Meeting Minutes
June 8, 2011
Prior to the meeting Dr. Wade, Dr. Ivester, and President Dougherty presented MAW Awards to Caterpillar and Tencate. Adie Shimandle presented a Certificate of Appreciation to retiring Board member Kathy Blalock, and President Dougherty presented Ms. Blalock with a plaque commemorating her service on the board.
Opening: Chairman Jim Wade called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. He welcomed Adie Shimandle and thanked all the members who arrived early to tour the Cosmetology Program.
Members Present: Jim Wade, Chan Caudell, Don Jamison, Emily Dunn, Rebecca King, Kathy Blalock
Members Absent: Joe Wilbanks, Jeff Gooch, Jeremy Henderson, Al Huber
Guest Present: Adie Shimandle
Staff Present: Steve Dougherty, Rex Bishop, Mike King, Mark Ivester, Jeannie Barrett
Invocation and Introductions
· Ms. Kathy Blalock delivered the invocation.
Approval of Agenda
A motion to approve the agenda was made by Ms. Blalock, seconded by Mr. Caudell, and approved by all.
Approval of Minutes
A motion to approve the minutes of the May 11, 2011, meeting was made by Ms. Dunn, seconded by Mr. Caudell, and approved by all.
President’s Report
· Thanked Adie for making the special trips to Blairsville to conduct training. Rebecca and Jeremy have completed the workshop training for certification and are working on the activities check list. Congratulations to both on their initiatives to complete these workshops.
· TCSG is beginning a “College of the Year” award to be announced at the Leadership Conference being held October 31 – November 2 in Savannah at the Hyatt.
· Bruce Lane, CTD instructor, led an effort to support storm victims last month. Supplies were donated, and Bruce delivered the load to Gainesville to be distributed to Rome, Ringold, and Northwest Georgia.
· Meeting with Lamar Paris went very well. Lamar is on board with the property for the Blairsville expansion.
· Bob Roller is the new Cross Country Coach and is actively recruiting for the team. Training will begin August 1.
· Presentations on the HOPE changes and our semester conversion have been presented at several meetings throughout the past few months. The most current was Clayton Rotary.
· Groundbreaking at Currahee is scheduled for June 28 at 11 a.m. There is no real construction going on, but Casey Cagle, Jim Butterworth, and Michael Hardin were attending an afternoon event in Stephens County (Gem SE expansion) and added this event to their scheduled stops.
· Progress is being made on the Hoyt Coe building. You really can’t see much exterior improvement at this time but there is huge progress internally. Outstanding work going on and looks great.
· All the steel is up on the welding building. The sides and roof will be installed soon.
Chair’s Report
· A tour of the Cosmetology program was conducted at 2 p.m. Very impressed with the instructor, Kim Kimbrell. She said that her class was involved with an upcoming outreach project for disadvantaged students in Franklin County. Dr. Wade wants to make sure that some of the photography students are involved with this project.
· The next meeting is August 10 also New Student Registration. The registration process will be toured at 2 p.m.
· Remember that commencement is June 20 for Blairsville, and June 21 for Clarkesville and Currahee.
· Sandra Maughon presented a marketing report on website usage. They are able to track activity on NGTC website pages to monitor the impact of specific advertising. In May, the regular ads for new student registration included information on the articulation agreements. Correlating activity on the articulation page indicated a dramatic jump in hits, and further indicated that a significant number of viewers pursued this interest by clicking on the Online Application link. Continued review of web page activity will help us to further define our effective marketing strategy.
New/Old Business
· A motion to approve the Automotive Refinishing Assistant I TCC on the Clarkesville Campus effective Fall Semester 2011 (201212) was made by Mr. Jamison, seconded by Ms. Dunn, and approved by all.
· A motion to approve the Automotive Collision Repair Assistant I TCC on the Clarkesville Campus effective Fall Semester 2011 (201212) was made by Ms. King, seconded by Mr. Jamison, and approved by all.
· A motion to approve the Automotive Transmission/Transaxle Tech Specialist TCC on the Clarkesville Campus effective Fall Semester 2011 (201212) was made by Mr. Jamison, seconded by Ms. Blalock, and approved by all.
· A motion to approve proceeding with the application of the Associate of Science in Nursing Degree was made by Ms. Blalock, seconded by Mr. Caudell, and approved by all. Rex Bishop reported that an application to the nursing board has been made for the Associate of Science in Nursing Degree to be taught at NGTC. T he support of our board is needed to continue with this project. Mr. Caudell asked where these classes would be taught. Mr. Bishop responded that the classes would primarily be taught on the Clarkesville Campus but DLC would be utilized to accommodate more students. This is an expensive program to teach; but in order to maintain the strength of the LPN program , this move must be made.
The Financial Report
· A motion to accept the financial report as presented was made by Mr. Jamison, seconded by Ms. Dunn, and approved by all. Discussion was as follows:
Dr. Ivester reviewed the financial report and explained the swapping of MRR bond funds for state funds to reallocate expenses on the Welding Building. He explained the reduction in the anticipated equity reserve.
· A motion to approve the FY2012 budget was made by Mr. Jamison, seconded by Ms. Blalock, and approved by all. Discussion was as follows:
Dr. Ivester presented a handout of the proposed budget for FY2012. State funds reflect a 1.5% reduction. The largest reduction was the tuition which reflects a reduction of more than $1.5 million in anticipation of the drop in enrollment. The tuition was calculated at enrolling 2100 students taking 10.5 credit hours. This is a reduction from last fall.
President Dougherty stressed that enrollment is critical. There are currently 1600 students registered for Fall Semester. Hopefully, the additional 500 students needed to make these budgeted figures true will be registered before fall. The key is meeting the goal of 2100 registered students.
Ms. Dunn and Ms. Blalock suggested more presentations to the communities to sell our college. President Dougherty replied that this was an ongoing project. In addition to the presentations he has made in the communities, all high schools have been visited and the response has been great. Other community presentations have been planned.
Mr. Jamison wanted to know if they were really expecting a 35% cut. President Dougherty explained that the decrease is largely due to the HOPE changes and the semester conversion. Mr. Jamison wanted to know if loans would be an option to the students and President Dougherty responded yes.
Dr. Wade wanted to know if we were receiving any federal moneys this year. Dr. Ivester responded that we have a great grant writer and will more than likely receive funds from agencies such as ARC, but is not expecting any stimulus money. President Dougherty agreed with this assumption based on the cuts that many federal agencies are experiencing.
President Dougherty said that the budget has been challenging this year. Everything has been cut to the bone. He explained that the operating budget is everything except personnel. RIF plans are already in place for some technical colleges as you may have read about. Personnel will be cut as a last resort. Our plan is to initially rollout 50% of the budget, and take another look at the figures in September after the fall enrollment numbers come in before releasing the remainder of the budget.
· A motion to approve the consent agenda was made by Mr. Caudell, seconded by Mr. Jamison, and approved by all.
· A motion to adjourn was made at 4:35 p.m. by Ms. Blalock, seconded by Mr. Caudell, and approved by all. The next meeting is August 10, 2011.
Minutes submitted by: Approved by:
___________________________ ___________________________
President Chairman of the Board of Directors
North Georgia Technical College North Georgia Technical College