Numeracy Weekly Plan – Block C Unit 1

DAY 5 / Introduction / Quick Activity / Main Activity / Extension / Plenary / Resources
L.I- I can use a scale to display data
Must- I can collect data to use in a pictogram
Should- I can read a pictogram and say what it tells me
Could- I can use the data to create my own pictogram / Recap frequency and tallies
Introduce pictograms-
Show the bicycle pictogram and discuss how many etc.
follow the steps to create a pictograms that shows the use of scale- / Children should use the skills they have practiced already to create their data for main activity- Piggy bank activity sheets. / Use the data created to produce a pictogram in Numeracy books using cut out piggy bank images.
Remind children to attempt to use a scale to represent their data, record the scale they have used etc. / Answer the question sheet about the piggy bank data /
Encourage children to use the skills learnt so far to help you complete this and to use their reasoning skills to select the correct graph. / Piggy bank resource sheet
Piggy bank question sheet (ext)
Numeracy books
Day 6 / Introduction / Quick Activity / Main Activity / Extension / Plenary / Resources
Learning Intention:
I can choose and use the appropriate unit of measurement
Success Criteria:
·  Know what mm, cm, m and km stand for
·  Decide which unit of measurement is best suited to an object
Recall the relationship between the units of measurement and use this to discuss why a unit is best suited to a given object / Introduction:
M and O- Discuss and recap upon x10 and dividing by ten, by 100 and 1000-aim to get quick fire responses.
Explain that this week will are still working within our handling data topic but we are now beginning to look at recording results when using units of measurement. / Quick Activity:
Write ‘km’, ‘m’, ‘m’ and ‘mm’ on the board in a jumbled order. Ask them to discuss in partners the meaning and then the ordering of these units of measurement. Then ask them to give an example of when each of these units might be used i.e- km for measuring distance from London to Portsmouth.
Record the relationship on the board- 1km= 1000m; 1 metre = 100 cm; 1 cm= 10mm. / Split class into groups of 3 to carry out measurement activity.
They must use the record sheet to predict, choose an appropriate unit of measurement and equipment and record the actual measurement. / Choose another object in the classroom and make a prediction and measure it. / Link thinking back to the relationship between mm cm m and km and challenge the children to come up with some more equivalents i.e. 2 metres is the same a s 200 cm.
Pose questions for them to answer- how many cm are there in …etc. / Rulers, metre rules, tape measures
Record sheet
Day 7 / Introduction / Quick Activity / Main Activity / Extension / Plenary / Resources
L.I- I can plan and carry out a length investigation
Must- measure a set distance accurately
Should- plan a question to investigate with a partner
Could-record your data thinking about how you can make it reliable / Explain that today the children will be challenged to plan and carry out their own investigation into length- focusing on a 20 metre distance.
Give them an example- How many strides will it take to cover 20 metres?
Explain that they will need to find a space on the playground and mark out 20 metres. They will then need to investigate their movement across this distance.
Tell them the equipment that will be available and encourage them to discuss ideas about what they could investigate with a partner.
Metre sticks, hula hoops, balls, cones, coits, skipping ropes etc will be available.
Share ideas as a class / Sketch a grid onto paper that will allow you to record your data- allow them to do this roughly so that they can make changes to layout as they go.
Make it a rule that they must have a prediction and more than one test- discuss reliability / Give the pairs the freedom to investigate their chosen question, allowing plenty of time for them to collect data- they may like to have a go with another group so that each groups data is extended to 4 children / What your result close to your prediction? How many metres would it have taken to reach your prediction? Can you measure it? / Share some of the results and record them onto the board.
20 metres
12 rolls of the hula
22 strides
34 bunny hops / Metre sticks, hula hoops, balls, cones, coits, skipping ropes etc will be available
Day 8 / M&O / Introduction / Quick Activity / Main Activity / Extension / Plenary / Resources
L.I- I can use a ruler to measure using decimals
Must- with help I can mark a ruler from 0cm to 1cm
Should- I can measure a picture accurately using decimals
Could- I can challenge myself to add two decimal measurements together. / Draw a horizontal line on the board with 0 at one end and 1cm at the other- get the children to recap what numbers go in between the two already placed.
If they need help- mark the intervals that appear in between the 2 numbers onto the board.
Discuss 0.1-0.9 as decimals and extend thinking onto what will come after 1cm? / Use ITP Ruler and add on the option of several lines to measure
Write onto post it notes the measurements that appear and ask the children to discuss which line should be matched with each measurement.
Measure and discuss their predictions. / All- Complete the fish measurement sheet.
HA- must complete the challenge section to extend their thinking of crossing intervals when adding 2 decimals.
MA- focus on accuracy of measurement. / Choose 2 more fish to add the decimals together / Share some of the measurements and discuss how easy/ hard everyone found it to be so accurate.
Discuss challenge of adding decimals and give whole class to have a go at doing this.
Discuss the importance of units, tenths and hundredths. / Rulers
ITP ruler
Fish measurement sheet
Day 9 / M&O / Introduction / Quick Activity / Main Activity / Extension / Plenary / Resources
L.I- I can use my knowledge of perimeter to solve a problem
Must: Remember how to find the perimeter of a shape
Should: Use this knowledge to find answers to a problem
Could: Find more than one answer to the problem and be able to explain it / Recap perimeter- use the appropriate slides on the powerpoint (ignore AREA questions) and record clearly the rule for finding the perimeter of a shape –length + width + length + width. / Read the problem (Slides 11 and 12) to the class and ask the children to discuss their ideas for what they might need to do- the most focused will realize that they will need to foolw a structure to find all the possible ways of creating the enclosure.
Remind them the enclosure must be exactly 36m perimeter and must be a RECTANGLE! / Allow children to investigate the question on A3 paper in pairs- this way they can cross out enclosures that do not meet the criteria. / What would be the perimeter of the enclosure if an identical one was placed adjoining the 1st i.e. sharing the centre fence?
/ Share some of the ideas and findings
Which group found the most possibilities that met both of the criteria?
If 2 adjoining enclosures were added onto the original, what would the perimeter be? Test whether the children measure all 3 separately or the one clear perimeter of the whole object. /,12
A3 paper