February 19, 2014 was read by Code Enforcement Officer, Don Geary.

The Street Department Report for February 2014 was read by Road Master, Charles Gasperetti

Public Input on Action Items:

Mr Richard Mychak asked for clarification on the location of the lot in Natalie for which the Board of Supervisors will be accepting sealed bids. He was informed that the lot is on Maple and Center Streets in Natalie.


A representative of Congressman Lou Barletta will be here on Tuesday, February 25, 2014 from 2:00 pm until 4:00 pm in the meeting room for Community Outreach.

Action Items:

Motion to accept bids on a 2000 Ford Explorer Police Vehicle was tabled due to lack of bids. A motion was then made to sell the vehicle for scrap for $450.00.

Approved 3-0

Motion to approve Resolution 2014-12, appointing Klacik and Associates as Certified Public Accountants to perform the annual audit for the fiscal year 2013 in place of elected auditors and to advertise this intent in the News-Item.

Approved 3-0

Motion to approve the Planning Commissions recommendation to transfer 5.3 acres of land from the Reading Anthracite Coal Company to The Mount Carmel Cemetery Company

Approved 3-0

Motion to accept the order by DCED (Department of Community and Economic Development), which will increase all building permit fees by $4.00.

Approved 3-0

Motion to advertise to accept bids for a 51’ x 135’ lot located in Natalie, Mount Carmel Township. There will be a reserve on the bidding.

Approved 3-0

Motion to approve the new road alignment recommended by Brinkash and Associates for the SEEDCO Access Road.

Approved 3-0

Motion to advertise Ordinance 2014-01 , a Quality of Life Ordinance which establishes violations and ticketing processes.

Approved 3-0

Motion to inquire about procuring a credit card for the Township.

Approved 3-0

There was some discussion about getting a debit or a gift card but it was decided that a credit card would be the best option. There was a question about whose name(s) would be on the card. Attorney Rovito pointed out that whoever was on the card would have to be bonded. The decision was then made that the people listed on the card would be Treasurer Joseph Zanella and secretary Lisa Fiamoncini.

Motion to approve the annexation of Rosenthal Street to Marion Heights Borough.

Approved 3-0

Motion to hire Todd Owens as a part time police officer for Mount Carmel Township.

Approved 3-0

Pending receipt of letter from Mount Carmel Borough Solicitor stating that there will be no conflict of interests with Mr Owens working for the Township.

Motion to purchase a video surveillance system no later than the end of March, 2014 and at a cost of no more than $350. Cameras will be placed around the Mount Carmel Township Municipal Complex.

Approved 3-0

Motion to allow the Township to proceed with the required Act 44 RFP (Request for Proposals) process in order to evaluate different service providers for the Mount Carmel Township Police Pension Fund.

Approved 3-0

Public Participation:

Mr Rich Mychak stated that he had heard a rumor that there was going to be a new breaker in Natalie and wanted to know if this was true. Code Enforcement Officer Don Geary answered that there was no discussion of a breaker in Natalie and that the only thing going on up there was a cell tower being updated.

Mr Mychak asked if the garage roof is completed. The answer is yes.

Mr Mychak asked about the status of the new Police building. He was told that all work is on hold until the weather breaks

Mychak inquired about the house on Mulberry and Girard Street that was burned down in May of 2013, wanting to know if that property is included in the current plans that involve the block of houses at the opposite end of that block of Girard. Mr Geary explained that the house is a part of the deal as well as several other properties which he is working on getting the deeds for. Mr Geary also explained a little about what the proposed project is supposed to be.

Mychak again brought up the subject of the person who was hired as a Street Department worker but was only employed for one day. Attorney Rovito reminded him again that the reason he was let go was a personnel matter and would not be discussed at the meeting.

Mr Mychak again revisited the subject of permit fees for the Shamokin Creek project, wanting to know why we are not collecting said fees. Mr Gasperetti made a valid point by asking why you would want to charge a permit fee for a project that is going to greatly benefit more than one municipality. Attorney Rovito stated that there is a Pennsylvania Law that declares that you cannot collect fees from state projects.

Mr Randy Zigarski asked why the Planning Commission was involved in the transfer of the property from Reading Anthracite to the Mount Carmel Cemetery. Mr John Buccanelli, who is also a member of the Planning Commission, explained that because the property is in the Township, the Commission just approved the transfer. This way the plans could be sent down to the county for finalization.

Mr Zigarski also wanted to know if there was ever a price quoted for the Access Road off of 901. The answer was yes, the quote was $350,000.00 but that there is no cost at all to the Township. Part of this amount will be funded by a grant and part by the developer.


With no further business to attend to, Mr Reynold Scicchitano made a motion to adjourn at 7:35 PM and Mr Joseph Zanella seconded the motion.