Newspaper Activities for 3rd Grade

(or any TAKS grade level)

by Nancy Matthews

3rd Grade

Golden Acres Elementary

Pasadena, TX

Reading TAKS Obj. 1: Meaning of words in a variety of written texts. (…by sorting, classifying, and identifying related words) (3.8D)

Writing TAKS Obj. 1: Writing precise word choices and vivid images (3.18C)

Expand your vocabulary and improve your creative writing by finding words in The Houston Chronicle. Find and list as many words as you can that fit into these categories:

types of pets words that begin with “m”

entertainment things that are round

types of vehicles things with motors

types of plants things that can be heard

jobs things made of plastic

words to describe you camping equipment

animals computer equipment

sports things that taste good

descriptive words for a new home activities done outside

types of fruit weather words

list many different customs (3.2B) religions

list many different cultures (3.2B) companies

feeling words (3.4A) political figures

comic characters furniture

countries clothing

cities TV shows