2011-12 OASFAA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Franklin University

April 20, 2012



Stephanie Sutton*

Cheryl Willard*

Ann Marie Gruber*

Angela Johnson*

Kim Nash-Yore

Melanie Weaver*

Matt Moore*

Emily Mattison*

Carrie Short*

Lawrence Matthews*

Chad Foust*

Todd Everett


Committee Chairperson


Pamela Arrington

Michele Barry*

Tamika Braswell*

John Brown*

Leigh Cameron

Mary Cannon

Stefanie Channell

Christina Comanitz

Jeff Daniels

Becky Davis

Bev Dalheim

Valerie Fultz*

Mary Kay Freshour*

Randy Green*

Linda Hayes

Jeff Johnston

Michael Jones*

MorraLee Keller

Leann Kendzerski

Val Kepner*

Kevin Lamb

Tony Leprotti*

Carolyn McCluskey*

Lea Mederer*

Andrea Morrow

Mary Lynn Perri

Venus Puliafico*

Ed Recker*

Amanda Reisinger*

Sam Selvage*

Michiale Schneider

Sonia Slomba

Lee Ann Timmerman

Randy Ulses


*denotes attendance

I. Welcome & Icebreaker Cheryl Willard

Share an OASFAA memory from the past year. (Funny, sincere, a-ha moment, etc.)

II. Approval of Minutes/Secretary’s Report Melanie Weaver

Ann Marie made a motion to accept. Lawrence Matthews seconded. The motion passed.

III. Treasurer’s Report Matt Moore

The Challenge grant line is not final with more checks coming.

IV. Old Business Stephanie Sutton

Matt Moore did research on an auditor. Our tax preparer recommended an auditor for non-profits. We are working to get a quote from them.


V. New Business

1. Election Results

President-Elect – Randy Green

Vice President for Training – Matt Moore

Secretary – Sonia Slomba

Treasurer-Val Kepner

Northeast – Bridget

Northwest – Jayme Jarrett

Southeast – Stacey Debowski

Southwest – Lasaundra

2. Conference collection challenges (unpaid registrations)

We continue to have balances from prior conferences. About $4000 is still unpaid from the last 4 or 5 conferences. A discussion was held about how to handle balances in the future. Additional information is under the conference report. Carrie Short asked whether we should consider having a separate conference fee for non-members. Amanda Reisinger asked whether ATAC could be set to prevent future conference registration until an outstanding balance is paid. Matt Moore suggested we contact the primary contact at each institution to let them know who is unpaid or possible the accounts payable office. Cheryl Willard suggested automatically including membership cost in Winter Conference registration. Randy Green suggested reversing the process and offering a discount for conference for members. Mary Kay Freshour asked if we had a process of writing the balance off after a certain time span, especially for those who are no longer at the same institution. John Brown we suggested we bill the institution directly for outstanding balances. Ann Marie Gruber asked if the amount due in comparison to what is collected overall is worth turning people away at the registration table. Emily Mattison suggested that we establish our budget around this cost of doing business. Credits cards were again discussed but prior research indicated that accepting credit cards was very expensive for OASFAA.

VI. Reports

1. Regional Representatives

a) Northeast Carrie Short

1. Summary of activities: discussed conference session agenda with other regional representatives, sent conference registration reminder email to northeast region

b) Northwest Lawrence Matthews

1. Summary of activities: The third meeting for the NW region took place at Heidelberg University on Friday, March 30:

• 9:30 Arrive and Refreshments

• 10-10:30 Introductions and Hot Topics

o review of Budget Control and Consolidated Appropriation Acts

• 10:30-11:30 AM Verification, Conflicting Information, and PJ: (best practices)

• 11:30-12 Noon SAP best practices, with a focus on the upcoming summer term

• 12-12:45 DL reconciliation and Default Prevention (best practices)

• Buffet lunch and continued conversation at local restaurant

21 attended from 13 institutions. Interaction/discussion was lively and pertinent. Evaluations were all very positive and the timing for these topics was well received. Eating lunch at the conclusion of the meeting and off-site was well received.

The buffet lunch total was $161.01 and Heidelberg University (Juli Weininger) insisted on covering the morning refreshments. I thanked her on behalf of OASFAA.

2. Activities Planned but not yet completed:

• Break out at Spring Conference in consultation with other Regional Reps and OASFAA Exec

Lawrence indicated that he tried a new schedule of a three hour meeting followed by lunch and it was very successful.

c) Southeast Chad Foust

No Report

d) Southwest Todd Everett

1. Summary of activities: Planning for regional meeting at Spring Conference.

2. Activities planned but not yet completed: Spring Conference Regional Meeting

2. President-Elect Cheryl Willard

a) Associate Member Relations Mary Lynn Perri, Michele Barry

1. Summary of activities:

OASFAA Spring Conference will include 14 vendors

($14000 in fees and $4000 in additional sponsorships)

$18000 in total sponsorship

A vendor appreciate dinner invite has been sent out to all exhibitors and awaiting RSVP’s by 5/1/12

2. Activities planned but not yet completed:

Additional sponsorship opportunities were discussed but not implemented for spring conference. Smaller sponsorship packages will be determined for Winter 2012

b) Communications/Web Michiale Schneider, Val Kepner

1. Summary of activities:

In the process of getting the next edition of the newsletter out; have a number of articles & intend to have it out prior to conference. We have not had a lot of activity on the OASFAA FaceBook page but if we could encourage members of the Executive Committee to start using it to announce upcoming trainings or events (Angela Johnson did a nice job with advertising the spring conference) we may start to gain more interest.

2. Activities planned but not yet completed:

*Second newsletter of the year

*Look at ways to use FaceBook more effectively (ongoing)

3. Progress on committee’s 2011-12 goals:

Moving along

c) Finance Cheryl Willard

Summary of activities:

The committee is researching the way MASFAA and MASFAA states conduct audits, including who is involved, documents that are reviewed, and associated costs.

OASFAA Executive Committee will be updated on their findings.

d) Membership Christina Comanitz, Lea Mederer

e) Nominations Cheryl Willard

1. 2012-13 Ballot Confirmed:

Offices and Candidates

• President-Elect

Randy Green

• Vice President for Training

Scott Lehman

Carolyn McCluskey

Matthew Moore

• Secretary

Sam Selvage

Sonia Slomba

Christy West

• Treasurer-Elect

Todd Everett

Valerie Kepner

Melanie Weaver

• Northeast Regional Representative

Adam DiIulio

Bridgett Lallathin

Tricia (Canfield) Pangonis

• Northwest Regional Representative

Jayme Jarrett

Tony Leprotti

• Southeast Regional Representative

Stacey Dibowski

Regina Harper

Leann Kendzerski

• Southwest Regional Representative

Emmett Cooper

La Saundra Craig

Erica Henry

Voting will close at 5 pm on April 18th. If all candidates have been contacted with voting results prior to the Executive Board Meeting on April 20, voting results will be announced to members of the Executive Committee during our meeting.

Activities planned but not yet completed:

1. Finalize 2012-13 Executive Board.

2. OASFAA Transition Meeting is being planned for June 20, 2012. This will be a one-day event. Marriott Northwest, Columbus area. All members of 2011-12 and 2012-13 Executive Committee will be invited. 2012-13 Trustees attendance is required (and appreciated!).

MASFAA Leadership Symposium and Summer Institute will be held June 5-8. Carrie Short and Sonia Slomba will be attending the symposium for OASFAA. Cheryl also asked for nominations for MASFAA awards.

3. Past-President Ann Marie Gruber

a) Association Governance and Planning Jeff Daniels, Randy Ulses

1. Summary of activities:

• None

2. Activities planned but not yet completed:

• Will update P&P for web following exec meeting (in case another change is made)

• Changes regarding quorum and membership passed this year

3. Progress on committee’s 2011-12 goals:

• Re-examination from top down of P&P will have to occur this summer in prep for 2012-13 exec decisions

Stephanie recommended we work on a policy for registration fees and membership.

b) Financial Review Ann Marie Gruber

c) Regulatory-Federal Randy Green, Venus Puliafico

1. Summary of activities:

a. Spring Conference (Venus)

i. Venus worked with Bev to secure panel for school specific “Birds of a Feather” interest sessions:

2. Activities planned but not yet completed:

a. Newsletter to precede Spring Conference registration

b. Continued examination of Data Retrieval Tool results

c. Continued work on “Birds of a Feather” session

d) Regulatory-State Leann Kendzerski, Tony Leprotti

4. VP-Conferences Angela Johnson

a) Conference Planning Angela Johnson

1. Summary of activities:

On April 11, a small team of Conference Committee chairs held a final conference call to wrap up conference logistics. Conference planning is moving along pretty aggressively with lots to complete by April 30. There had been many delays in the submission of several sessions and we are still adding content.

The Conference Theme is Step It Up….with the changing landscape in financial aid, the theme will focus on the various challenges in helping students complete amongst an ever-changing financial aid environment.

A few special features

• Keynote Speaker - Mark Kantrowitz, publisher of Fastweb.com and FinAid.org, will discuss college affordability on Monday, May 7

• State Update - David Cannon, Vice President Chancellor of Finance and Data Management and Brady Oxender, Legislative Liaison from the Ohio Board of Regents will discuss the Chancellor’s latest agency initiatives that are impacting your campuses on Tuesday, May 8

• Federal Update - Bryon Scott, Federal Trainer from the U.S. Department of Education will provide current information on various federal updates, which will become effective July 1, 2012

• Legislative staffer from Senator Portman’s Office, Steve White, may join us as an attendee, available to meet with members who may want to discuss concerns about financial aid legislative – Confirmation Pending

Conference Registration: Conference registration opened on March 1. To date, we have 218 registrants (compared to 231 at Spring 2011 Conference). We continue to seek volunteers for the registration table. If any board members are interested in volunteering at the registration booth, please see Andrea Morrow (Registration Chair).

Now at 221 registrations. This puts us 10 behind last year but we typically get about 30 on site.

Conference Entertainment: John Brown and Michael Jones (Entertainment Co-Chairs) have finalized the conference entertainment plans. We will have DJ Trivia. A DJ will provide a trivia game or all who want to participate. John/Michael will finalize the team concept that will be used. Participants may win prizes based on points. Following the trivia game, we will have a DJ on site for dancing for the remainder of the night in the ballroom. Entertainment is planned to begin at 7:30pm, to take place immediately following dinner.

Also, the Annual Golf Outing is planned for Sunday, May 6 at 12pm. John/Michael are still collecting golf participants and finalizing teams.

Conference Program: Lee Ann Timmerman has stepped in as co-chair with Stefanie Channell as Conference Chair beginning March. We are in the review phase for the Conference Program. We plan to have the final program available on the website by April 30.

Conference Sponsorship: Mary Lynn Perri and Michele Barry (Sponsorship Co-Chairs) have reported that we have secured 14 exhibitors and 2 ads for the Spring Conference. We will have a total as $18,000 in sponsorship. Also, the Exhibitor Thank You Dinner is planned for Sunday, May 6 at 7pm.

2. Activities planned but not yet completed:

a. Finalize plans for the Scavenger Hunt or table the idea until Winter 2012

b. Develop conference survey questions

c. Finalize schedule for Committee Updates at the general/meal sessions to help recruit volunteers for committees where members may participate

d. Reviewing final edits to the conference program

3. Progress on committee’s 2011-12 goals:

Winter 2012 and Winter 2013 signed and contracts have been confirmed at the Renaissance Hotel in Downtown Columbus. The Spring 2013 Conference contract is in a “tentative state” pending the outcome of the Spring 2012 Conference experience.

4. Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:

Collection of conference fees and the registration table at conference and outstanding fees.

Below is an analysis of the outstanding conference-related fees (including registration fees, membership fees, and late fees).

Winter 2011 - 23

• Membership - $210

• Combination - $2,235

Spring 2011 – 6

• Membership - $90

• Combination - $185

Winter 2010 – 7

• Membership - $150

• Combination - $215

Spring 2010 – 4

• Membership - $60

• Combination - $225

Winter 2009 – 11

• Combination - $1,045

Total - $4,415

The winter conference planning meeting will be held on July 18, 2012.

b) Registration Andrea Morrow

c) Entertainment John Brown, Michael Jones

1. Summary of activities: Michael Jones joined me as co-chair of the entertainment committee with the departure of Adam Ghiloni. Michael jumped right in and together we have been busy coming up with an entertainment idea for the Spring Conference. We took a couple of ideas to Angela and the three of us agreed that a team trivia night sounded like fun and would meet our budgetary constraints. Angela shared that idea with Stephanie Sutton along with the idea of having music afterwards. I contacted the hotel to see if they had a DJ that they recommended. They put me in touch with TEAM DJ. I checked out their website and found out they also do a trivia night. We have contracted with them to provide music throughout the evening and to host “DJ Trivia”. The golf outing is also set. We will be golfing at the Safari Golf Club. This is the same course as last year. I will be sending out an announcement to the OASFAA Listserv to invite anyone in the association that wishes to attend. Those registering for the conference could indicate their desire to play on-line. I will ask those not attending the conference to RSVP to me. The golf outing will begin at noon with the first tee time starting at 1:00.

2. Activities planned but not yet completed: Nothing to report at this time.

3. Progress on committee’s 2011-12 goals: Nothing to report at this time.

4. Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: Nothing to discuss unless there are questions for Michael or John.

d) Program Stefanie Channell

The program is in final review and will be online soon.

e) Site Becky Davis, Bev Dalheim

1. Summary of activities:

Everything is set for Conference. Equipment has been requested from member attending conference to cover our needs, room assignments have been made, the menu has been place. Working with Lee Ann Timmerman to proof the final program content.

2. Activities planned but not yet completed:

Volunteers are need for stuffing packets Sunday night before conference. If anyone will be available that evening, please contact Andrea.

f) Leadership Valerie Fultz, Pam Arrington

A meeting will be held about leadership today. A save the date was sent.

g) Professional Development Sonia Slomba, Mary Kay Freshour

No Report

5. VP-Training (Report is under NASFAA Training) Kim Nash-Yore

a) College Goal Sunday MorraLee Keller, Leigh Cameron, Amanda Reisinger

1. Summary of activities:

 Continue to submit reimbursement requests

 Completed USAFunds Final Report

2. Activities planned but not yet completed:

 Committee meeting to select 2013 date and design applications for 2013 sites

 Distribute site application on May 1st to all education organization list serves

 Compile statistics and final reports for Lumina and Great Lakes

 Submit grant applications for 2013 event

 Waiting on CGS to provide training in May for site coordinators to see results of student/parent surveys