Observable Behaviours of Teacher Practice
1 / §  No documented planning / §  Little or no evidence of assessment / §  Teacher directed instruction and content
§  Whole class lessons for all only strategy evident / §  No rules or routines in classroom
§  No behaviour management plan
§  No management strategies
§  No reference to whole school rules
2 / §  Traditional use of planning document with no use of data
§  Teacher only ever plan alone
§  Little use of resources (people and physical)
§  No whole school planning
§  Planning is mostly whole class approach
§  Teaching from unit/term/yearly planner / §  Whole school/faculty assessment schedule in plan
§  Some formal assessment of learning
§  Standard assessment tasks used to meet reporting requirements / §  Teacher is aware of some other strategies for student learning but generally teaches to whole class
§  Isolated learning experiences that do not build on prior knowledge
§  Rarely caters for individual abilities and learning styles / §  Teacher rules recorded/displayed
§  No follow up or explanation
§  Limited resources issues in the classroom left unaddressed
§  Inconsistent organisation
§  Using some resources
3 / §  Imposed peer planning
§  Rigid adherence to plan – no flexibility within plan
§  No correlation between assessment/data and planning
§  No use of whole school planning
§  Little mention of community connections in plan / §  Assessment schedule in place
§  Assessment is teacher directed (or learning) / §  Teacher trials one or two strategies but not in a planned coordinated way
§  Student/teacher feedback is not sought
§  Traditional teaching strategies used with no consideration given to student prior knowledge or abilities. / §  Reactive discipline
§  Inconsistent follow up
§  Limited classroom organisation
§  Unpredictable movement in and around classroom
§  Unpredictable interactions within classroom
§  Using various resources
4 / §  Some planning with peers
§  Some use of resources
§  Awareness and inclusion of alternate teaching approaches evident in planning
§  Planning not related to assessment
§  Awareness of whole school/interfaculty planning
§  Lack of understanding of purpose /focus of planned activity / §  Adherence to some of the school assessment schedule
§  Some additional assessments used
§  Some monitoring and tracking occurring
§  Teacher observations not documented
§  No links between assessment and planning / §  Teacher uses some strategies regularly and has incorporated them into their practice
§  Teacher regularly uses innovation but does not modify them to suit students’ needs or learning styles, including technology / §  Teacher rules with some follow up
§  Limited explanations
§  Some consideration given to management of noise levels and movement in and around room
§  Some student work displayed
§  Resources readily accessed
5 / §  Some acknowledgement of the value of peer planning
§  Prior knowledge is recognised
§  Evidence of planning for some focused teaching
§  planning beginning to show evidence of sequential learning experience some consideration given to whole school plan in classroom planning
§  Regular use of a variety of resources / §  Regular assessment and monitoring of student learning
§  Sparse analysis of assessments
§  Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) documented based on teacher knowledge of students / §  Teaching address group learning styles and needs
§  Some reflection and feedback sought by teacher
§  Some explicit teaching strategies employed
§  Some encouragement for students to take responsibility for own learning / §  Teacher focused rules
§  Limited discussion of rules with some discussion of consequences
§  Predictable and consistent classroom structure
§  Movement in and around classroom is orderly
§  Classroom furniture arranged to suit activities
6 / §  Planning clearly indicates focused teaching
§  A range of resources are utilised in planning and application
§  Planning is in line with whole school plan
§  Planning with consideration given to assessment
§  Collaborative planning at individual, team and school level with some consideration given to all layers of school planning / §  Teacher used and documents different types of assessment
§  Begins to explore new strategies, perhaps in underutilized area
§  Students reflect on and monitor their progress to inform their future learning goals. / §  Teacher is catering for individual student needs
§  A variety of learning opportunities are provided
§  Activities to promote deeper thinking are provided
§  Some evidence that students are able to work effectively in cooperative groups
§  Purposeful use of technology
§  Learning experiences building on prior knowledge, student abilities and learning styles / §  Class negotiated rules
§  Working towards consistent reinforcement and acknowledgment of positive behaviours
§  Classroom displays reflect current student learning
§  Student-student and teacher-student interactions are respectful
7 / §  Vertical planning(across year levels) occurs throughout the school via professional dialogue at PLTs and planning days
§  Assessment and planning are directly linked
§  Some student negotiation for planned learning experiences
§  Some student self assessment is used to set individual learning goals
§  Extensive use of a wide range of resources / §  Assessment is ongoing and includes the process of gathering analysing and reflecting on evidence to make informed and consistent judgements to improve future student learning
§  The teacher uses an agreed assessment schedule to ensure that regular gathering of data occurs
§  Some evidence of ‘for’, ‘of’ and ‘as’ assessments / §  Individual learning styles and needs are catered for
§  Learning experiences related to real life situations/issues
§  Most students are able to work effectively in groups
§  Teachers an students reflect and seek feedback on the effectiveness of teaching and learning / §  Class negotiated rules and routines are revisited periodically
§  Reframe negative behaviour
§  Building positive relationships
§  Alternative strategies discussed
§  Students are ready for their own learning
§  Strategies in place to manage movement, noise level and work ethic
8 / §  Planning indicates high expectations and optimal outcomes for individual learners
§  Layers of planning and curriculum development within the school are interconnected
§  Learning experience are developed through student negotiation
§  Assessment as, for and learning drives planning
§  Continual reflection and adaptation of planning and learning experiences is the norm
§  Planning reflects community awareness and involvement / §  A balance of ‘for’, ‘of’ and ‘as’ assessment strategies used regularly in class
§  Whole school assessment schedule in place and used to inform teaching
§  Regular student self assessments
§  Continuous monitoring and tracking of students to drive teaching
§  Assessment evident in team and whole school planning documents
§  Individual Learning Improvement Plans are written, implemented and reviewed for all students at risk.
§  Parents may be involved in goal setting
§  Assessment linked to classroom practices
§  Collegiate discussion of assessment strategies / §  Individual learning styles are catered for across all domains
§  All students engaged and on task
§  Authentic curriculum with community involvement
§  Diverse range of learning opportunities
§  Flexible and fluid groupings
§  Thinking tools are sued routinely
§  High quality conversation – teacher to student, student to student, teacher to parent and teacher to teacher
§  Cooperative group work is effective
§  Students take responsibility for independent learning
§  Action taken upon reflection
§  Seamless use of technologies / §  Rules negotiated and owned by teacher and students: consequences consistent with school policy
§  Stimulating and productive classroom environment
§  Materials and resources are readily available
§  Students take responsibility for their own behaviour
§  Classroom is a supportive learning community
§  Positive and respectful tone within the classroom
§  Classroom has clear, consistent systems for managing movement, noise level and work ethic
§  Strong relationships and rapport