
Object Oriented Programming and Design

Module Handbook

Semester 2


Lecturer: Dr. Xiaohong Gao

School of Computing Science


Contents 2

1. An Overview 6

1.1 Preface 6

1.2 The module teaching team 6

1.3 About this Handbook 6

2Learning Unit Narrative (LUN) ---- Official Module Information 8

Coursework 10

The Logbook 10

Web Pages 10

The short programming tasks 12

The Individual Project 12

The Group Project 12

course work 1 ---- Short Program Task 1 13

course work 2 ---- Short Program Task 2 15

course work 3 ---- Short Program Task 3 17

course work 4 ---- Individual Program Project 19

course work 5 ---- Group Project 21

Lecture Plan 24

3. Lectures 25

Lecture 1 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) 25

1.1 Procedural Programming 25

1.2 Object-Oriented Programming 25

Lecture 2 Classes and Data Encapsulation 27

2.1 Introduction 27

An example of class: 27

2.2 Classes 28

2.3 Example Program Using Classes 29

Example Class Definition 29

Example Class Implementation 30

2.4 Data Encapsulation 31

Diagram of Data Encapsulation 31

Lecture 3 Abstraction and Constructors 32

3.1 Abstraction 32

An Interface and Implementation of a Cassette Player. 32

3.2 An Introduction to Constructors 32

3.3 Copy Constructor 34

Lecture 4 Pointer (*) and Destructor (~) 35

4.1 Memory and the whole machine 35

Operating System Core (Kernel) 35

Processes 35

Disk Cache 35

4.2 Memory and the process 36

Executable Machine Code 36

Static Memory 36

Stack Memory 36

Dynamic Memory 36

4.3 Pointers 37


4.3.1 An Example of Accessing an Array using Pointers 39

4.4 Principles of dynamic memory 40

4.4.1 Objects on the heap 41


4.4.2 Arrays on the heap 41


4.5 The Destructor 42

Lecture 5 Polymorphism 43

5.1 Some Definitions 43

Overloading The use of the same (function) name for similar facilities. 43

5.2 Overloading Ordinary Functions 43

5.3 Defaulting Function Arguments 43

An Example of Defaulting Function Arguments 44

5.4 Overloading Constructors 45

4.6 An Example of Overloading Constructors 45

Lecture 6 Composition and Inheritance 46

6.1 Relationships "HAS-A" versus "IS-A" 46

6.2 Composition in Practice 46

6.3 Inheritance 47

What is inheritance ? 47

Example: 47

6.4 Public, Private and Protected members 48

6.5 Public, Private and Protected Derivations 49

Derived Class Access 49

Lecture 7 Object-oriented design using uml 51

7.1 design 51

7.2 UML 51

7.3 use case diagram 52

7.4 use care diagram examples 52

Lecture 8 Static Data Members and Methods, 54

Static Binding and Dynamic Binding 55

8.1 Static Member Variables 55

8.2 Static Member Functions 55

8.3 Static binding 56

8.4 Dynamic binding 56

8.5 An example of Dynamic Binding 57

Step 1 58

Step 2 59

Step 3 59

Lecture 9 Advanced Techniques (1) 61

9.1 Inline Function 61

9.2 Inline Member Functions 62

9.3 Implicit Inlining 63

9.4 Friendship in Principle 64

What ? 64

Why ? 64

How ? 64

9.5 Granting Friendship to an Ordinary Function 65


9.6 Granting Friendship to a Method of Another Class 66

9.7 Granting Friendship to Another Class 67

Lecture 10 Advanced Techniques (2) 68

10.1 Operator Overloading - in principle 68

10.2 Operator Overloading - the equality test 69

10.3 Operator Overloading - assignment 70

Lecture 11 Templates (extra reading) 71

11.1 Function Templates 71

What are function templates ? 71

Why use function templates? 71

11.2 Example code without function templates 71

11.3 Creating a function template. 72

11.4 Using function templates. 72

11.5 Function templates with multiple data types 73

11.6 Class Templates 74

Example program using the class template 76

11.7 Container Classes and the S.T.L. 77

4 Materials for Lectures 78

5. Materials for Seminars 79

Seminar 1. Pre-Processors 79

1.2 The phases of compilation 80

1.3 The Role of the Preprocessor 83

Seminar 2. Exerices 85

Seminar 3 Exercises 88

Seminar 4 Exercises 89

Seminar 5 Exercises 90

Seminar 6 Exercises 91

Seminar 7-10 Group Project Meeting 91

Seminar 11 Group Project Presentation 91

Materials for Labs 92

Lab 1. Using C++ Builder to create projects 92

Lab 2 Exercises 93

Lab 3 Exercises 93

Lab 4 Exercises 94

Lab 5 Exercises 95

Lab 6 Exercises 95

Lab 7 Exercises 95

Lab 8 Exercises 95

Lab 9 Exercises 96

Lab 10 Exercises 96

Lab 11 Exercise 96

Lab 12 Exercise 96

6. SAMPLE EXAM PAPER …………………………………………………………… 93
1. An Overview

1.1  Preface

Welcome to the module of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and Design. This module aims to provide:

·  An introduction to the concepts of object orientation using C++.

·  An opportunity to enable students to re-use classes from the C++ libraries provided.

·  The techniques to design and develop a software using UML (Unified Modeling Language).

It is hoped the this module challenging, informative, relvant and enjoyable.

Any suggestions and evaluations about this module handbook and all other aspects of your learning experiences of this mudole over the coming semester will be warmly received and welcome.

Xiaohong Gao, module leader

Bounds Green, office 2C23

Telephone : 020 8411 2252


1.2  The module teaching team

Member of staff









Dr. Xiaohong Gao


Module Leader

Seminars /




/ 2C23

Mike Batchelor



Seminars /


/ /

1.3  About this Handbook

This handbook is not a complete set of learning materials for the work in the module. In addition to handbook, there is a recommended core text, seminars, computer labs and lectures. Students need to make full use of all these learning resources, and beyond – using materials from object oriented programming and C++ programming books in the libraries (e.g. at Bounds Green), following up materials from lectures by readling, seminars and practical work in the labs and your own time.

1.4  Overall Learning Objectives of CMT2050

The learning objectives of a module are the things that you should be able to do at the end of module. The coursework and exams are the estimation methods to test whether you have achieved the objectives. On passing the module you will be confident at writing object oriented programs using C++ language.

At the end of module you will be able to:

·  Describe the application of object oriented principles in the process of program design.

·  Discuss and critique the implementation quality of a set of classes.

·  Using C++ to write classes and libraries.

·  Using UML to design a software system with object oritation.

1.5 Acknowlegements

This handbook has been built upon materials originally authored by Alastair Measures, Janet Rix, and many other members in CMT group. Their contributions are gratefully acknowledged. 2 Learning Unit Narrative (LUN) ---- Official Module Information





PRE-REQUISITE CMT1501 or equivalent


This module aims to deepen your understanding of object-oriented concepts. It introduces an abstract modelling notation (UML) and puts theory into practice with C++. The module is designed to enable the students to both reuse classes from the libraries provided and to design and develop new classes.


¨  data abstraction, abstract data types and class design.

¨  class design using a graphicak notation such as UML.

¨  classes; constructors, destructors, instances, default constructors

¨  methods / member functions, virtual functions, pure and null functions

¨  data types; public, private and protected

¨  class hierarchies; inheritance, overloading, polymorphism

¨  container classes, ownership

¨  friend functions and friend classes.

¨  templates and template libraries


At the end of this module you should be able to:-


¨  explain the software engineering issues and objectives leading to object orientation.

¨  explain the principles of encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.

¨  describe the application of object oriented principles in the process of program design.

¨  explain the object oriented features and syntax of C++.

¨  design and analysis an object-oriented software using UML.


Cognitive Skills

¨  discuss and critique the design quality of a set of classes expressed in UML.

¨  discuss and critique the implementation quality of a set of classes implemented in C++.

Subject Specific Skills

¨  use C++ to write classes.

¨  use software tools to build programs from re-usable components.

¨  Implement an object-oriented design with appropriate C++ features.

¨  Express the design of a class library in a clear and systemaatic manner using UML.

Transferable Skills

¨  working together with peers in preparing a group project report and presentation.


¨  Weekly lectures will deliver theory and principles with the aid of examples.

¨  Weekly seminars will build on the lectures with practical design exercises and group problem solving.

¨  Weekly supervised laboratory sessions will support students to strengthen their programming skills.

¨  Weekly self-study will be used for reading, studying the examples provided and completing assessed tasks.


Core Texts

¨  Jo Ann Smith, DEVELOPING PROJECTS USING OBJECT ORIENTED C++. International Thomson Publishers, 1999. ISBN 0-7600-1107-9.

Additional Texts

¨  H. M. Deitel and P. J. Deitel, C++ How to Program, 2/e. Prentice Hall, 1998. ISBN 0-13-528910-6

¨  R. C. LEE and W. M. Tepfenhart, UML and C++, A Protical Guide to Object_Oriented Development, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, 2001. ISBN 0-13-029040-8.


Unseen Examination 40 % 3 questions from 5

Coursework 20 % Short Programs

Coursework 20 % Individual Project

Coursework 20 % Group Project


Lecture 1:30

Seminars 1:00

Laboratory 1:30

Total Study Hours per Semester 180:00


For this module: the coursework forms 60% of the assessment, relative to the exam which forms the remaining 40%. This recognises and rewards the higher level of effort that the coursework for this module demands.

The coursework for this module includes several parts: short programming tasks, a group project and an individual project. Students are required to attempt all three parts. Each of the three parts of the coursework accounts for one third of the coursework marks.

The Logbook

The logbook must have a copy of the “logbook cover sheet” [copy from next page] attached to the outside of the front cover. Do remember to fill in all the necessary details on the cover sheet.

The logbook should accumulate marked copies of your short programming tasks and individual projects. It is regarded as normal to have several versions of the same task as your skills improve in the light of feedback from your tutor.

Your programs and diagrams should be printed out, glued in and signed off (by your tutor) at the earliest opportunity. Please note that marks cannot be awarded without evidence (paper copies) of the work. This applies no matter what has been lost, stolen or vomitted upon by the dog!. Your programs and diagrams should be printed out, glued in and signed off (by your tutor) at the earliest opportunity.

The logbooks should be submitted to the student office before the end of the semester.

Please note that work contained in your logbook is not marked after you submit it to the student office at the end of the semester. After the end of the semester: the logbooks are needed for quality assurance purposes; such as checking the quality and consistency of marking. This checking is done by internal and external moderators.

Web Pages

Using the module home page you will be able to access documents detailing each piece of coursework you are required to do.

Each document will supply:

Cover Page: when relevant

The Task: exactly what you are being asked to provide.

The Learning Objective: why this tasks is a good thing to do.

Guidance on Deliverables: advice and guidance to help you.

The Marking Criteria: how a grade is decided.

The Deadline: when it should be done by.


CMT 2050:

Object Oriented Programming and Design

Semester 2, 2001/2002 Logbook Cover Page

DEADLINE: 3:00pm, 13th May 2002

Family Name

First Name

Student Number

Marks for the Coursework



/ Lab tutor Signature / Grade / Lab Tutor Signature
Short 1 / Individual project
Short 2
Short 3
/ Group Project

Module Leader: Dr. Xiaohong Gao

School of Computing Science

Bounds Green


Ext: 2252

Room: 2C23

The short programming tasks

These tasks are intended to develop your understanding of the constructs and techniques introduced in lectures. You should complete each, and get it assessed in your programming laboratory, before moving on to the next.

These tasks should be demonstrated and marked in the programming laboratory time. You may get a particular task assessed more than once, if it was not up to the standard required originally. Your tutor can explain any problems on screen or when it is assessed. You may also be asked questions about your program, or be asked to make changes to prove that you understand it. On satisfactory completion: you should printout a copy of the program and glue it into a logbook. The tutor must also make a note on their master mark sheet and initial each page of your program, and also sign your logbook cover sheet appropriately.

There will be a number of these “Short Programming Tasks” and they will be available on the module web pages, complete with marking criteria et cetera.

The Individual Project

These projects are intended to allow you demonstrate your understanding and capability in developing software using the constructs and techniques covered by this module.

You should choose one of the topics and develop your project based around it. If there is a different topic which interests you and is of similar complexity to the ones listed then you may attempt it; but only with the agreement of your tutor and lecturer. The purpose of requiring such agreement is to prevent students attempting projects which are too ambitious or that risk taking up too much of their time. If you have a topic in mind then please type up an outline description of the topic and show it to you tutor and then to your lecturer.