Nina Libin - Beaded Earrings ( Finger Tatting)

The Online Tatting Class welcomes back Nina Libin as she shares her design for beaded earrings. Many thanks.

Finger Tatting

Using a half of yard of cut thread put one end in your left hand with about a 6 inch tail dangling in the manner of wrapping your hand for shuttle tatting. Then put other end in your right hand holding the very tip of the tail between your right thumb and forefinger.

Wrap the thread around your left hand as if to make a ring while flipping the other end of the thread over your right hand (just pretend there is a shuttle); tat a ds.

Approach the working area and using the finger tips "poke", "roll", "push", "slide", "shove" or "drop" the tail end over the ring thread in the traditional over/under and under/over movements.

Nina's Basic Earring Pattern

This is a basic pattern, which can be repeated with beads in a number of variations. For one earring take 1.25 yard of thread and finger tat the sample following the pattern below:

Symbols used through the pattern:

1, 2 = the number indicates repetition of ds - = a regular picot

-- = a long picot

~ = switch the shuttles in the middle of split ring

1) R: 2 - 2 -- 2 - 2 close ring

2) SR: 2 - 2 ~ 2 - 2 close ring

3) CH: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1compress chain to enhance curve

4) SR: 2 - 2 ~ 2 - 2 close ring

5) Join ring 4) to the thread between rings 1) and 2), tie and hide the tails.

Copyright Nina Libin, 2000

Variations of the Basic Earring with Beads

For 1 earring take 1.25 yards of thread, needled on both tails and finger tat an earring following the pattern, picking up the beads as you go: refer to symbols list above and

·: = two beads 'up' (on the picot) one bead 'down' (on the shuttle thread)

: = one bead 'up' (on the picot) one 'down' (on the shuttle thread)

···· = multiple 'up' (on the picot) beads

Please Remember




R: 2 ·: 2 ······ 2 ·: 2 close ring

Method: string ten beads; tat 2 ds; slide two 'up' beads along the loop; pick up one 'down' bead; tat 2 ds; slide six beads along the loop; tat 2 ds; slide two 'up' beads along the loop; pick up one 'down' bead; tat 2 ds close the ring.


SR: 2 ·: 2 ~ 2 ·: 2 close ring

Method: string three beads; tat 2 d;, slide 2 'up' beads along the loop; pick up 1 'down' bead; tat 2 ds; switch the shuttles; tat 2 ds; slide one 'down' bead along the loop; pick up one 'up' bead; tat 2 ds; close the ring.


CH: 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 compress chain to enhance curve

There are 15 picots on the chain.

Method: string fifteen beads; tat 1 ds; slide one 'up' bead towards ds; pick up one 'down' bead; tat 1 ds; **slide one 'up' bead towards ds; pick up one 'down' bead; tat 1 ds; ** repeat 13 more times; shape the chain.


SR: 2 ·: 2 ~ 2 ·: 2 close ring. (This split ring is similar to the one above.)


Join the last split ring to the thread between rings 1 and 2; tie and hide the tails.

For 1 earring take 1.25 yards of silver thread, needled on both tails; use 36 garnet beads 2mm and 13 garnet beads 3mm

refer to symbols list above


R: 2 ·: 2 ········ 2 ·: 2 close ring

Method: string twelve 2 mm (small) beads; tat 2 ds; slide two 'up' beads along the loop; pick up one 'down' bead; tat 2 ds; slide eight beads along the loop; tat 2 ds; slide two 'up' beads along the loop; pick up one 'down' bead; tat 2 ds close the ring.


SR: 2 ·: 2 ~ 2 ·: 2 close ring

Method: string three small beads; tat 2 d;, slide 2 'up' beads along the loop; pick up 1 'down' bead; tat 2 ds; switch the shuttles; tat 2 ds; slide one 'down' bead along the loop; pick up two 'up' bead; tat 2 ds; close the ring.


CH: 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1··· 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 compress chain for desired curve

There are 11 picots on the chain.

Method: string thirteen large beads; tat 1 ds;

slide one large bead towards ds; pick up one small bead; tat 1 ds;

slide one large bead towards ds; pick up one small bead; tat 1 ds;

slide one large bead towards ds; pick up one small bead; tat 1 ds;

slide one large bead towards ds; pick up one small bead; tat 1 ds;

slide one large bead towards ds; pick up one small bead; tat 1 ds;

slide three beads towards ds; tat 1 ds;

* slide one large bead towards ds; pick up one small bead; tat 1 ds; repeat from * 4 more times; shape the chain.


SR: 2 ·: 2 ~ 2 ·: 2 close ring. (This split ring is similar to the one above.)


Join the last split ring to the thread between rings 1 and 2; tie and hide the tails.

For 1 earring you will need 1.25 yards of thread, needled on both tails and seed beads size #9 in 3 different colors.


R: 2 : : 1 ·········· 1 : : 2 close ring. Method: string fourteen beads of color A

tat 2 ds; slide two 'up' beads along the loop color A; pick up two 'down' beads of color B;

tat 2 ds; slide ten beads along the loop color A;

tat 2 ds; slide two 'up' beads along the loop color A; pick up two 'down' beads of color B;

tat 2 ds; close the ring.


SR: 2 ·: 2 ~ 2 ·: 2 close ring.

Method: string two beads of color A and one bead of color B;

tat 2 ds; slide 2 'up' beads (color A) along the loop, pick up 1 'down' bead (color B);

tat 2 ds; switch the shuttles,

tat 2 ds; slide one 'down' bead (color B)along the loop; pick up three 'up' bead (color C);

tat 2 ds; close the ring.


CH: 1·:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1· : ·1:1····1:1· : ·1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1·:1 compress chain to curve.

There are a total of 21 picots on the chain.

Method: string beads in following order: 3 color B, 5 color A, 1 color B, 3 color C, 1 color B, 4 color C, 1 color B, 3 color C, 1 color B, 5 color A, 3 color B.

tat 1 ds; slide 2 'up' beads (color B) towards ds; pick up 1 'down' bead (color B); tat 1 ds;

slide 1 'up' bead (color B) towards last ds; pick up 1 'down' bead (color B); tat 1 ds;

*slide 1 'up' bead (color A) towards last ds; pick up 1 'down' bead (color A); tat 1 ds;

repeat from * 4 more times

slide 1 'up' bead (color B) towards last ds; pick up 1 'down' bead (color B); tat 1 ds;

slide 3 'up' beads (color C); pick up 1 'down' bead (color B) tat 1 ds;

slide 1 'up' bead (color B) towards last ds; pick up 1 'down' bead (color B); tat 1 ds;

slide 4 'up' beads (color C); tat 1 ds;

slide 1 'up' bead (color B) towards last ds; pick up 1 'down' bead (color B); tat 1 ds;

slide 3 'up' beads (color C) towards last ds; tat 1 ds;

slide 1 'up' bead (color B) towards last ds; pick up 1 'down' bead (color B); tat 1 ds;

*slide 1 'up' bead (color A) towards last ds; pick up 1 'down' bead (color A); tat 1 ds;

repeat from * 4 more times;

slide 1 'up' bead (color B)towards last ds; pick up 1 'down' bead (color B); tat 1 ds;

slide 2 'up' beads (color B) towards ds; pick up 1 'down' bead (color B); tat 1 ds;

Compress chain to shape and enhance the curve.


SR: 2 ·: 2 ~ 2 ·: 2 close ring.

Method: string 2 color A beads and 1 color B bead, start split ring, which is similar to the previous split ring.


Join the last split ring to the thread between rings 1 and 2; tie and hide the tails.

Copyright Nina Libin, 2000


Copyright Nina Libin, 2000