September 2, 2014

Dear Parents,

Welcome! I’m looking forward to working with your child as we move through the school year. This first newsletter is filled with tidbits about our classroom. I hope you find the information helpful. Future newsletters will be sent home every other week (or so). Look for them in the Wednesday Parent Packs. We will also have a class website. You can access the class website by going to and then follow these steps:

1. At the top left, choose your school : Lakewood Elementary

2. Click on the tap titled: Classroom WebPages

3. Click on my name: Mrs. Brewer

Specialist Schedule

Monday Library (Mrs. Ziemer)

Tuesday Music (Mrs. Hoback)

Thursday Computers (Raz-kids & tech. projects with Mrs. Evers/Mrs. Brewer)

Library (Mrs. Ziemer)

PE (Ms. Nelson)

Friday Music (Mrs. Hoback)

Home to School Folders: This will be one of the folders that you bought for your child as part of the supply list. Your child will keep this folder in his/her book holder at school and will take it home every day. One side of the folder will be labeled ‘take home’ and one side will be labeled ‘return to school’. Your child will put completed papers and projects in this folder. I will also put notes in this folder related to your child’s schoolwork. Please look for this folder to come home every day and have your child share the papers with you.

Parent Packs are the red folders that go home every Wednesday. They have classroom, school, and/or community related information in it. Our classroom newsletters and a weekly homework packet will also be in this parent pack. Please look for it every Wednesday and read through the information. Have your child return the Parent Pack folder to school on Thursdays.


Your child will be asked to read at least 10 minutes, 7 days per week. This is a big part of our class homework. Whenever you read a book to your child or your child reads a book to you, mark it on the attached calendar (check mark, star, sticker, etc.) and write down the title of the book on the back of the calendar. Keep this calendar on the refrigerator and return it to school at the end of the month.

You will also have a story/poem to read with an activity or two and math homework that comes home on Wednesdays. Please return this Wednesday homework to school within one week.

Word sorts (spelling) will begin in a few weeks….stay tuned for more information.


Your child is welcome to bring a snack. He/she will have an opportunity to eat a snack during the school day. A snack is different from a treat. Crackers, apples or granola bars work well.

Please pack the snack separate from his/her lunch so they can grab it when they need it. We do not share snacks but I will have a few crackers to available if someone forgot their snack for the day.


Birthdays are celebrated by recognizing the child in the classroom. We usually sing a birthday song at some point during the school day. If you choose to send treats for the class, these treats must be on the district’s acceptable food list. I have attached a list for you to keep at home. Treats must be pre-packaged and purchased at a store. You may drop off the treats in the office and we will pick them up during our snack time.

Class Code of Cooperation

During the first and second week of school we will be developing our code of cooperation (our classroom rules). When we finish this, we will send a copy home to you in the Wednesday parent packs.

Daily 5 Highlight

I will send information home about our Daily 5 activities. I will highlight one part of the Daily 5 each time. The first one Read to Self, is attached.

Thank you for all the support and encouragement you give your child!

Please call me with any questions or concerns at 652-4501, ext.5104. I am usually with students during the school day; however, I will call you back when I can if you leave a message. E-mail works great as I check it at least twice per day and in the evenings as well. My e-mail address is


Mrs. Brewer

Daily 5 Highlight of the Week


Read to Self

There are 3 ways to read a book:

1. Reading the Pictures

(look at the pictures; talk and think about them)

2. Reading the Words

(look at the words; read, talk and think about the words)

3. Retell the story

(retell the story using your own words: look, read and think about the pictures and words)

**When you read with your child at home, use these three ways to read a book!

We will practice them at school every day and we will Read to Self every day. Today, on the first day of school, we read for about 3 minutes! Everyone reading the whole time.

We will add minutes (build stamina) every day. Our goal is to Read to Self at least 10 minutes at school every day. Ask your child from time to time how many minutes we are reading.