Nominations to the Literacy Nova Scotia Board of Directors
Regional Representative: 1 position
Northern Region
(Colchester, Cumberland & Pictou)
Learner Representatives: 3 positions
There are three learner representative positions open for new nominations or for the re-nomination of the current representatives.
*Please note: Two of the current incumbents have agreed to have their names stand for re-nomination.
*The individual making the nomination should complete this page
Position (Regional, Learner, Business):________________________________________
Candidate’s Name: ________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: __________________________________________________________
Telephone: ________________________Email: ___________________________
Nominated by: ________________________
Signature of person making the nomination: ____________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Telephone: _________________________E-mail: __________________________
Please return this form to the Nominating Committee by November 3, 2014 by email: or fax to 897-4020.